Ethics – Hitler’s wallet

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    I feel ethically obligated to steal the reposter’s wallet.


    Repost, and still no option to staple Hitler’s nuts to the back of his throat.


    I hate this fucking question. Somehow you are in a position to steal a man’s wallet who has done nothing wrong and isn’t famous, and yet somehow you know him. You don’t need the money, and that’s a good thing because at that time, 40 reichsmarks was worth $8.88. So the biggest problem you have is that you can’t decide if you should ruin a strangers night? Fuck you. If you post this again, I will go back in time and ethically kill your fucking parents.


    Yes it’s an unrealistic situation, but that’s not the point. But you’re actually very close.

    This is a trick question.


    It’s totally unrealistic situation, and that’s the point.


    I’ll drop an ethics bomb on you. Would you steal bread to feed your family. Boom!

    Yeah. I took Intro to Philosophy, twice! No big deal.


    Damn, son, shit just got real.

    Here’s one for you: Should I steal bread to feed your family?


    Or should I steal your family and keep them fed, as you obviously can’t?


    Or should I steal your mom so you can’t fuck her anymore?

    Hey, if we’re gonna be making up stuff here…..

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    All you do is make stuff up.

    I’d worry more about your dad around sambo, outlanderssc.


    Navi, you have a documented history of being a compulsive liar. Shut your whore mouth.

    I mean, you tried to make up grammar rules, for christ’s sake.

    You live in a glass house. Don’t throw stones.


    No, I need some ham to go with the shit I already have.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    why would you be ethically obligated to break the law?

    because you know how he turns out?

    thats idiotic

    no Delorean for you, professor assclown


    What I’d do: give Hitler back his wallet, after inserting a little note saying “I’m from the future, and I’m here to tell you: stick with your painting and don’t listen to anyone who criticizes it. Trust me, it pays off for everyone in the long run.”

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