I saw a trailer for it, muted, in a taxi today, and like I dunno? It looked like some 90s grunge guy talking with some girl while driving through the desert and then he fights a robot? What the fuck?
Tiki, I used to like your site a lot, but now you keep on posting a bunch of semi-racist evangelical tea partier tripe.
This is an image dump, not a right wing political blog. If I wanted to hear people gripe that Obama hasn’t released records of every shit he’s ever taken I would go to those sites on my own time. I’m only here because I haven’t found another suitable dump blog.
Now you bring in hostile Christianity, and even if you’re trolling it’s pathetic. I, and the large majority of your users, want this site to be for people to post random pictures that are not politically provocative.
Also, you’re not going to convert anybody to Christianity/Conservatism/Bigotry by posting dickish shit. They fly in the face of rational arguments, and therefore will be shunned by anybody with an IQ over 90.
what gives YOU the right to speak for the majority of the users of this site? are controversial images only acceptable if they align with your beliefs, political or otherwise?
just because you disagree with this post doesnt make it wrong. likewise, something precisely the opposite wouldnt necessarily be right.
you were right, this isnt a right wing political blog. this is an image blog, so stop thinking tiki or any other user is trying to convert you to anything.
Dude, I have come from the heavens of internet to inform you that others who upload without logging in will be posted under tiki’s name. Tiki moderation skills is the finest of them all. he is drunk of JD and he don’t care for any religion shit or any shit. if you want to improve on the image dump you so seek so badly upload some cool shit and it’ll motivate others to do the same. if not, stop sticking the dildo up your ass so much and enjoy the site and don’t get pissed of by little fucking pixels on the screen. Welcome to fucking M[c]S.
Did you know I posted a picture a while ago that depicted Santa taking a dump on a smiling Jesus? Tiki posts whatever he likes, and whatever people submit. Why don’t you submit stuff?
Atheist has long-ish hair as an homage to monkey ancestors.
Christians depict Jesus with long-ish hair.
Coincidence, or secret message?
13 years ago
Jesus was a communist
13 years ago
This post is just stupid – I can’t tell if it’s sincere or spoof (baggy pants for too much freedom of movement and thought?), if it’s anti-atheist, anti-hipster or anti-hipster-atheist… as far as the site goes there is way too much Obama Hatin’ Birther Baggin’ Born Again BS all over the net as it is, like this place better without it.
This post is just stupid – I can’t tell if it’s sincere or spoo (Jesus dying on the cross? ), if it’s anti-theist, anti-conservative or anti-conservative-theist… as far as the site goes there is way too much Bush Hatin’ Katrina Whinin’ Dawkins Delivered BS all over the net as it is, like this place better without it.
How are atheists morally superior? Would you please empirically demonstrate how an atheist is morally superior to a christian. How does atheism lead to moral superiority? Atheism is not a system on which to base morals from, because morals are largely subjective. Now you can be an atheist and use secular sources for your moral codes and justifications, but those are still artificial and abstract constructs.
Atheists are less ignorant?
Do you have non-biased sources for this claim? For example if you link me to an atheist website or a medical journal that is ran by atheists or offer studies by scientists who identify themselves as atheists i’m going to maintain a serious level of skepticism. Also ignorance has less to do with religion and more to do with the application and availability of educational resources. If being christian makes people ignorant then please explain why their are GASP, CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS WHO GET ALONG JUST FINE WITH THEIR ATHEIST COUNTERPARTS?! And please spare the whole ” well the church hates science and tries to obscure it” arguments. If that was really the case the vatican wouldn’t be hiring out atheist scientists to verify “miracles” and Intelligent-design would be the only creation-theory allowed in schoola.
Christians and muslims look up to “martyrdom?”
Ok seriously when you do research on religions do you just run crazy with your confirmation bias? Secondly, who are you to speak for ” christians” or “muslims?” and do you have the evidence to show that christians and muslims are advocates of martyrdom. I’m not talking about fringe groups who interpret old scriptures to justify their socio-political agendas. Don’t even bother using verses from the bible or quran to prove your point. If i looked hard enough i am sure i could interpret a passage in a way that would suggest that jesus was made of ice-cream and that the earth is actually a beetle.
I know a lot of christians and muslims. I have yet to hear any of them say ” man that abortion clinic/ government building attack was a really great way for us to praise allah/jesus, LETS KILL MORE PEOPLE”
Seriously korinthian. You don’t even offer anything new to the table. It’s the same old generic “LOL RELIGION SUCKS” that we watch 13 year old boys bust out during a heated youth-group argument.
That said, would you please kindly explain your position in thorough detail as well as citing your sources.
“How are atheists morally superior? Would you please empirically demonstrate how an atheist is morally superior to a Christian.”
Morally superior to Jesus. Atheists in general don’t support slavery and the inequality of women. Atheists are generally against the whole idea of thought crime. Jesus also supports torture. What’s the deal with that?
Besides, anyone that doesn’t adhere to an old book that venerates blind obedience and genocide are pretty much superior by default to someone that does.
“Atheism is not a system on which to base morals from, because morals are largely subjective.”
I’m well aware.
“Now you can be an atheist and use secular sources for your moral codes and justifications, but those are still artificial and abstract constructs.”
So is your god. I’d be careful, if I were you, to dismiss such constructs. This is not a problem for me.
“Do you have non-biased sources for this claim? For example if you link me to an atheist website or a medical journal that is ran by atheists or offer studies by scientists who identify themselves as atheists i’m going to maintain a serious level of skepticism.”
Well, I could link you studies showing that the more atheist countries countries tend to be happier, healthier and treat their citizens better than countries that are more religious. I could probably find something along the lines of how the more religious people in the US support the death penalty and torture, oh, and they might not be huge supporters of gay (and women) rights either.
Imagine that.
But I was talking about Jesus.
I’d turn this around on you and ask for unbiased sources for your god and his claims on morality, but we both know that would be pointless. I’ll take it easy on you.
“Also ignorance has less to do with religion and more to do with the application and availability of educational resources.”
This is hilarious! Jesus’ father/self was supposedly all-knowing. That is hardly an excuse for his ignorance.
(I’m not going to quote your caps) “If that was really the case the vatican wouldn’t be hiring out atheist scientists to verify “miracles” and Intelligent-design would be the only creation-theory allowed in schoola.”
Tell me of one miracle that has been verified by a scientist. And by “verified” I don’t mean that a Christian scientists has said “I believe it”.
“Christians and muslims look up to “martyrdom?””
“Ok seriously when you do research on religions do you just run crazy with your confirmation bias?”
Are you aware that Jesus was a martyr? Perhaps you missed that part in bible school.
Have you read the sermon on the mount? Let me quote you some scripture.
10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Kind of sounds like martyrdom is all the rage to Jesus.
Suffer the sacrifice of martyrdom in this life to be rewarded in the afterlife. Now where have we heard that kind of talk before?
I wonder if Jesus offers virgins.
“I’m not talking about fringe groups who interpret old scriptures to justify their socio-political agendas.”
Fringe groups that read The Passion and the sermon on the mount? Yeah, those crazy cultists can’t be common at all.
“Don’t even bother using verses from the bible or quran to prove your point.”
First you tell me to do research and then you tell me not to quote the relevant books on the subject at hand? That’s hardly fair of you. Perhaps you’re scared of what I might find?
“If i looked hard enough i am sure i could interpret a passage in a way that would suggest that jesus was made of ice-cream and that the earth is actually a beetle.”
That’s as close to an admission that it’s a crap book I’ve heard from a Christian, I believe.
“I know a lot of christians and muslims. I have yet to hear any of them say ” man that abortion clinic/ government building attack was a really great way for us to praise allah/jesus, LETS KILL MORE PEOPLE””
This is your research? Anecdotes? You might as well tell me about that time you felt Jesus in your heart for all the good that would do you. Try again.
“Seriously korinthian. You don’t even offer anything new to the table. It’s the same old generic “LOL RELIGION SUCKS” that we watch 13 year old boys bust out during a heated youth-group argument.”
Feel free to spell my name with a capital K, I know you are capable of using Shift and Caps Lock (I know you’re using caps “ironically” but it still ends up making you look like a fool).
So far you haven’t really impressed me, either (something we have in common!). Much of your reply would have been altered had you recognized the difference between “Jesus” and “All Christians”.
My age is immaterial, what’s important is that I have beaten you thoroughly every time time you’ve opened your mouth in my direction.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind you calling me names, but do so in conjunction with actual points.
You know korinthian i think you and i are being too snarky and hostile towards eachother. The main reason i blew you off is because i didn’t feel like adding another wall of text into this thread. Now if you want to have an actual and serious discussion about christianity and religion and transfer over your talking points to the forums or an e-mail or instant messaging session then i will GLADLY engage in a proper discussion with you.
Until then i will take your arrogance and vehemence as a sign of insecurity.
You fail to meet my points and run away, and I’m the insecure one?
I bet Jesus considers giving up winning, but the rest of us recognizes a coward when we see one.
Don’t feel bad about it, though, this is typical Christian behavior on the net. After a few discussions with me (or any atheist, really) they relocate to a censorship-laden Christian-only forum.
If you don’t know what getting beaten in a discussion looks like, ask a smarter friend.
Dude, i just invited you to finish up our discussion and to give you a proper rebuttal in the M[c]S forums or another medium of YOUR choice. I’m sorry if i didn’t make that clear enough.
So in other words instead of finishing up our conversation in a more suitable environment you would rather run away and maintain that you somehow “won” something that can not be objectively won.
Morally superior to Jesus. Atheists in general don’t support slavery and the inequality of women. Atheists are generally against the whole idea of thought crime. Jesus also supports torture. What’s the deal with that?
The deal is that you are basing your knowledge of jesus off of thousands of year old scriptures and passages that have been translated between no less than three ancient and dead languages into countless modern languages. I'd imagine if jesus came back today he would probably be against those things. Or maybe jesus never supported those things to begin with and whoever authored the scriptures that say he supports those things did so for political or sociological reasons.
Besides, anyone that doesn’t adhere to an old book that venerates blind obedience and genocide are pretty much superior by default to someone that does.
Please empirically demonstrate this. I can agree with this on a philosophical level, but on a purely objective level i do not see why an old book is somehow more valid than a new book.
“Now you can be an atheist and use secular sources for your moral codes and justifications, but those are still artificial and abstract constructs.”
So is your god. I’d be careful, if I were you, to dismiss such constructs. This is not a problem for me.
Well, I could link you studies showing that the more atheist countries countries tend to be happier, healthier and treat their citizens better than countries that are more religious. I could probably find something along the lines of how the more religious people in the US support the death penalty and torture, oh, and they might not be huge supporters of gay (and women) rights either.
And i could link you to studies that show how there are predominantly atheist countries that have some of the most unhappy and unhealthy people in the world. I can also find you articles about christian groups actively supporting gay rights and womens rights and the abolition of death penalty.
I’d turn this around on you and ask for unbiased sources for your god and his claims on morality, but we both know that would be pointless. I’ll take it easy on you.
I never claimed to have unbiased sources in regards to my god. In fact the fact that i am a believer automatically pre-disposes me to seeking out information that confirms my point of view. I can not truthfully present you with 100% objective/unbiased sources.
“Also ignorance has less to do with religion and more to do with the application and availability of educational resources.”
This is hilarious! Jesus’ father/self was supposedly all-knowing. That is hardly an excuse for his ignorance.
I fail to understand the point you are making, would you please clarify?
Tell me of one miracle that has been verified by a scientist. And by “verified” I don’t mean that a Christian scientists has said “I believe it”.
Well personally i do not believe that everything miraculous is neccessarily an act of divine intervention. There simply is no way to prove that 100% without a doubt that god was the main drive behind a "miracle"
As far as actual scientifically verified miracles i do not know of one. However what i do know is that the vatican has very rigourous procedures for the verification of miracles, going as far as hiring out secular scientists to examine the data they gather. I wish i could link you to an article about the last bit about atheists working for the vatican but i am having no luck finding the article i read on the subject. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4902332.stm wiki.answers.com/Q/How_does_the_Vatican_authenticate_a_miracle newsaints.faithweb.com/divinus.htm
Are you aware that Jesus was a martyr? Perhaps you missed that part in bible school.
I never went to bible school. Infact when i was about 7 my parents left the church altogether. I haven't regularly attended a church since childhood. And you know what? It was probably one of the best things to ever happen to me.
As far as jesus being a martyr goes i already knew that.
Fringe groups that read The Passion and the sermon on the mount? Yeah, those crazy cultists can’t be common at all."
So am i to deduce that because jesus said "if you are killed because you believe in me and my father you will be blessed" that christians as a whole are actively
First you tell me to do research and then you tell me not to quote the relevant books on the subject at hand? That’s hardly fair of you. Perhaps you’re scared of what I might find?
No, i know that the bible has stuff that is outright grisly and offensive in a modern context. Hell lets drag up some of the laws from leviticus. What else would you expect from a text that old? Stories on how abraham accidently stumbled across Nicomachean Ethics and Cold Fusion?
You said that christians and muslims are all about martyrdom. ( i paraphrase of course)
What i want you to do is to prove to me that "christians" are purposely martyring themselves in the name of jesus. I want to see news reports from multiple sources that show an orchestrated effort of christians as a whole engaging in acts of martyrdom. I don't want centuries old scriptures that are elaborate ways of saying " if you get killed because you worship me you are blessed" . I don't want news reports of a fringe group killing innocent people because some guy told them that god would reward them because he interpreted a scripture in a way that justifies it.
Why aren't there more muslims hi-jacking airplanes and buses? Why is abortion legal in a nation that is 70% christian and why is it that abortion clinic bombings are the exception and not the rule?
I want evidence that christians are actively condoning and engaging in acts of martyrdom. In a nation that is 70% christian than surely you should have no trouble finding a plethora of articles that support your claims.
I do not want evidence that SOME christians and muslims are engaging in these acts.
That’s as close to an admission that it’s a crap book I’ve heard from a Christian, I believe.
The bible is a crap book for many reasons from a theological perspective. Sadly i am probably one of the few christians who will gladly admit that.
You know you could have easily avoided this had you not made sweeping generalizations.
(This is where I start replying to the newest comment by TheLotusEater725).
“The deal is that you are basing your knowledge of jesus off of thousands of year old scriptures and passages that have been translated between no less than three ancient and dead languages into countless modern languages. “
Unlike you are? I could just as well just dismiss his existence, but for the sake of argument I can agree that he existed. If you have any other books that tells us about Jesus’ life, feel free to mention their names.
I know the bible is inaccurate and fallible, you don’t really have to remind me.
“I’d imagine if jesus came back today he would probably be against those things. Or maybe jesus never supported those things to begin with and whoever authored the scriptures that say he supports those things did so for political or sociological reasons. “
So you agree that his morality is inferior to the vast majority of atheists today? Thanks for admitting to it.
“Please empirically demonstrate this. I can agree with this on a philosophical level, but on a purely objective level i do not see why an old book is somehow more valid than a new book. ”
You misunderstand. It’s not about the book, it’s about how blind obedience and genocide are Bad Things. I really hope I don’t have to explain to you why that is.
“And i could link you to studies that show how there are predominantly atheist countries that have some of the most unhappy and unhealthy people in the world.”
I guess you could, if you picked from dictatorial regimes. But let’s compare like with like. But by all means, link me.
“I can also find you articles about christian groups actively supporting gay rights and womens rights and the abolition of death penalty.”
I have no doubts. Of course there are dissenting groups that disagree with your homophobic god.
I was under the impression that we were talking in generalities here. I’m talking countries and your counter-examples are local groups which is a pretty small sample.
“I never claimed to have unbiased sources in regards to my god. In fact the fact that i am a believer automatically pre-disposes me to seeking out information that confirms my point of view. I can not truthfully present you with 100% objective/unbiased sources. “
Yeah, exactly. One could wonder why you turn off what modest intelligence you possess on that specific subject *unless* it’s a dissenting point of view (then you need objective and unbiased sources!).
No need to worry about appearing intellectually dishonest; you already are.
I fail to understand the point you are making, would you please clarify?
Either Jesus is more ignorant than me (for example), or less so. One would think being god (or having ‘special insights’, however your particular sect wishes to view it) would lend to his capabilities to a bigger degree.
“Well personally i do not believe that everything miraculous is neccessarily an act of divine intervention. There simply is no way to prove that 100% without a doubt that god was the main drive behind a “miracle””
So basically you can slap the word “miracle” on just about anything? Perhaps you should define what you believe a miracle is or we will squabble about the sun rising in the morning being a miracle and waste time.
“As far as actual scientifically verified miracles i do not know of one.”
Yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath. This answer was of course fully expected.
What you, in essence, have said here is that even though the Vatican uses Devil’s Advocates (I think they have stopped that practice post Mother Theresa, actually), they don’t care if the miracles are not verified.
Who would have guessed!
“As far as jesus being a martyr goes i already knew that. “
So if you already know that Jesus was a martyr you concede the point that Christians look up to martyrdom?
You should just agree with me in the first place. Another of your points demolished.
“So am i to deduce that because jesus said “if you are killed because you believe in me and my father you will be blessed” that christians as a whole are actively “
That wholly depends on
You said that christians and muslims are all about martyrdom. ( i paraphrase of course)
I wouldn’t say “all about”. I said Christians and Muslims look up to martyrdom.
Don’t paraphrase, the text is just a few scrolls away!
“What i want you to do is to prove to me that “christians” are purposely martyring themselves in the name of jesus. “
Where did I say they were? Man, use that scroll wheel. I don’t want to have a discussion where you try to refute the poor memory of what I have said.
You know you could have easily avoided this had you not made sweeping generalizations.
It’s no trouble. I don’t mind teaching you a thing or two.
Your god is nailed to a stick… real good display of superiority there.
My god has a hammer. (I really should go and see this new Thor movie)
You should! Don’t see the 3D version, though, it’s a waste of money.
The regular version is also a waste of money.
Just talking about the regular version is a waste of time… which is a waste of money, time being money.
It rocks, inev is right about the 3d though.
I saw a trailer for it, muted, in a taxi today, and like I dunno? It looked like some 90s grunge guy talking with some girl while driving through the desert and then he fights a robot? What the fuck?
Dude looks more like a hipster than any of the atheists I know.
Did you know hipsters have a god? Yeah, it’s pretty obscure. You’ve probably never heard of it.
We’ve all heard of Steve Jobs.
Tiki, I used to like your site a lot, but now you keep on posting a bunch of semi-racist evangelical tea partier tripe.
This is an image dump, not a right wing political blog. If I wanted to hear people gripe that Obama hasn’t released records of every shit he’s ever taken I would go to those sites on my own time. I’m only here because I haven’t found another suitable dump blog.
Now you bring in hostile Christianity, and even if you’re trolling it’s pathetic. I, and the large majority of your users, want this site to be for people to post random pictures that are not politically provocative.
Also, you’re not going to convert anybody to Christianity/Conservatism/Bigotry by posting dickish shit. They fly in the face of rational arguments, and therefore will be shunned by anybody with an IQ over 90.
someone wants to feel the ban hammer
Even better, banning somebody for disapproving of the site for being used as a bait and switch.
I shall become a martyr.
Yeah, well, YOUR martyr’s so fat…
Nail his avatar to a stick!
what gives YOU the right to speak for the majority of the users of this site? are controversial images only acceptable if they align with your beliefs, political or otherwise?
just because you disagree with this post doesnt make it wrong. likewise, something precisely the opposite wouldnt necessarily be right.
you were right, this isnt a right wing political blog. this is an image blog, so stop thinking tiki or any other user is trying to convert you to anything.
well said bro.. well said
Dude, I have come from the heavens of internet to inform you that others who upload without logging in will be posted under tiki’s name. Tiki moderation skills is the finest of them all. he is drunk of JD and he don’t care for any religion shit or any shit. if you want to improve on the image dump you so seek so badly upload some cool shit and it’ll motivate others to do the same. if not, stop sticking the dildo up your ass so much and enjoy the site and don’t get pissed of by little fucking pixels on the screen. Welcome to fucking M[c]S.
Did you know I posted a picture a while ago that depicted Santa taking a dump on a smiling Jesus? Tiki posts whatever he likes, and whatever people submit. Why don’t you submit stuff?
Check out.
check out some of the stuff on internet-d and say that.
looks to me like he’s just showing both sides of the coin.
You’re too sensitive.
Get off the Internet and go sit in a library.
Atheist has long-ish hair as an homage to monkey ancestors.
Christians depict Jesus with long-ish hair.
Coincidence, or secret message?
Jesus was a communist
This post is just stupid – I can’t tell if it’s sincere or spoof (baggy pants for too much freedom of movement and thought?), if it’s anti-atheist, anti-hipster or anti-hipster-atheist… as far as the site goes there is way too much Obama Hatin’ Birther Baggin’ Born Again BS all over the net as it is, like this place better without it.
This post is just stupid – I can’t tell if it’s sincere or spoo (Jesus dying on the cross? ), if it’s anti-theist, anti-conservative or anti-conservative-theist… as far as the site goes there is way too much Bush Hatin’ Katrina Whinin’ Dawkins Delivered BS all over the net as it is, like this place better without it.
A vast majority of atheists have a superior sense of morality to Jesus. Not to mention that they are less ignorant.
Oh, and atheists don’t look up to martyrdom like Christians and Muslim terrorists do.
i will bite.
How are atheists morally superior? Would you please empirically demonstrate how an atheist is morally superior to a christian. How does atheism lead to moral superiority? Atheism is not a system on which to base morals from, because morals are largely subjective. Now you can be an atheist and use secular sources for your moral codes and justifications, but those are still artificial and abstract constructs.
Atheists are less ignorant?
Do you have non-biased sources for this claim? For example if you link me to an atheist website or a medical journal that is ran by atheists or offer studies by scientists who identify themselves as atheists i’m going to maintain a serious level of skepticism. Also ignorance has less to do with religion and more to do with the application and availability of educational resources. If being christian makes people ignorant then please explain why their are GASP, CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS WHO GET ALONG JUST FINE WITH THEIR ATHEIST COUNTERPARTS?! And please spare the whole ” well the church hates science and tries to obscure it” arguments. If that was really the case the vatican wouldn’t be hiring out atheist scientists to verify “miracles” and Intelligent-design would be the only creation-theory allowed in schoola.
Christians and muslims look up to “martyrdom?”
Ok seriously when you do research on religions do you just run crazy with your confirmation bias? Secondly, who are you to speak for ” christians” or “muslims?” and do you have the evidence to show that christians and muslims are advocates of martyrdom. I’m not talking about fringe groups who interpret old scriptures to justify their socio-political agendas. Don’t even bother using verses from the bible or quran to prove your point. If i looked hard enough i am sure i could interpret a passage in a way that would suggest that jesus was made of ice-cream and that the earth is actually a beetle.
I know a lot of christians and muslims. I have yet to hear any of them say ” man that abortion clinic/ government building attack was a really great way for us to praise allah/jesus, LETS KILL MORE PEOPLE”
Seriously korinthian. You don’t even offer anything new to the table. It’s the same old generic “LOL RELIGION SUCKS” that we watch 13 year old boys bust out during a heated youth-group argument.
That said, would you please kindly explain your position in thorough detail as well as citing your sources.
“How are atheists morally superior? Would you please empirically demonstrate how an atheist is morally superior to a Christian.”
Morally superior to Jesus. Atheists in general don’t support slavery and the inequality of women. Atheists are generally against the whole idea of thought crime. Jesus also supports torture. What’s the deal with that?
Besides, anyone that doesn’t adhere to an old book that venerates blind obedience and genocide are pretty much superior by default to someone that does.
“Atheism is not a system on which to base morals from, because morals are largely subjective.”
I’m well aware.
“Now you can be an atheist and use secular sources for your moral codes and justifications, but those are still artificial and abstract constructs.”
So is your god. I’d be careful, if I were you, to dismiss such constructs. This is not a problem for me.
“Do you have non-biased sources for this claim? For example if you link me to an atheist website or a medical journal that is ran by atheists or offer studies by scientists who identify themselves as atheists i’m going to maintain a serious level of skepticism.”
Well, I could link you studies showing that the more atheist countries countries tend to be happier, healthier and treat their citizens better than countries that are more religious. I could probably find something along the lines of how the more religious people in the US support the death penalty and torture, oh, and they might not be huge supporters of gay (and women) rights either.
Imagine that.
But I was talking about Jesus.
I’d turn this around on you and ask for unbiased sources for your god and his claims on morality, but we both know that would be pointless. I’ll take it easy on you.
“Also ignorance has less to do with religion and more to do with the application and availability of educational resources.”
This is hilarious! Jesus’ father/self was supposedly all-knowing. That is hardly an excuse for his ignorance.
(I’m not going to quote your caps) “If that was really the case the vatican wouldn’t be hiring out atheist scientists to verify “miracles” and Intelligent-design would be the only creation-theory allowed in schoola.”
Tell me of one miracle that has been verified by a scientist. And by “verified” I don’t mean that a Christian scientists has said “I believe it”.
“Christians and muslims look up to “martyrdom?””
“Ok seriously when you do research on religions do you just run crazy with your confirmation bias?”
Are you aware that Jesus was a martyr? Perhaps you missed that part in bible school.
Have you read the sermon on the mount? Let me quote you some scripture.
10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Kind of sounds like martyrdom is all the rage to Jesus.
Suffer the sacrifice of martyrdom in this life to be rewarded in the afterlife. Now where have we heard that kind of talk before?
I wonder if Jesus offers virgins.
“I’m not talking about fringe groups who interpret old scriptures to justify their socio-political agendas.”
Fringe groups that read The Passion and the sermon on the mount? Yeah, those crazy cultists can’t be common at all.
“Don’t even bother using verses from the bible or quran to prove your point.”
First you tell me to do research and then you tell me not to quote the relevant books on the subject at hand? That’s hardly fair of you. Perhaps you’re scared of what I might find?
“If i looked hard enough i am sure i could interpret a passage in a way that would suggest that jesus was made of ice-cream and that the earth is actually a beetle.”
That’s as close to an admission that it’s a crap book I’ve heard from a Christian, I believe.
“I know a lot of christians and muslims. I have yet to hear any of them say ” man that abortion clinic/ government building attack was a really great way for us to praise allah/jesus, LETS KILL MORE PEOPLE””
This is your research? Anecdotes? You might as well tell me about that time you felt Jesus in your heart for all the good that would do you. Try again.
“Seriously korinthian. You don’t even offer anything new to the table. It’s the same old generic “LOL RELIGION SUCKS” that we watch 13 year old boys bust out during a heated youth-group argument.”
Feel free to spell my name with a capital K, I know you are capable of using Shift and Caps Lock (I know you’re using caps “ironically” but it still ends up making you look like a fool).
So far you haven’t really impressed me, either (something we have in common!). Much of your reply would have been altered had you recognized the difference between “Jesus” and “All Christians”.
My age is immaterial, what’s important is that I have beaten you thoroughly every time time you’ve opened your mouth in my direction.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind you calling me names, but do so in conjunction with actual points.
Yes korinthian, you are right. I am now an atheist because of your infallible human-logic. Thank you.
Like I said before: beating a Christian in a discussion about religion is easy.
Scurry along and don’t bother me again unless you’ve picked a belief you can actually defend.
I’m sorry but how did you win?
You know korinthian i think you and i are being too snarky and hostile towards eachother. The main reason i blew you off is because i didn’t feel like adding another wall of text into this thread. Now if you want to have an actual and serious discussion about christianity and religion and transfer over your talking points to the forums or an e-mail or instant messaging session then i will GLADLY engage in a proper discussion with you.
Until then i will take your arrogance and vehemence as a sign of insecurity.
You fail to meet my points and run away, and I’m the insecure one?
I bet Jesus considers giving up winning, but the rest of us recognizes a coward when we see one.
Don’t feel bad about it, though, this is typical Christian behavior on the net. After a few discussions with me (or any atheist, really) they relocate to a censorship-laden Christian-only forum.
If you don’t know what getting beaten in a discussion looks like, ask a smarter friend.
Dude, i just invited you to finish up our discussion and to give you a proper rebuttal in the M[c]S forums or another medium of YOUR choice. I’m sorry if i didn’t make that clear enough.
I’m not inclined jumping through hoops for someone that I’ve so utterly destroyed already. I also don’t use the forums.
But by all means, start a thread and link it and I will crush you there as well.
Next time: if you don’t want to talk to someone using a medium, don’t use it to contact them.
So in other words instead of finishing up our conversation in a more suitable environment you would rather run away and maintain that you somehow “won” something that can not be objectively won.
MY Email: Metallihead25@yahoo.com ( yeah i know i made it when i was 13)
My AIM s/n: ehrin gurth
The deal is that you are basing your knowledge of jesus off of thousands of year old scriptures and passages that have been translated between no less than three ancient and dead languages into countless modern languages. I'd imagine if jesus came back today he would probably be against those things. Or maybe jesus never supported those things to begin with and whoever authored the scriptures that say he supports those things did so for political or sociological reasons.
Please empirically demonstrate this. I can agree with this on a philosophical level, but on a purely objective level i do not see why an old book is somehow more valid than a new book.
“Now you can be an atheist and use secular sources for your moral codes and justifications, but those are still artificial and abstract constructs.”
And i could link you to studies that show how there are predominantly atheist countries that have some of the most unhappy and unhealthy people in the world. I can also find you articles about christian groups actively supporting gay rights and womens rights and the abolition of death penalty.
I never claimed to have unbiased sources in regards to my god. In fact the fact that i am a believer automatically pre-disposes me to seeking out information that confirms my point of view. I can not truthfully present you with 100% objective/unbiased sources.
“Also ignorance has less to do with religion and more to do with the application and availability of educational resources.”
I fail to understand the point you are making, would you please clarify?
Well personally i do not believe that everything miraculous is neccessarily an act of divine intervention. There simply is no way to prove that 100% without a doubt that god was the main drive behind a "miracle"
As far as actual scientifically verified miracles i do not know of one. However what i do know is that the vatican has very rigourous procedures for the verification of miracles, going as far as hiring out secular scientists to examine the data they gather. I wish i could link you to an article about the last bit about atheists working for the vatican but i am having no luck finding the article i read on the subject.
I never went to bible school. Infact when i was about 7 my parents left the church altogether. I haven't regularly attended a church since childhood. And you know what? It was probably one of the best things to ever happen to me.
As far as jesus being a martyr goes i already knew that.
So am i to deduce that because jesus said "if you are killed because you believe in me and my father you will be blessed" that christians as a whole are actively
No, i know that the bible has stuff that is outright grisly and offensive in a modern context. Hell lets drag up some of the laws from leviticus. What else would you expect from a text that old? Stories on how abraham accidently stumbled across Nicomachean Ethics and Cold Fusion?
You said that christians and muslims are all about martyrdom. ( i paraphrase of course)
What i want you to do is to prove to me that "christians" are purposely martyring themselves in the name of jesus. I want to see news reports from multiple sources that show an orchestrated effort of christians as a whole engaging in acts of martyrdom. I don't want centuries old scriptures that are elaborate ways of saying " if you get killed because you worship me you are blessed" . I don't want news reports of a fringe group killing innocent people because some guy told them that god would reward them because he interpreted a scripture in a way that justifies it.
Why aren't there more muslims hi-jacking airplanes and buses? Why is abortion legal in a nation that is 70% christian and why is it that abortion clinic bombings are the exception and not the rule?
I want evidence that christians are actively condoning and engaging in acts of martyrdom. In a nation that is 70% christian than surely you should have no trouble finding a plethora of articles that support your claims.
I do not want evidence that SOME christians and muslims are engaging in these acts.
The bible is a crap book for many reasons from a theological perspective. Sadly i am probably one of the few christians who will gladly admit that.
You know you could have easily avoided this had you not made sweeping generalizations.
(This is where I start replying to the newest comment by TheLotusEater725).
Unlike you are? I could just as well just dismiss his existence, but for the sake of argument I can agree that he existed. If you have any other books that tells us about Jesus’ life, feel free to mention their names.
I know the bible is inaccurate and fallible, you don’t really have to remind me.
So you agree that his morality is inferior to the vast majority of atheists today? Thanks for admitting to it.
“Please empirically demonstrate this. I can agree with this on a philosophical level, but on a purely objective level i do not see why an old book is somehow more valid than a new book. ”
You misunderstand. It’s not about the book, it’s about how blind obedience and genocide are Bad Things. I really hope I don’t have to explain to you why that is.
“And i could link you to studies that show how there are predominantly atheist countries that have some of the most unhappy and unhealthy people in the world.”
I guess you could, if you picked from dictatorial regimes. But let’s compare like with like. But by all means, link me.
I have no doubts. Of course there are dissenting groups that disagree with your homophobic god.
I was under the impression that we were talking in generalities here. I’m talking countries and your counter-examples are local groups which is a pretty small sample.
Yeah, exactly. One could wonder why you turn off what modest intelligence you possess on that specific subject *unless* it’s a dissenting point of view (then you need objective and unbiased sources!).
No need to worry about appearing intellectually dishonest; you already are.
Either Jesus is more ignorant than me (for example), or less so. One would think being god (or having ‘special insights’, however your particular sect wishes to view it) would lend to his capabilities to a bigger degree.
So basically you can slap the word “miracle” on just about anything? Perhaps you should define what you believe a miracle is or we will squabble about the sun rising in the morning being a miracle and waste time.
Yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath. This answer was of course fully expected.
What you, in essence, have said here is that even though the Vatican uses Devil’s Advocates (I think they have stopped that practice post Mother Theresa, actually), they don’t care if the miracles are not verified.
Who would have guessed!
So if you already know that Jesus was a martyr you concede the point that Christians look up to martyrdom?
You should just agree with me in the first place. Another of your points demolished.
That wholly depends on
I wouldn’t say “all about”. I said Christians and Muslims look up to martyrdom.
Don’t paraphrase, the text is just a few scrolls away!
Where did I say they were? Man, use that scroll wheel. I don’t want to have a discussion where you try to refute the poor memory of what I have said.
It’s no trouble. I don’t mind teaching you a thing or two.
QED, bitches, QED.
I’m too lazy to read atheism thread from about week ago…
I’m not sure who is supposed to be offended or trolled by that picture.
Atheists don’t make rape victims apologize for getting pregnant. Meanwhile, ‘Christians’…
Atheists don’t make her marry her rapist either. But Yahweh thinks that how it should be.
The main flaw that I see is that pop-tarts are real.
Yes. Comfortable shoes DO encourage moral decadence. True story, bro.
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