Proof that PC gamers are idiots.

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It could be doctored, but this pic pretty much sums up my feelings towards the “master race”, they will grasp at anything just to make themselves feel special… then when it comes to actually playing games, they go back to being miserable and bored with nothing but Crysis to show the power of their video cards.

Inb4 a bunch of PC gamers trying desperately to justify why they’re PC gamers.

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    PC gamers are just jealous they don’t have consoles. I’m a PC gamer, I’m jealous… Somebody give me a console so I can play a proper multiplayer with a person in the same room!

    Jesus Christ

    I’m a PC gamer and a console gamer. I don’t care so long as I like the game I’m playing.


    Not jealous. I’m a PC gamer, and have been since it as cheaper to be a PC gamer. But consoles are getting cheaper than maintaining a computer capable of keeping up with modern games.

    I also have a 360, and it’s great, particularly got impromptu mulitplayer.

    But I certainly spend more time playing games on my PC than my 360.

    Also, the fine print at the bottom right of that image. I totally just lost the game.


    there is definitely not enough time in the day to hate somebody you have never met because they play video games with their computer. This post = herd mentality. Put on your ‘longcat is long shirt’ and pat yourself on the back.


    Man, I wish I could still play games on my pc. More than half of the games I bought for it never worked. I never understood why there isn’t some sort of universal compatibility for pc games. I mean, I’ve bought almost every console there is, and guess what? All the games I’ve bought for it have worked! Astonishing! Except Fallout 3. Buggy as hell. Bethesda couldn’t program their way out of a wet paper bag.


    Computers all have different operating systems, hardware, and software. They even might have different drivers or different versions for the exact same software. Consoles are all fixed, locked down standards, which make them easy to make games for.


    Which is exactly my point – There’s no such thing, really, as the pc platform, as most pc’s are completely different, which makes gaming on them intensely problematic


    Bethesda needs stop using the goddamned Gamebryo Engine. Seriously it is such a piece of shit. UT3 may be overused but at least it is stable as all hell (with the exception of mass effect, but i think that was just a poorly ported game)


    an experiment carried out on 4chan? I rest my case


    I’ll play any console, but i prefer my computer. I don’t hate consoles, i’ve hosted a good couple parties with an 360 and a huge TV, as well as a couple of LAN parties with the school computers (20 person network for COD). I just hate it when people think im elitist.

    Jesus Christ

    This. I love playing with console-fags in the same room on dif TVs and stuff. It’s amazing and fun, but my computer gaming is my personal time and I prefer being a solo gamer instead of playing co-op.


    I like FPS’s, and I can’t aim for shit on consoles. Where FPS’s are concerned i don’t really see how it should be a contest. Especially competitive FPS play. The only one i had much fun with was Goldeneye for the 64 🙂 I guess some console players have success with aiming with an analogue stick but i just cant see it since i suck so much myself.

    Strategy games, MMO’s etc – there just arent enough buttons on a console? I know, consoles can get mice connected etc, but they dont really take advantage of that do they?
    Pretty much all other games like fighting games, racing games, and stuff like guitar hero etc etc are completely pointless on a PC.
    Fun to be had with both. If i had loads of monies id probably have a TV and some console but not really a priority. Leave it to those of my friends with proper sized living rooms lol.


    I agree.

    Look at World of Warcraft alone. It has millions of subscribers and is – at the moment – only available to PC (and Mac) users. A substantial amount of online RPG, strategy and MMO games are exclusively for PC. Couple that with recent studies and it just shows that PC gaming isn’t actually the minority – it’s the majority.

    Most of the people that PC game probably have consoles too. So at the end of the day, the argument is pretty much a moot point. Regardless. Whether it’s PC or Console, you’ll still get trollers and dimwits.


    well it would be NP to play a game like WoW on a console, given a proper mouse pointer and keyboard was connected, given that addons and stuff functioned as on pc. its just not done.


    Granted, if you’re going to add a keyboard and mouse to your console – you might as will just use a PC.


    Isn’t this really just proof that people on the internet are idiots? Which isn’t really a groundbreaking discovery, if you ask me.


    This is just proof that message boards are full of idiots.


    That includes you.


    “An astonishing 99% of our phone-in polls indicates that a majority of a minority believes something should/shouldn’t be done!”


    haha, this totally matters


    lol, thumbs 4 u


    simple. you want to jerk off to porn, you go on your computer. you want to play video games virtually bug free on your couch then you play on your console, whichever your preference is. go consoles.


    Feeling adventurous, I tried playing the PC version of Mass Effect 2 on my home projector from the couch.
    Well, I’m sorry, but it sucked. Big monitors/screens are horrible for gaming. Reading the text hurt my eyes and the distance between the picture and me just break all the immersion.
    A 16/9 2meter wide 1080p screen is good for watching moving, but I really prefer my 1280×1024 LCD monitor for games.



    That’s why PC.

    casemods UID# 667

    I quite enjoy all the 4chan porting/copying/transferring.

    It makes me feel better about myself.

    Keep it up!


    This positive-response-to-things-they-want-to-hear and negative-response-to-things-they-don’t-want-to-hear isn’t exclusive to PC gamers, it’s a universal human trait. Look at religion or politics for example.

    That aside, I’m a PC gamer. Why? Most of the games I like are better for PCs. Here’s how I look at it:
    PC is better for:

    Consoles are better for:
    racing games, side-scrolling fighters (MK for example), RPGs, guitar-hero-esque games (DDR, rock band, etc).

    I wouldn’t play Need for Speed on my PC, and I wouldn’t play CoD4 on a console. The platforms are simply gimped for the wrong types of games. Someone who only plays one platform and professes its universal superiority over the other is an idiot.


    Computer: work, internet, multimedia.
    PS3, PSP, DS: games.

    It’s not because I don’t like playing games on my PC; it’s just that the games I really wanna play rarely make it on the PC, and even then I’d have to worry about DRM and specs and whatnot.

    Still, there are always exceptions, most recent of which was the awesome Witcher, and one day… Diablo 3!


    I am a PC gamer and I don’t feel this way at all. Potentially that’s because I’m also an adult. Or because I don’t have a comfortable recliner. Either way.


    this is basically twelve year old troll bullshit.

    my $sports_team is better than $your_sportsteam
    my $x is better than your $y

    who cares? pick one. pick both. pick go outside and do something. pick shut the fuck up and go back to your hugbox and cry that your $thing is the bestest ever. you are all broken and confused children in a world that’s handed you everything on a plate.


    lol. anyone else notice the small print near the copyright info at the bottom?


    I did. It made me lol.


    I hate this argument. Consoles are good at their thing, PCs are good at their things. Consoles have the added advantage of not leaving you behind the tech curve. PC’s have the advantage of letting you be on the bleeding edge of technology.

    Onoe is not better than the other, and neither one is dying out 😛 Not by a long shot. I hate hate HATE hearing indie developers like myself start complaining that there’s no point in developing for the PC anymore, because the consoles are taking over. They’re not 😛




    what the fuck is alan wake?

    tiki god

    it’s a video game, duh?


    I read somewhere when I was looking for cross-platform games that pc is considered to have an advantage over consoles cause of the key/mouse. I don’t believe it though. If you play long enough with either platform you become comfortable with whatever your using.


    /v/ is like politics for children.

    Just replace political parties for video games.

    fracked again


    If you say something that they like, they get excited, but if you say something that they don’t, they get mad?


    This may well be a startling new insight to human behavior.

    And beyond that, Blizzard dropping D3 and SC2? The OP might as well have said that WoW was going to close next month due to lack of funds. If you are going to troll, it works better if you make up something believable. (Thats why saying god doesn’t exist always gets theists mad (Now that is quality trolling))



    Samefag. All of it.


    I miss Pong.


    I see no proof of anything here. Except that 4Chan is populated by children.


    My reasoning for using a Pc.

    +all console games were made on a pc, or software developed by a pc.
    +any game you play on the pc you can have a controller for that is no different than that of any console.
    +The only limitation it gives me is how much money i can spend.
    (though it is still cheaper than console to game on a computer)

    There are children in any sector of gaming. But that doesn’t change the fact that computers are more efficient for gaming.

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