M[c]S Christmas Party 2

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    I don`t know who everyone is, but this is cool as hell still.
    Great job, Lamb!


    Ahaha this is fantastic. Obviously I like my figure with Dreth behind the brick wall waiting to attack it the most but all of it made me laugh pretty hard. Good job.


    I was gonna ask who that hot chick was by the brick wall. Thanks for volunteering the info so I don’t seem like a stalker.

    But then I go and make this post anyway, because I obviously don’t think things completely through.


    Fuck off bstaples DieA. is mine not yours.


    I’m sure we can find a neutral and fair way to settle this.



    Lowest UID number.


    I love the beard box. You should have included reboot in the beard box though. reboot and his beard are important.

    Also here I labelled them for you Demon,



    He posted photos with his ferret in the Fuck Christmas thread. Dude. They were practically served on a silver platter.


    I wrote kikidoddess. Damnit. That should be kikigoddess. D and G are not even next to each other. What will the people say.

    Kik Dogg

    kikidoddess must have been grunk


    hahaha awesome, thanks dA!
    there`s only a few I don`t know.


    fucking BRAVO


    Then my purpose in life is to make sure I break that xBox.

    Billy Manic

    Oh hey guys am I late to the party?
    Fuck, it seems so.




    This is fantastic Lamb.


    I prolly have. I haven’t been on so much the last few days, just kinda jumpin’ in and back out.


    My idea all my idea.


    …and an excellent idea it was.


    Holy shit, I gotta agree with dieA. This had me rolling even though I didn’t know everyone at first. I found “I’m all sepia and shit” lulzy.

    My brick wall is a MS-Paint work of art.

    Weird though, moutarde and kikogoddess are not registering on radar at all. Are these two strictly forum-dwellers or what?

    And Lamb, I must thank you. Although I only exist in this part of the site (forum bores me) I was included here AND in the Chessboard (although that wasn’t your doing). I’m getting an unwarranted feeling of self-importance. And a chubby.


    Wait, if this is Christmas Party 2, where is Christmas Party 1?


    Why is Lamb getting….by ColombianMonkey…nvm I don’t wanna know


    It was Monkey’s turn, that’s all.

    Kik Dogg

    Ha ha, Lamb! I just saw that you painted everyone else’s hat on, but you shooped the pixilated onto me. Nice work!


    this is just fantastic… plain ole fantastic.
    and sadly i still am beardless.
    but the best part is itts alllll true. this is honestly the best christmas present so far, lamb. thank you, you romanian bastard.
    accept the obvious, i love yous alls. 🙂


    Yay! I’m in this one! W00T!


    this is great


    Love it.

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