Gun Collection

Gun_Collection_by_Sprocket_man.jpg (367 KB)

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    I seriously see very little reason to own a gun collection. I’m mean sure shooting off a fully automatic is a stress reliever, but nevertheless a bit useless since we cannot use it publicly.


    iam pretty sure it CAN be used in public


    If it legally could, you and anyone related to your gene pool wouldn’t be alive.


    there are alot of public places you can shoot guns, they are called gun ranges, and they are all over the place.


    The same can be said about most hobby collections of anything. (Hopefully) these rifles aren’t practical items, just entertainment. Frankly, I would rather people collect long guns than handguns. A handgun is far more likely to end up being used in a crime than a long gun is.

    As per legally using them in “public”, if they are legally owned (and full auto, which some in the picture appear to be, if they are real) then most places just consider them another rifle for the purpose of using them. Some states prohibit automatic fire (like Washington), but most do not. This is of course assuming the collection is civilian and in the US.


    oooooooo, is that a Dragunov I see?


    that actually a very small gun collection, albeit expensive, and yes i do believe thats a dragunov, though i cant tell if its a real one…


    How many MP5 variants do you need?


    one of the best guns in the world, i wish i could own one…
    so ah yes we need some 🙂


    Those are all airsoft guns, you can tell by the insane amount of money all those guns would cost and that the ACR (masada) has the wrong sites. ACRs come with magpul flip up sites thats a airsoft gun so I bet the rest are too.


    Those are all airsoft guns, you can tell by the insane amount of money all those guns would cost and that the ACR (masada) has the wrong sights. ACRs come with magpul flip up sites thats a airsoft gun so I bet the rest are too.


    Kudos for correcting that spelling.


    So, incorrect sights on one of them aside, are you inferring that nobody has insane amounts of money sunk into a gun collection, or is it just that the backyard looks too modest to go with the amount of money it would take to buy them? Perhaps the backyard is modest BECAUSE the person has spent insane amounts of money on guns? Perhaps this collection belongs to more than one person?

    In absence of proof that these are all airsoft (or even some of them), I choose to believe they are real, except for perhaps the one you say has the incorrect sights.


    I would not even go so far as to suggest that the “incorrect” sights are evidence of anything other than the fact that the sights on that particular rifle are removable. The sight that is on that rifle in the picture appears to be an EOTech 512, a somewhat spendy and likely choice for an optic for that rifle. Not saying they aren’t airsoft but there is nothing I see that says they must be. Granted, the portion of the bolts visible through the MP5’s ejection ports are rather pristine, but that can just as easily mean it is well cared for and/or unfired.




    damn capslocks.


    I actually thought it went well with the sentiment to have it all in caps.


    100% airsoft. Would be much cooler if they are real, but seeing as my airsoft collection is the same size, I’m not one to judge.

    Needs moar AK

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