As long as you forget the war on drugs is losing
As long as you forget the the Taliban was our ally
As long as you forget that the top 1% of our population only owned 8% of everything as compared to know which is 25%
As long as you forget that since the Reagan admin prison population population has grown 300%, thanks to the war on drugs
And the best part, with the Reagan admin we went from the greatest lender nation to the greatest debter nation… all to fight the USSR… which bankrupted itself! FISCAL CONSERVATISM RAWKS!
12 years ago
Here’s to hoping for a stocking full of aggressive cancer for this bitch.
this is all i wanted for christmas, thanks.
All I want is a night-elf mohawk grenade
Further proof that THE 80’S FUCKING ROCKED!
As long as you forget the war on drugs is losing
As long as you forget the the Taliban was our ally
As long as you forget that the top 1% of our population only owned 8% of everything as compared to know which is 25%
As long as you forget that since the Reagan admin prison population population has grown 300%, thanks to the war on drugs
And the best part, with the Reagan admin we went from the greatest lender nation to the greatest debter nation… all to fight the USSR… which bankrupted itself! FISCAL CONSERVATISM RAWKS!
Here’s to hoping for a stocking full of aggressive cancer for this bitch.