Horny woman

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Hi, grandma!

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    It looks like her head is taking a dump.


    damn it someone always beats me to it D:


    same here!


    Reminds me of that monster that shits in its own mouth from the Drawn Together movie.


    I remember seeing this on Rotten.com, the sidestory was that the Brady Bunch’s maid actress had suddenly began shitting from her forehead.


    Rotten.com? Damn I have not looked at that site in quite a while.


    Forgot it even existed.


    she waited till it grew that long before having it removed?


    If you grew horns would you have them removed or would you start a heavy metal band?

    fracked again

    He thinks only Jews have horns…


    Or be a school bus driver, just for the lulz.


    Have you considered she could not pay for it?

    Perhaps in previous years doctors were too worried about the consequences of removing it.


    Possible, but no one thought it okay to saw it off at skin level? Really? I know there are people walking around with crazy-ass deformities or with half a face because they are Iraq vets or whatever, but some things are just hard to hide. What could she have worn to hide it? And that isn’t enough to gamble on paying for 10 seconds with a bone saw? I just gotta wonder if this is fake.


    Sure, she could keep grinding them off with a rotary sander, but then she’d have to whomp a wide assortment of paranormal creatures with her Right Hand of Doom and the Good Samaritan.


    She definitely looks angry and bitter, probably from all the years of people staring at her like a freak. I mean the best you could probably hope for is the occasional cute kid who thinks you are a unicorn-person or something and is actually nice to you without staring at the fucking miniature model of an underwater volcanic eruption that is coming out of your forehead.


    Pork Scratchings anyone?


    seriously 20 years!!!

    did she piss god off in a past life?

    Ronald whitman

    Talk about a black head

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