Governor Palin Says

meh.ro5783.jpg (39 KB)

Vote Republican

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    she’s not a governor


    Austin Kincaid.


    This is apparently the best argument they have….


    Considering the results, I’d say that’s about all they needed.


    We didn’t even need her, the left gave us obama.


    We didn’t even need her, the left gave us obama. And the right gave us a two year campaign of misinformation and smear tactics.



    Just wait for the next two years.

    The single purpose of the current Republican party is to get in power. They have no solutions for our current problems, and they don’t care.

    The opposition party always prospers when things are going bad. The Republicans know this. And they are more than willing to hamstring all recovery efforts, because it benefits them.

    The Republicans will create as much gridlock to drag things down as much as they can over the next two years. The only thing that will get passed is increased military spending and tax cuts for the top 1% richest Americans.

    Then they’ll exploit this for political gains. They’ll blame Obama and make up controversies to smear him.

    Then we’ll probably get a Republican president. Only then, after one of the longest and most brutal recessions in modern history, will the Republicans even consider trying to fix anything. That is, if they can find time between starting wars, dismantling the Constitution, and creating to record deficits.


    And then the fuckers lost *anyway*. 🙂




    I did.


    NK votes for tits


    She’s gonna have a tv show


    Nommy nom!


    Sorry, hun, but you’re gonna need to do a LOT more to get me to vote for the idiots who got us in this mess.




    She got nice titty.

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