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    doesn’t matter, had sex

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Its a pretty bad sign when a mental illness is treated as something else and then hammered with expensive drugs so crazy people can change their gender.
    This whole LGTBTYTYwhatever bullshit is hysterical. I just wish those sideshows didn’t have voting rights or any tax dollars spent to supplement their choice.
    Gay people are fine as long as they don’t dwell on their arbitrary sexual preference. Fags are annoying and can die. Transgender is a mental disorder. You might as well be giving people tinfoil hats and calling schizophrenia a lifestyle choice.


    If you knew the etymology of the word ‘hysterical,’ you’d understand why I find your response fucking hilarious.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I’m sure you’ve never used the word that way in your life…

    If you have to dwell on that and make up some bullshit you really don’t have much to offer.

    #3. Now fuckoff. Oh wait…fuck off. I wouldn’t want you to have to lay another one of those deep cutting critiques on me again for using a word that while widely used in the context that I did is not technically the correct usage.


    Wow. Who peed in your cheerios?


    A fag I guess


    Hysterical is an emotion. Non living things can’t get hysterical. Objects or situations are hilarious.

    “Gay people are fine” and “fags can die” spoken together is just bizarre man. Thank god you don’t matter.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Fag has taken on a whole new meaning in the past decade or so. Don’t worry I’m sure the news will reach your town at some point. Gay is a sexual preference. A fag is a whiny little bitch.

    Hysterical is not a form of hilarious. I suppose I could complete it and say hysterically funny because you felt the need to cry about it but why the fuck bother? You know what I meant and if that’s the best you can come up with to respond then you must agree with the rest.


    *sigh* here we go again…

    1/ Not a single scientific study has been able to demonstrate a single ounce of “choice” in sexuality and sexual identity.

    2/ 4 genes so far have been found to be highly correlated in gay or lesbian identifying individuals.

    3/ Sexual dimorphism of a human foetus happens, for the most part, in two ways: first, the brain begins to show gender-specific traits. Weeks later, the body begins to grow sex-specific gonads. So what does that mean? Development of the sexual identity of the brain and body are two separate and distinct events. A multitude of studies of GLBTetc brain formation have shown time and time again that the structural development of the brain in such people are neither fully “male” or “female” but exhibit various cross-phenotypic patterns.

    There is no choice in either sexual orientation or gender identity. If you want to ignore all the scientific literature that supports this view, and all the scientific literature that debunks your view… well, go back to the stone age where you belong


    oh and also GLBTetc states haven’t been considered “mental illnesses” in over a decade…

    seriously… stone age… go there

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Oh are we playing the bullshit game?

    There is no single credible scientific study that indicates a man is actually a woman trapped in a man’s body.

    Sexual identity and preference who cares.

    Changing gender? Mental illness. Hasn’t been considered such in a decade? By who?

    And how many thousands of years was it considered batshit nuts for?

    A brain: get one. Think for yourself and quit shitting out liberal stupidity. I’m well past it.


    In all fairness that didn’t have a shred of the establishing foundation you demand in criticism of your own claims.

    So, “By who?” — try the DSM-V, for one. I believe something like the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” has a pretty good grasp on what is and isn’t a mental disorder, do you not?

    The most recent edition contains a pretty adequate reform on the dimensions of subjective gender analysis, and the focus has been shifted onto the “disorder” being within the dysphoria experienced, not the phenomenon itself.

    There are people of every single communal identity who take it too goddamn far and embarrass the group they represent. To put it in your terms, for every gay person’s “fag” is a black person’s “nigger” is a My[Confined]Space User’s… well, you. Do we let those representatives illegitimize the whole? I do not.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Transgenders embarrass the human race.


    If anyone knows about being an embarrassment to the human race, it’s butthesd –


    I am interested in reading more. Can you link to any article that supports your statements?


    Set 3 and 4 still have the face of a man at the end.


    Oh magnus- you’re such a sad little man.


    Magnus feels disgusted in himself because he’s had sex with at least two of those pictured.


    Jen?! Oh God WHY!!!!!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I adore the pebble brained sheep who think they’re enlightened because they’ve been brainwashed.

    If a man shows up in 10 years claiming he’s a golden retriever trapped in a man’s body will you pay for his operation to realize his true self?

    Grow the fuck up guys. These freaks need therapy. Not anyone enabling their illness.


    You are an ant, telling other ants how to be ants.
    To claim that you even comprehend the entirety of the biological/psychological clusterfuck that is human sexuality is off-the-bat laughable, and when you throw in the gall to claim that you get to decide what is and isn’t acceptable, it just gets sad.
    Like, “crazy homeless person yelling at a trashcan” sad.
    You have an opinion.
    From my point of view, this is tantamount to you telling a person with a disfigured face not to get plastic surgery, and that they need a shrink, and to ‘just get over it”

    You don’t understand transgendered people.
    Fine- that’s OK. I don’t understand Furries. Makes no goddamn sense to me.
    But I don’t get to tell them that they have a problem and need therapy.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You’re so brainwashed you’re warped.

    You just backed me while trying to cry about what I said.

    Furries are just as serious as transgenders. Which is not at all. They’re nuts.

    You are the sad one, little man.


    Man, these trap pictures must’ve really scared you.

    Or perhaps you were burned in Thailand.

    Tell us the story, you naughty experimenter you!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    High five for the tard!

    So let’s see: you think these people are disgusting? Is that why you’re making an accusation in relation to contact with one of them? To insult and/or instigate right? So you hate them? I think they’re mentally ill but you apparently think they’re disgusting freaks.

    Harsh, retard. I would think your stupid ass would accept people with similar afflictions to your own but I can’t get into the mind of a retard.


    You’re reading too much into it, I’m trying to figure out why you’re so anti-LGBT.

    I appreciate when someone can read between the lines, but you do not possess that skill.


    I wonder what happens when doctors get together at parties and such: “Hey Bill, what have you been up to? Oh, I removed a man’s dying heart and replaced it with a donor heart. He’s alive now and feeling great. Hey Dave, how ’bout you? Oh, I fitted a woman who lost her legs in a car accident, with new prosthetics, and she can walk and even run now. Hey Frank, what have you been doing? I surgically transplanted a face onto someone who lost their whole fucking face! Seriously, she had no face and now has a donor face. How ’bout you, Mortimer? Oh, I fed a dude a bunch of chemicals, inverted his penis to make something similar to a vagina, cut his testicles out, and reshaped his sack into something resembling labia. Can I get a high-five? …. C’mon guys don’t leave me hangin’!”



    I’d say helping someone get a better life isn’t a bad day’s work.

    What did you do today?


    I have a weird boner.


    Is that why you keep the lights turned off for sex?


    i’d so fuck the last one.. damn, nigga got some good pills


    I think I could find a way to make it work with the last one there.

    Bailey Jay, also.

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