Fuck Monument Valley National Park

Trinity Trip 2010 287.jpg (1 MB)

Trinity Trip 2010 290.jpg (1 MB)

Trinity Trip 2010 292.jpg (1 MB)

Trinity Trip 2010 294.jpg (1 MB)

Trinity Trip 2010 297.jpg (1 MB)

Fuck this place place. Fuck this windy place. Some of the worst fucking westerns every made were filmed here, not that I give a fuck.

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    Winner, duh!


    You’re just jealous that you cannot afford vacations on minimum wage.


    fuck, accidentally down voted you.
    I think he is just made because he can only afford a moped.


    It’s cute when he tries to start his own meme and fails miserably




    I knew he had a homosexual crush on me! awwww…. so cute! I’m telling all of my friends.


    I just told all my friends- and made my new meme my new profile photo. This is so cool!


    This is hilarious.

    +1 internet to the casemo.


    Why am I still seeing posts from this cuntnugget?

    tiki, you whore, where is the button to ignore syphilitic ball lickers like this?


    It’s alt+f4, jizzchin, is there anything at which you don’t fail miserably?


    Rofl superb case

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    In all fairness if someone else had suggested this everyone would be praising them and doing it.


    My neice and her friends think that I am full of awesomeness now. The best part is any real biker will be able to tell right away that I am not a poser from the decals on my helmet. SWEEET!!


    What decals? That unicorn on the front?


    Just kidding. Much respect though. I did a Route 66 run in the late 90’s but the sciatica prevented me from going further that Chicago.


    That’s not a unicorn- that’s a dragon decal from Deals Gap, NC. I rode The Tail of the Dragon – 318 curves in 11 miles. The decal on top is Sturgis 2001. I could not have asked for a better photo to be used!!

    Luke Magnifico

    I really like this “storminator flipping things off” meme.

    Good job, Graham.


    Me too. I like this and the one Dreth made.




    What a big dumb bitch.

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