
OK, so last night I lashed out at you, the people I love most in the world, just because of how angry I was that I ran out of beer.

So, yeah, sorry about that.  I’ll try to be a better person than that in the future.

Also, what do you guys thing about a ‘open weekend’ in which I let MCS+ people post wtf every they want?

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    For that you owe me a beer. Motherfucker!


    That’s what you said last time!
    You can’t keep doing this to us!
    If you cannot change, it’s over between us.

    I’m taking the car in the divorce.


    Oh YES. Open weekend.
    This I gotta see.


    Noooooo on the open weekend!!! (I’m not a + member, BTW)

    We’ll get 1000s of casemods images. I…will…die


    I think you’ll have to disregard your no gore/no nsfw rules.


    Which I’m totally ok with.


    Tiki, we still love you. You’re the Eminem to our Rihanna. But if you become our Chris Brown your ass is going into rehab.


    For your sake I hope they make some kind of drunk lockout for you computer. But for the sake of hilarity I hope there isn’t.


    A Breathalyzer test every time he turns on his computer


    RAN OUT OF BEER!!! I’m so sorry.


    Can we ban casemods that weekend? PLEAAAAAAAASE. Then you don’t have to owe me beer.


    All is forgiven, if you ban Casemods for the week.


    I fully support the ban casemods for the week motion.

    But let MCS+ post whatever they want? you do realize that Demon’s posts alone will land you in jail right?

    Also, you are Tiki God. God’s do not have to apologize for their wrath/foul mouth.


    colonel, you sound like you know what happened…
    I thought that was between me and Tiki only.


    no.just no.


    I was not just offended, but deeply hurt.
    Perhaps giving me MCS+ status will show me your apology really is sincere, and I may once again trust you.
    (Oh, and the whole banning casemods thing is a great idea as well. Seeing that mens room troll posing everywhere is even more offensive than you.)

    Luke Magnifico

    I think letting all MCS+ people except Demon post whatever they want is a great idea Tiki, good call.


    how about you fix the aggravating load times and constant timing out problems before we start playing games?


    Due to general consensus, I will bow out of open weekend, should it take place, and simply sit back and view.


    Apology accepted. <3

    I'm….wary of an open weekend. One of the reasons I love this site so much is that there's some kind of filter and I don't have to accidentally see a box of mutilated puppies or something. It's why I never go to SpaceGhetto. For every awesome picture, there's six that made me curse the internet.

    No gore rule = fantastic.

    Luke Magnifico


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