ads are down

ok, it’s official, google has officially disowned MCS.  I’ve applied to an account review, but I’m not sure if they’re going to go for it or not.

this is depressing as shit, as I thought we had a good working relationship, we’ve done so much together over the last 5 years, it just hurts to be thrown out the door so unceremoniously.  Until then, I guess you’ll be seeing a shitload more project wonderful ads, but those don’t do even remotely as well as the google ads did.

I’ll be looking into alternative advertising solutions, but fuck.  ugh.  anyone have any ideas?

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    Oh man, that sux. I wish I knew something that could help.


    Wouldn’t it be great if Google’s slogan “don’t be evil” wasn’t ironic?


    Yahoo ads?
    Do they have any?


    well sons of bitches :/


    goodnight, sweet prince


    Step 1- Steal underpants….


    Step 2- ????


    Step 3- Profit!!!


    Damn you Google! DAMN YOU TO HADES!!!!


    They blew it up! You bastards!!!

    Tiggle Bitties

    can users convince google ads to do anything?


    Have you tried AdBrite?


    so kill the NSFW part?

    sucks, but sometimes amputation keeps the organism alive


    Whore yourself out to ad networks (i.e. Specific Media, ValueClick, Revenue Science) but I seriously don’t know if you generate enough impressions for them to care…

    Here’s an old list of top networks:

    Nothing beats getting direct advertisers though…I’ll see what I can do to generate a list for you of prospective sites you can hit up (I work in online marketing).

    But yeah, Google is fucking king…lose them and you pretty much have shit for options.


    There are tons of stranger, sicker sites on the intertubes.
    What do THEY do for ads?

    (mumbling something about fucking Nazis…)


    Just keep running adds for our reptilian masters.


    Why did Google bail on you, if I may ask?


    because you touch yourself at night


    no no no that’s why the dinosaurs died…


    MSN ads?


    Supposedly some good ones here:

    Advertisements Alcohol Animated Images Architecture Art Awesome Things Batman Bikinis Black and White Cars Comic Books Computers Cosplay Cute As Hell Animals Donald Trump Drugs Fantasy - Science Fiction Fashion Food Forum Fodder Gaming Humor Military Motorcycles Movie Posters Movie Reviews Movies Music Music Videos Nature NeSFW Politics Religion Science! Sexy Sports Star Trek Star Wars Technology Television Vertical Wallpaper Wallpaper Weapons Women WTF

    480 x 360 500 x 281 500 x 375 500 x 500 500 x 750 600 x 450 600 x 600 600 x 750 600 x 800 600 x 900 640 x 480 640 x 640 640 x 800 640 x 853 640 x 960 720 x 720 720 x 960 750 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 800 960 x 720 960 x 960 1024 x 683 1024 x 768 1080 x 1080 1080 x 1350 1200 x 630 1200 x 800 1200 x 900 1280 x 720 1280 x 800 1280 x 960 1280 x 1024 1440 x 900 1600 x 900 1600 x 1200 1680 x 1050 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1200 2048 x 1536 2560 x 1440 2560 x 1600 3024 x 4032 3840 x 2160 x

    ABoringDystopia Amoledbackgrounds AnimalsBeingDerps ATBGE awfuleverything Celebhub Celebs CityPorn comicbookart conceptart cosplaygirls Cyberpunk EarthPorn Eyebleach Faces FreckledGirls funny General Uploads gentlemanboners hmmmm Images Sub Space ImaginaryStarships ImaginaryTechnology InfowarriorRides interestingasfuck MarchAgainstNazis marvelstudios MCS Plus memes MilitaryPorn nocontextpics OldSchoolCool pictures PoliticalHumor PrequelMemes PropagandaPosters RetroFuturism sbubby StarshipPorn startrekmemes Storminator Super News Thanks I Hate It UrbanHell wallpaper
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