


that site is nsfw.

go ahead and test it out if you want, even if you’re not casemods.

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    im not clicking those links. casemods is a cancer and all youre doing is making a portal so people can get that cancer shoved down their throats. im not stupid enough to let that happen. you can keep your shitty casemods webpage, im gonna stick to McS.


    Actually, it’d be cooler if you banned his IP, or entire netblock if necessary.


    I can get behind that proposition.

    casemods UID# 667

    What if I use wifi at mcdonalds and crack neighbors wep with back track 4 and gerix wifi cracker and wep buster?


    That’s why I suggested the entire netblock. Start by filtering localized ISPs networks, which may block some legitimate users but is it totally acceptable collateral damage, then if necessary, whole geographic netblocks, so you’d have to change states or, more than likely, vacate the entire geographic region. Then it can move on to banning all your known e-mail accounts. You’ll have to register so many random, anonymous e-mail accounts at various services to keep registering here, that you’ll be flagged as a spammer by them. Then comes the ISP banhammer… U MAD?


    Wait, this is gonna keep his bullshit outta my face? Hell yeah!


    Didn’t this already happen, and not accomplish what it was supposed to?

    Luke Magnifico

    “Your comment is awaiting moderation”

    ¦:¬ |


    If this means casemods will never appear on the front page and we can treat him like the retarded monster we keep in the basement, I am all for it. If we can go poke him with sharp sticks but keep him locked up I applaud this inovation.

    casemods UID# 667

    Nope it means the latest submission will be stickied at the top of the page

    casemods UID# 667

    I don’t get it.

    How do people visit the site with all my pictures without knowing what it is?

    casemods UID# 667

    Nevermind, it’s at the top just under the

    casemods UID# 667

    I was just given my own sub-domain.

    Clearly, my awesomeness is not yet registering.

    Give it some time.

    casemods UID# 667

    One problem tiki:

    When you visit my profile, only the things I submit to the main site are listed, not the things submitted to .casemods


    You know you could just, uh, not post the shit he submits right?

    I mean, is it really that hard?

    casemods UID# 667

    That’s the opposite of giving me my own subdomain, which is what happened today.


    Congrats. I guess it goes to show that if your good at sucking cock, you can get whatever you want out of life.


    you’re. Dammit.

    casemods UID# 667

    Everyone gets their own lesson out of these things.

    That explains a lot on your end…


    You were given your own subdomain so everybody could go and bask in your glory.

    Yeah, that’s it. Your glory. Yep.

    casemods UID# 667

    Then what is it?

    “Sarcasm hides no pain” – casemods

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