papa smurf was here

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    casemods UID# 667

    Am I the only one that notices how damaged her hair is, and that she has about 5lb of carrot colored shit on her entire face as a mask?


    Am I the only who notices how your submissions are on the front page and not on your own domain?


    Nope, noticed that the other day, making me not want to visit this site anymore.


    Yeah, tiki, I’m with monkeyhitman, here. You gave the douchebag his own place to post his crappy shit, so what does he do? He apparently figures out that if he posts in “unmoderated” he can circumvent your scheme. So, what do we get? ENDLESS crappy posts of shit that he no longer even OWNS, or decided not to buy!

    Time to put the bad dog out in the doghouse, or enforce your plan to have his stuff on his domain. We’re counting on you to clean up this site. This has GOT to stop, and if he can’t abide by the rules you set down, well, what’re you gonna do about it? Lifetime ban? That’d get MY vote.


    You wanna hurt casemods? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. He’s an easy target. Yeah, you’re right, he posts too much. But he also listens too much. He could be a cold-hearted cynic like you… but he doesn’t like to hurt people’s feelings. Well, you think what you want about casemods; He’s not changing. I like casemods. My wife likes casemods. His customers like casemods. ‘Cause he’s the real article. What you see is what you get.

    Also, 70% of MCS is him posting, or commenting, or being flamed. And it has been said before, for every cam-whore killed, two more spawn in their place.

    Also – I’m becoming suspicious that monkeyhitman is not even a real monkey.

    tiki god

    I’m really not sure what’s going on, I’ve looked into it and I have my TOP MEN on the situation.

    Luke Magnifico

    Moar like your TOPLESS MEN, AMIRITE

    Because server rooms get very warm and stuffy sometimes.


    Also, my post that is dated April 1st never posted to the main page.


    rainbow party anyone?


    Just stick it in her eye and you’ll win!


    She’s kindof cute. I like how she didn’t go overboard with the look and kept her hair relatively normal.


    *asks excited penis to wait for ID*

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Why would his penis turn her tongue blue? Smurf’s aren’t painted.

    I shall rape thee for mine troubles in thinking that through, young suburban wench.


    Smurfs are fucking asexual. How the hell would this have even happened. You damned idiots do not know anything about smurfs

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