Protecting & Serving

Lieutenant John Pike reacting “out of concern for his own safety” against this terrifying group of seated, unarmed protesters on the UC Davis campus. Click to enlarge.

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    This guy should lose his badge, permanently. It’s guys like this that make the average cop look bad.


    …these other cops just let it happen, then they tend to wonder why people don’t trust the police.


    i had my laugh

    Kik Dogg

    How many other memes can you cram into this pic …… GO!






    Poor excuse for a commander and experienced cop, not to mention cadre of those who protect and serve.

    My sympathies to these citizens.


    Protesters get pepper sprayed.


    I hope these kids are avenged by someone with their own can of pepper spray, maybe the kind designed for grizzly bears.


    Read the articles. University officials said they couldn’t set up camp on campus but they did anyway. Then when the police came to remove their tents and things, the idiots blocked their way. They were breaking university rules and preventing officers from doing their jobs. They’re not victims. They deserved it.


    Whether or not they deserved it is a matter of personal opinion.

    I dont care about all this occupy nonsense, though i find it slightly disturbing that anyone would be willing to throw support behind what was clearly against standard police procedure.

    Whether you are behind occupy or not you shouldn’t support the erosion of your liberties because of your stance on the matter.

    If this were standard procedure the officers would not have been put on leave. The faculty of the school are calling for the resignation of the UC Davis chancellor for getting the police involved.

    The police were not enclosed in and were clearly standing in an open area where they could back off at any time. If arrests needed to be made to break up the protest the standard would be to pick them up, put them in zip tie cuffs and take them away. If anything, the officers involved are lucky the protestors remained peaceful through out the altercation. They could of just as easily in-sighted a full scale riot in this breach of standard procedure.

    For example the watts riot that saw 34 people dead by the end starting over less.



    Take a closer look at the various videos out there and then pull up a map of just where this happened. The “Protesters” blocked off the retreat of the outnumbered Police, and ONLY those blocking the avenue of retreat were Pepper Sprayed. I would be really interested to hear a WORKABLE solution that would have removed these people using less force than was used because using a large group of people to surround a smaller group is NOT a “Peaceable” Action.


    i have watched other videos where you can CLEARLY see that these police officers could and DID step between the non violent group sitting on the ground.

    They were allowing them to move passed them FREELY.

    The officer who first sprayed them stepped FREELY from behind the group to get in front of them to use the spray. They were not being restricted or blocked in any way.

    Either way, it STILL WASNT standard procedure. Pepper spray is for violent offenders that are either a threat to themselves or others. A group of young adults sitting peacefully on the ground do not fall into that category.


    Bob Ostertag, UC Davis Professor

    UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi sent a letter telling us that:
    The group was informed in writing… that if they did not dismantle the encampment, it would have to be removed… However a number of protestors refused our warning, offering us no option but to ask the police to assist in their removal.

    No other options? The list of options is endless. To begin with, the chancellor could have thanked them for their sense of civic duty. The occupation could have been turned into a teach-in on the role of public education in this country. There could have been a call for professors to hold classes on the quad. The list of “other options” is endless.

    Chancellor Katehi asserts that “the encampment raised serious health and safety concerns.” Really? Twenty tents on the quad “raised serious health and safety concerns?” Has the chancellor been to a frat party lately? Or a football game? Talk about “serious health and safety concerns.”

    But hell, since they’re not victims, let’s stop all the pussy-footing around. Just bring in some assault rifles and shoot them. Hey it worked in Kent State. Like you said, “They deserved it.”
    Forget all that First Amendment shit about “people peaceably assembling, to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
    Public disturbance (loud music), speeding tickets, wrong religion, jay-walking, tail-gating, sex in public, skinny-dipping, etc. Let the shooting’s and beatings begin. We deserve it.


    “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. “ “We the People,…Deserve it.”


    It was non violent resistance. Arrest them, not assault them. There is a difference. And if you really think they deserve pepper spray for that, you are part of the problem.


    The fact of the matter is that it was a peaceful protest. If they were braking the law by trespassing as stated they should have been cuffed and processed. By the looks of it these folks posed no threat to the officers or the people around them. This is absolutely excessive force . To argue otherwise is ridiculous. Regardless if you agree with what these peoples message was, it is their right to protest. This country was built on the backs of people brave enough to stand up against what they felt was wrong. I certainly hope that actions such as these displayed by the officers here don’t stop people front forming other formidable protests in the future. That is where the real tragedy would be.
    “A downtrodden class … will never be able to make an effective protest until it achieves solidarity” (H.G. Wells).


    front from


    That behaviour wouldn’t be acceptable in Greece. That cop would probably be running around with that pepper spray up his arse.


    Yeah, in Greece the “Protestors” would be throwing Molotov Cocktails.

    Tiggle Bitties

    I live here and give less of a shit than all of you guys. What’s the deal?


    you spent you time in class learning how to be less asian, that’s why


    I couldn’t tell you give less of a shit. Maybe your apathy is a product of youth. Maybe it was your upbringing. Maybe you just fail to see the larger issue. I honestly couldn’t tell you why you give less of a shit. Would it be a big deal if you felt strongly enough about something to protest and they came for you? Then would it be a big deal. Or are you so apathetic that you care about nothing enough to fight for it. Is there really that big of a disconnect between your personal values and the fundamental ideals this country was built on? I don’t know you and can’t make any real character judgments based on a single post that seems a bit off. It’s not just about this one incident. It’s about what’s right and what’s wrong and OUR right to protest without fear of prosecution. Nothing is more American than the ability to protest. It’s the cornerstone of our nation. If you want your rights you have to be willing to stand up for others rights regardless of their agenda and if you agree with it or not.
    If you haven’t read it, look up “First they came for” by MARTIN NIEMÖLLER. That might put things into perspective a bit.


    I couldn’t tell you give less of a shit. I couldn’t tell you why you give less of a shit. Shit I can’t even string together a coherent sentence today. My bad.


    Yeah I totally get why this would be voted down. Caring about your country is and hoping others will is totally ridiculous. And correcting my grammar is equally as reprehensible. How dare I.


    All police officers are sprayed in training so they can arm with pepper-spray. It isn’t as bad as it looks. Many people are hardly bothered by it, and the vast majority are fine after some water, or ven better saline, is flushed in their eyes.

    Been there, done that.


    What the officer did still amounts to assault. Had they chosen to arrest protesters instead, that would have been normal procedure, unless they didn’t have anything to arrest them for.
    The offending officer should be removed from duty, and probably face assault charges. I don’t know the rank of the officer or the others on scene, but I can understand why the others would not act against another officer in the field, particularly if said officer is of higher rank or in command. It remains to be seen what they will say during the investigation.


    Bullshit. The European Parliament Scientific and Technological Options Assessment say ” The effects of pepper spray are far more severe, including temporary blindness which lasts from 15–30 minutes, a burning sensation of the skin which lasts from 45 to 60 minutes, upper body spasms which force a person to bend forward and uncontrollable coughing making it difficult to breathe or speak for between 3 to 15 minutes.”

    Also, where a subject is asthmatic, it can cause death.


    I don’t know what the European anything says, but having been pepper-sprayed twice I can say it is rare that it does any of those things. Like I said, police officers are routinely sprayed as part of training.

    It’s not supposed to be pleasant by the way.

    fracked again

    From what distance, with what strength spray?

    I’m familiar with the fact that police are sprayed as part of training, but how, and with what are important details.


    I’ve been sprayed with pepper spray while helping a girl get out of harms way who had also been sprayed directly in the eyes while bleeding from the face where the officers club hit her. I went back to pick up the teeth she had lost from the club strike. Needless to say it was shitty. Especially when you have no access to water or saline to wash your eyes out.


    These aren’t real police. They’re campus cops. Which means they are just paid thugs with licences, not upholders of the law.

    Pepper spray is meant to be used as an alternative to deadly force. Not as a lazy way to do your job.

    Its almost like someone is trying to provike a violent reaction from the protestors so they can justify a lethal response. 🙁


    Actually it’s not just an alternative to deadly force, it’s also meant as a crowd-control method. Which appears to be what this was.

    fracked again

    This was not crowd control. Crowd control would be spraying at a distance of 15 feet, as California state police training states is appropriate. To be able to use pepper spray in California for law enforcement purposes, you have to follow those rules. Also, since photos have been released that clearly show this officer walking around the protesters, he was not boxed in, or prevented from fleeing.

    The biggest threat to his livelihood were the dozens of cameras that caught him in the act, hence, police forces are trying to make it illegal to photograph, video or record cops in any way.

    tiki god

    here in florida, the campus police are actual cops, at least at FSU. I know a couple people that work for them, and they’re set up 100% as law enforcement.


    Maybe you guys should watch what happened BEFORE the pepper spraying before you start bashing the cops. The officer clearly explained what was going to happen, to each individual, should they continue protesting AND they all just sat there anyways. The protestors had the option of leaving at any time. They could’ve left before the cops took out the pepper spray, but they didn’t. Also, they weren’t blocking the only route out of the area, as the cops arrested them and drug them backwards, away from the stairs, and slowly retreated as the mob threatened to explode.

    Kik Dogg

    That is exactly the point. They COULD have left, could have rolled over and discontinued exercising their first amendment right to peaceably assemble in an effort to have their grievances rectified. Instead they chose the path of the martyr (yes, I said it) and stood up (sat down?) for their rights (and the rights of ALL Americans (even the Tea Partiers)) to assemble peaceably. We do NOT have to move just because a cop tells us to.

    tiki god

    so just as long as a cop explains what’s going to happen, everything afterwords is just fine?

    fracked again

    Absolutely. If a cop says he will shove a plunger up your ass repeatedly, until you die from trauma (an NYPD favorite), well, its your fault for not walking out of the precinct building.


    The officer didn’t have to explain anything to them. He did I imagine because the typical OWSer is not the brightest bulb in the box. And even with that they didn’t move.

    The good news is they probably smelled better after the spraying.


    If an officer is arresting someone, they have to explain Miranda rights. If the officer was clearly in the right to do what he did, he would not be on Administrative leave right now.
    Insults and snide comments aimed at the protesters only weakens your position.

    Kik Dogg

    Name calling. Check.


    BTW, if you watch the video you see he sprayed them twice – once one way and then once back. And since they had their heads down, and in most cases covered, it’s doubtful they got much of a spray directly in their eyes or nose. The fact that they pretty much just sat there and with little to no voluntary or involuntary reaction indicates to me they were not in the terrible pain people here are complaining about.

    This is a big nothing . . .

    Kik Dogg

    This is assault.


    Nope . . .

    fracked again

    Good thing that will likely be up to somebody other than you to decide.


    I don’t think anyone is going to decide this was assault.

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