I’m pissed that when I asked that 3 someone’s friend me on xbox (tgiokdi) that I didn’t get a single response.

Oh, but when I offered g+ invites, sure, I got 30 people in an hour that wanted an account (and are now in my mcs circle).

fucking Halo ODST.  do you has it?  play it with me.  or at the very least, friend me on xbox so I know that my gaming life hasn’t been wasted.

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    Luke Magnifico

    Someone’s a bit of a Moaning Minnie.


    i would but i have no more xbox time subscrition card thingy magy


    Don’t have and my xbox isn’t connected atm.


    last time i added you the week following you deleted me..


    what? what the hell is a nerf herder?


    n. i.Star Wars counterpart for “douchebag”


    you make no sense tiki, just letting you know that you make no sense


    I added you when you were looking for Halo 3 help, and you deleted me shortly thereafter.


    id add ya pal but my xbox live is kinda fucked :\


    I added you back when the reach beta was coming out


    I don’t own an Xbox because I am a member of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race.
    I also already have a + account.
    Actually I don’t know why I even typed this reply… Who are you anyway?




    i dont own ODST. i have 3 and reach however. ill add when you announce that you are playing those gems.


    PS3/PC here – wasn’t a big enough fan of the system exclusives on 360/wii to pick one up.

    (waits for the beatings to start)




    Sorry, Tiki. No Xbox here. No console what so ever. The kids have left the nest (Finally! Happy dance!), and with them went the consoles. Not that I’m not much better than being target practice.

    But then, I wasn’t asking for an invite either.


    PS3 here. I’m on google+, how do I find the MCS circle?


    PC gamer here, and far too much of a hipster to be on board with the Google + revolution just yet.


    I don’t have ODST…. more of my friends play Reach/BlackOPS and I already have G+

    Doug D

    I haz ODST for XBox here. But I hate playing any games multiplayer, especially shooters. So… no point.


    I don’t really have anything to add. I just wanted to say, “I love you all…and Gosh bless us…everyone.


    Hey Tiskter, if your on tomorrow i’ll shoot ya a message. Been kinda busy, and free xbox time beyond hulu and netflix has been playin battlefield 1943. I’m pretty sure I still have my ODST copy.


    I’ll add ya man. I usually play Bad Company 2. Don’t have ODST. But yeah. Whenever something comes out it’ll all be good. Currently playing ME2 though.
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