firefly star trek mash up

firefly star trek mash up

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    Fuck off, star trek, you bum!


    Jewel Staite is the only part of Firefly I find worth watching.


    A valid reason for watching something… but firefly? You disappoint me.


    Then you are not paying attention.

    tiki god

    captain tight pants is a good reason.

    Alec Dalek

    It doesn’t look right for River to be in uniform. Shouldn’t she have that Westley Crusher shit on?




    Wash isn’t wearing red so this gets a fail.

    Plus River would be Troi and Inara as Guinan.




    i have never watched firefly…

    is there a reason this looks like a poster some teenager ripped out of a magazine and folded up in their pocket?

    tiki god

    cause it’s all the rage now days


    you never watched firefly? how can you consider your life complete without watching one of the best shows to ever be on television? I demand you watch it this instant, then watch the movie. until then, the internet hates you.


    Uhm… Why would he watch the movie after the series? The movie is the pilot and introduces the characters.


    is that a joke or something? the movie was made after the series was canceled for a reason you know. it kind of closes most of the story points. I have no clue what your talking about.


    Holy shit… I think I might have not seen Serenity… I thought I did, but now I’m more than unsure.


    The pilot episode was named Serenity, too.

    Seriously though, get the movie and watch it!


    The movie was nice and gave it some closure. But I wants me some more firefly.


    Are you sure about that, sir?


    This is an insult to firefly 🙁


    This is silly, but Jewel Staite in that uniform…is nice.


    She’s nice in any uniform 😉

    lemon floor wax

    I bet she’s nice out of uniform, too!


    send her to my bunk…


    fold marks ruin an otherwise interesting picture.

    The Matrix: Rebooted



    Christina Hendricks OM NOM NOM NOM NOM


    All my favorite characters are Red Shirts… 🙁


    No, the’re Brown Coats, not Shirts.


    River should be in Spock’s uniform (she’s more like him), and Zoe should be Uhurra (racial/gender stereotype, but whatever). I guess Inara should have green skin.

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