Epic Beard Man beat my ASS

Epic-beard-man-victim-before-after.jpg (55 KB)

This is what happens when you fuck with EBM, also known as “Epic Beard Man”.

If you check out the video on the left, you can see him deliver a wonderful ass whooping to a gangbangin’, piece of shit racist black guy.

I want to be this man when I grow up. Or at least die and come back as his beard.

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    bettuh brang da amberlamps


    Crazy old people and their blackmann beating…


    I was editing a video some friends and I had made when they showed me this, and thusly, we gave it deds.


    lol the guy is like this racist/crazy homeless man

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Ya that black dude was just one of a group of racist black people on that bus.

    EBM should have handed them all their asses instead of just that one dumb fuck pictured there.


    I didn’t see EBM being very racist. He seemed confused (at the beginning) as to why the black dude was so angry.


    I still don’t get why that negro gentleman was being so uppity.


    tall men are suprisingly strong. if you see a dude thats 6’5″, even if hes skinny, watch out for epic reach and crazy strength.


    EBM was just standing up for himself.


    Interesting that the camera girl was egging it on until the beatdown started.


    Great documentary on EBM…turns out he’s got more black friends than most of us:

    I Am A Motherfucker:
    Thomas Bruso (infamously known across the internet as Epic Beard Man) and the days surrounding the release of an internet video showcasing a fight on an Oakland public bus.):

    Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AedJy9tAYL4
    Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRkeSjn5Dv8


    Except for EBM, do you think anyone involved thinks badly of themselves after actually seeing the way they acted?


    To be honest, I think both of them were out of line. Sure, the gangsta punk was the worse out of the two, but the old guy’s counterattack was excessive, PLUS he did continue to antagonize the kid after he “walked away”. So, yeah, the kid was “more wrong”, but the old guy was in the wrong as well.


    Except that I think EBM is crazy, really crazy. The rest weren’t. If you couldn’t tell that EBM should be given a wide-berth then expect to get bitch slapped.
    Also, I don’t think EBM’s counter attack was excessive. He hit him a few times, really quickly, then got off the bus. It’ not like he didn’t, or wouldn’t, stop.


    He had a t-shirt that said I AM A MOTHERFUCKER. The black dude provoked him at his own peril. I mean, if snakes slithered around with a t-shirt saying I AM VENOMOUS, would you poke them?


    I hope the girls filming got charged as well.
    It’s funny how everyone is quick to point out the racisim when it’s a white guy, but when it’s a black man (or in this case girl) it’s quietly overlooked.


    I’m Taiwanese and I would be honored to shine EBM’s shoes.

    Tiggle Bitties

    i’d be honored to get to know amber lamps. my friend said she saw her the other day. TIGHT


    that vid is awesome. period. “beat that white boys ass!” ohh fuck, nigger’s bleeding… HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA


    i believe the correct term the negro lady said was “AW SHIT BOY, YOU LEAKIN”



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