Alien Contact How-

AlienContactHow-To.png (268 KB)

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    Oh crap. I think the real way the alien apocalypse will happen is that they first meet a creationist.


    Maybe Sarah Palin….


    make sure the aliens are OK with reposts also

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    This whole plan pretty much falls apart with assumption that aliens communicate through visible light. We have more in common with termites than we would have with any potential alien visitors. We’ll be lucky if they perceive time and space the same way that we do, let alone be able to communicate on the same, extremely narrow, band of electromagnetic radiation.


    Not really. In this case, function dictates the form. Any creature perceiving the world through EM waves will have “eye” almost identical to our own. Other wavelength don’t interact with matter in a way that lends itself to biological reception. Any higher frequencies and you burn the tissue – any lower frequencies and the structures become too big. There’s only a narrow band where EM is useful to creatures, and that’s why all eyes on Earth are the same, from worms to insects to people. So if an alien had eyes at all, I’d expect them to be virtually the same as our own. Similar arguments can be made for other senses, like hearing.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “Any higher frequencies and you burn the tissue – any lower frequencies and the structures become too big”
    And there’s where you’re making the implied assumptions. Higher frequencies burn our tissue because our biology is based on hydrocarbon chemistry, where the bonds dissociate at UV wavelengths. A lifeform that had a different chemical basis might not be bother by UV.
    Similar with IR, lower frequencies aren’t very useful for vision on Earth because at about 300K, most matter emitted light in the IR range. But if they come from a planet that is a few degrees different, the wavelength emitted by most matter would be shift. We also probably don’t perceive IR because we evolved from sea creature and water absorbs IR frequencies very well. Beings that did not evolve underwater, or evolved eyes after their underwater phase, might not have that limitation.


    You’ve been watching too much Star Trek. 😀

    You might start here:

    and then work through the materials in the citation list.


    Let there be light!




    Looks like someone found out how to change font size all of a sudden.


    I’m gonna go out on that troll shaped limb and say you should skip the evolution drawing. If we’re considering them “higher beings” we don’t need to make them think we believe we came from swamp-fish-goo-chimps.

    “Show some damned humility” and avoid the subject altogether until you find out what they think and nod in approval.

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