
Beers.png (1 MB)

These were brewed in August 2006. I don’t remember what they were anymore, but I think one of them was a pumpkin ale and the other was an Irish red ale. The one on the left was fermenting so vigorously that I had to replace the airlock with the jury-rigged racking cane + bowl of water setup so the airlock wouldn’t clog with foam and blow right off.

Sadly, I was having trouble with sanitization, and both brews picked up a bad chemical smell and taste and had to be dumped. This became an ongoing problem with my brews and is one of the reasons I stopped brewing.

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    The Matrix: Rebooted

    When it bubbles too much for the air lock, instead of putting the tube through a bowl of water, use a bowl of cheap vodka. Keeps it sanitary. Some people put vodka in the airlock instead of water, but I’ve never found it necessary.


    water should be perfectly safe. co2 preassure would not let anything go through the hose.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    That should work in theory, but if the batch is going bad, obviously theory isn’t working in practice 🙂


    or put starsan in the water. done it a few times and nothing has gone wrong.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Also, why are your carboys have empty. Fill them up the neck, top it off with some purified water if you don’t have enough wort. Ethanol fermentation is an anaerobic process, so any oxygen is providing an aerobic environment for the contaminates to thrive.

    tiki god

    lol science with a couple of sub 1k mcs users.

    awesome sause


    um, you guys should totally change your bongwater


    ^ what tiki said


    im gonna have to try that bowl of water airlock trick, thanks for the tip!!


    I actually start my five gallon batches with a hose into a glass vase of water – I figure the less it has to work to get out, the better. Less chance of contamination after a blowout.


    We use a very diluted bleach/water solution to clean all containers and tools, then rinse well with hot water.
    Are you using tap water to make your brew or bottled/filtered? If tap, are you sanitizing it first somehow?
    Are you sure your brew is getting hot enough when you first cook it?

    I don’t see any reason why you would be getting contaminated during fermentation, unless there is drastic change in temperature causing a vacuum. The bacteria has to be in there to start with some how.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Not getting a full boil should be fine, if you used distilled water to cool the wort, but oxidizing after the wort has cooled is bad news. That could be the culprit.
    Basically, everything you do after the wort has cooled should minimize oxidation. For example, that’s why transferring to the secondary should be done by siphoning instead of just pouring.


    Let me encourage you to try again. The method I use (beer, wine, cider) is to use a 7 gallon bucket for a 5 gallon batch, during the initial fermentation. With beer, it just stays in the bucket until ready for bottling. With wine & cider it gets racked into a carboy after a few days, when the yeast slows down.

    Are you keeping a steady temperature? Beer needs to be kept cool for a slow fermentation. If it is too warm, certain bad bacteria are able to grow. Also, beer is better in the dark. This is why most bottles are dark. Carboys let in light, so it’s better if you keep that covered or in a closet.


    The only home brewed thing I ever drank was shine


    I used to make hard cider and applejack, your gear is about 5 steps of sophistication and 3 steps of legality compared to what I used.

    But if I could make drinkable hard cider with old oil containers and crappy well water in a minimally sanitary environment hidden away, you should be able to use purpose-built gear that doesn’t have to be stealthy to make a simple beer … maybe focus on the basics and drop the complications?


    For sanitation I use an iodine solution. Easy and it works.

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