has anyone seen kyle

has anyone seen kyle

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    lol, say “seen kyle” in a nazi voice


    This picture = BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA…


    There’s the dood from FMJ. And who’s the mole with his hands in his pockets?


    Hah! I saw this on moronail.net last week (first time actually going through the whole site). This pic makes me laugh every time.




    Half of these nazi’s look like inbreds from the movie Deliverance.


    proof anyone can be a nazi, but it takes proper breeding and education to be a National Socialist


    I’d rather have a Sherman with a mine flail. It’ll be useful for when the zombies come too. In fact, I need it just for the zombies. I don’t need Scumfuck nazis gut on my awesome tank.



    hummm.. Mine Flail.. Kinky.. I think the way you think.


    Last time I saw Kyle, he was hanging out on the curb.


    Apparently the “master race” is a bunch of inbred retards?


    That shave their chests.


    wasnt Obama accused of being a Socialist? somehow- i just dont see them hanging out together…


    Hell, the Nazi’s and USSR were both socialist and they killed each other in huge gobs.

    Just because these retards are Nazis, it doesn’t make Obama any less a socialist.


    You should stop watching FOX news and get your head out of your ass…


    When there is an abundance of soundbytes floating around of Obama being quoted as saying “we need to spread the wealth around” which means redistribution of wealth, that. makes. him. a. socialist. period.


    Your right Elepski, I be more like you and blindly believe everything the governments says because I know they only have my best interest in heart and Obama is a really good, honest and enlighten being.


    And the DPRK is a democratic country…

    Socialism and fascism are complete opposite sides of the political spectrum from each other.

    And when you look at most of our elected officials most of them are pretty much in the middle or right leaning.


    yeah but the political spectrum isnt just a straight line, its more like an x and y axis. Socialism and facism are opposites on one axis but on the other they are very similar. That other axis would be the role of government in everyday life. Nazism and Communism are not to much different in terms of the totalarin control of peoples private lives. They are just diffent in terms to their relationship between the government and the economy. I suggest you check out a fascinating website called the political compass which explains this all much better, plus it lets you take a little test on your own political beliefs and see where you match up versus politicans like Putin, Stalin, Hitler, Gandi, Bush, Thatcher, Reagan, Carter, Blair, Kohl etc…

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