One Nation Under God?


This simple phrase, added to the pledge of allegiance over 50 years ago has been the source of unbelievable debate and heated controversy. Likewise, the phrase ‘In God We Trust’ on our currency has been targeted and continues to be attacked as improper and politically incorrect. Lawsuits have been filed and legal minds employed to ascertain whether such statements violate the concept of ‘separation of church and state’.

As this debate continues, some so called experts have implied or concluded that our Founding Fathers and Patriots were not religious. These secular champions, in an effort to further their own causes, have even painted these great men and women from our history as being devoid of religious passions or even a belief in God. This is a part of their strategy to remove any discussion of God from the public forum.

Jon McNaughton would like to set the record straight.

These men and women were passionately religious and saw the hand of God all around them. To God they gave Thanks for His Hand in the founding of this great nation. To Him, according to their own testimony, they turned for wisdom and strength when life and liberty hung in the balance. Certainly the debate on separation of church and state will continue. But no one can dispute how our Founding Fathers and Patriots felt about God. The record is clear!

‘One Nation Under God’ is Jon McNaughton’s witness and reminder that those who went before us knew from whence their blessings came!

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    Isn’t it more like, “SOME of our founding fathers were religious?”


    jesus loves ya’ll



    They were Deists, most of them. They thought God did make the universe, but then went off to do other things, or something.


    He went to Grayson

    God the Tester
    God the Comforter


    I think this argument can be appreciated from a historical view point, though what I want to know is why is it necessary.
    Let’s say that the founding fathers really did add the phrase themselves, why would anyone today want to live like the people back then? Just because something is old, it’s not automatically right or better. People evolve, and so the system has to evolve too.

    fracked again

    “In god we trust” was added to money and “under god” was added to the pledge in the 50s for a few reasons. First, as a form of symbolic magic to beg for god’s help against the Soviets. Second, to make any godless commies in the country feel unwelcome. Third, to act as a lightning rod and flush out those that the far right considered anti-American.

    It is plainly unconstitutional but it becomes a catch 22. Defend the Constitution and you are labeled anti-American. Its from the same group that claims that anything other than laissez faire capitalism is communism and fascism at the same time.

    Since when was stupidity a point of view?


    Since stupid people realized that they existed.

    Some examples (in no particular order):
    2000 & 2004 elections
    Jim Crow laws
    Pearl Harbor
    N… oh wait I can’t win an argument if I name them. Those guys in WWII that weren’t Japanese or Italian.
    Interment / Concentration camps
    Spanish Inquisition (who expected that!)
    Galileo trial
    evolution/creationism debate
    Racism (any kind)
    Unbridled Capitalism
    Oh heck just about any ‘ISM’ taken too far.

    But I digress.


    Here’s a better version.

    View post on

    and on that note, religious people can go fuck themselves.


    “It worries me that you as a senator, one of the few people that have the power to run this country, believe in a talking snake.”

    “Well, you don’t really need an IQ test to be in the senate.”

    ♥ Bill Maher


    I take with great pride the thumbs down vote as it means I struck someone’s bitchy nerve.

    Thank you, sheep




    Anagram! I can’t figure it out though, I’ve been trying for the last 30 minutes or so. Which means that Maxwell Edison is indeed the most brilliant man on earth. Next time divide it more, like so:

    Katharine’s doom dot
    Infinite dudes
    If truly you bug autoinfection

    Luke Magnifico

    What’s the connection with Shortpacked?


    What do the founding fathers have to do with the pledge of allegiance? It was written in 1892: “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    Then changed in 1924, to “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    Changed again in 1954, to “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    The founding fathers and their beliefs are irrelevant.


    “The founding fathers and their beliefs are irrelevant.”

    Truer than you realize.


    They never said which god.


    “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.”
    -Thomas Jefferson, letter to Horatio G. Spafford, March 17, 1814

    “Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be deprecated.”
    – George Washington, letter to Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792

    “We should begin by setting conscience free. When all men of all religions … shall enjoy equal liberty, property, and an equal chance for honors and power … we may expect that improvements will be made in the human character and the state of society.”
    – John Adams, letter to Dr. Price, April 8, 1785

    “I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life I absented myself from Christian assemblies.”
    – Benjamin Franklin, in “Toward The Mystery”

    Um… these guys don’t sound like Christians to me.


    These cracker born again retards are gonna be pretty upset when they’re in heaven getting greeted by a short brownish Jesus.



    What, no SFM?


    Also, see Treaty of Tripoli (1796) Article 11

    It basically says we’re not a Christian nation and have no ill intentions toward Muslims. LOL. That’s awkward.


    Great treaty, especially after we attacked Tripoli. America is a nation that accepts all religions. The Christians just happen to be the loudest and most annoying group.

    Not all the founding fathers were Christian, in fact many detested religion and saw it as a weakness in society.


    Why is Jesus wearing the white tree of Gondor on his shirt?

    Luke Magnifico

    That tree is clearly gold, you are a cunt.


    No shit Sherlock, you can’t put a white tree on a white shirt. Something would have to change in color.


    Jesus could!


    kind of sad that america continues to support the ideal that somehow that their people follow god, when usa has the most diverse mix of all religions all competing to say that their version of god is best,….and also is the country that has so many individuals create their own religion and demand that they be recognized as a valid new form of religion,…and also so many who simply label themselves as a follower of a religion but never or almost never actually practise that religion

    so at the end of the day, most americans cannot agree on which is their true god,..or if their ideal of god is real, or even if they believe at all

    Snarky Parker

    Interest groups is a term that comes to mind. Though not forced, the Judeo-Christian ideology has a reigning status which is highly influential in politics and more than often bumps shoulders with the Separation of Church and State rule.


    You know what else the Founding Fathers loved?


    Are you a christian slaver?


    Oh puh-leeze.
    Those founding fathers were dipshits for founding a country that went mentally belly-up thanks to their not being more specific in their designs, and not even I think they were more religious than not.

    Just look at that Jefferson guy! “The moral teachings of jesus of nazareth” (Read: Bible minus the supernatural)? Come on!

    Bill Carson

    That’s not Christian art, by the way: it’s Mormon art.


    Mormons are a sect of Christianity.

    Gabriel Nepenthe

    Well that explains the lack of racial diversity in this supposed image of America under Zeus.


    Notice the guy in black in the foreground with his head in his hands?
    Want to know who he is? Well, he’s the token atheist of the portrait
    moaning to himself, “I’ve based my whole life denying Christ.. And
    now, here he is? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?” As he contemplated
    the ineluctibility of his eventual damnation.

    Do YOU want to ever be in this position? No? Well, here’s what you

    1. Go to school.
    2. Study REALLY frigging hard. Really hit those books. Seriously.
    3. Research time travel and create a working time machine. (If you
    find you have problems, watch the movie “Primer”– they got it
    down pat, mostly.)
    4. Go back in time 2,009 years.
    5. Strangle Christ in the manger.
    6. OPTIONAL SIDE TRIP: Go forward 1,889 years.
    7. OPTIONAL SIDE TRIP: Strangle Hitler.
    8. Go forward only to present day (please do NOT f-ck up the future.)
    9. Destroy time machine and light a cigar.
    10. Look around you and laugh at all the unsaved people who are going
    to hell now, due to Original Sin.


    I LOVE what-ifs! The guy in black is a devout Christan that wants the world to know Jesus’ unfiltered message.

    Re-write after step 3

    4: Learn Aramaic
    5: Go back in time 1989 years ago. Take a lot of video equipment with you.
    6: Follow Jesus while he teaches his lessons. Just don’t change anything! Remember the Butterflies!
    7: Return to the present with undeniable proof of his true teaching. It proves that the Bible is wrong on a lot of things. His message of acceptance, peace, and reason is rejected by everyone in charge.
    8: The pope orders your death, as to the leaders of every religion on Earth. Even the Hindus, and militant atheisis want you dead. Luckily a group of moderate atheists hide you from the hit squads.
    9: After your apparent assassination a movement is formed to go back and make sure that Jesus get’s it right. They fail, and Jesus sends them back to our time.
    10: Before they left, they got a skin sample. They clone a Jesus to teach their ways.
    11: The clone takes over the USA.
    12: You are the crying guy.


    I’m still laughing at the hilarious things the link told me.

    Paul Felix Schott

    Lower all taxes while we still have a United States of America.

    When this Old World starts getting you down. From Pollution the cost of OIL, Heating Fuel,The Fuel you put in your Vehicles, You Electric Bills from
    cooling air conditioners and lights not to speak of the Evil. The TAX that all Governments Federal, State, County and City put on everything they can thing of.

    They are supposed to serve us. Not put a burden on its people. That they are elected to serve all the people you, not their own Pocket Books.

    The Wicked keep putting higher taxes on everything. Making it a Heavy Burden on many that are already struggling just to put food on the table.

    Too many Americans have lost their home to the tax collector or to foreclosures from the unjust bankers greed. More are out of work and lost their homes then in the GREAT DEPRESSION, in the last ten years. All Americans and many Nations need good jobs and more of them. Not more TAXES.

    All Taxes need to be lowered now while there is still time to save America.

    There is a Industry that will employ workers and is growing by more then 50% every year. There is a clear way for all up on the roof the Sun Light is free fuel from GOD. Some wicked in Government have been backing Coal, Oil, Gas and the Nuclear industries for too many years.

    These kickbacks to them were called Subsidizing Industry Technology. Most all Wise Men and smart Economist and Environmentalists call this padding their pockets and subsidizing back to the
    Stone Age.

    The best deal would be to lower Taxes for all this is not the Roman Empire.

    The Chinese Know Renewable Energy is a good thing. Most of the rest of the World is still a slave to Oil, Coal and Nuclear Power. All the Governments of the World now know it is wise to use Renewable Energy it is the Local Governments that are a little slow to learn what is best for all not just there pocket book.

    They fear people going off the grid all that tax money they will no longer be able to take from you. Wind and Solar Farms are growing all over the Earth. This could have happened years ago if the greedy wicked were stopped by the Real Good.

    The Freedom to get your own Power from the Wind and Sun, Solar Energy has been there for years. Are Libraries and Schools should have been the first to have gone Solar and Renewable Energy. And why are they not? Churches are all over the Planet. They are going to Solar Energy.

    Thank GOD for the Pioneers like John Schaeffer that Started Real Goods The first and Best catalog for Renewable Energy and Scientist Bill Young at the FSEC Florida Solar Energy Center and Monica D. Key Lindbergh for many years wrote to our legislators promoting Solar and Renewable Energy and many others.

    These Pioneers helped put Wind, Solar And Renewable Energy in the Spotlight for all the World to see.
    The Great Scientist Albert Einstein Stared it with a Dream that the day would come that all the World would use Solar Energy. His discovery of the law of the Photoelectric Effect won him the Nobel Prize in Physics. We still do not teach this to our young.

    GOD Bless all that help tell this to the World

    All Taxes need to be lowered cut in half or there will be a lot more Poor and needy and not in just other countries. This coming year the World will see hunger like never before. More then 100 million will be sick from malnutrition going with out food. Taxing the poor and taking there Land away from them is Wicked.

    Lower taxes for all Americans will create more JOBS. Only the wicked look to tax everything.

    Very soon the Rich will become the Poor.

    If your Legislature will not lower Taxes vote them out of office and VOTE in someone that will Lower your Taxes.

    United We Stand
    In God We Will Aways Trust
    True American Patriots

    GOD Bless
    The Lord’s Little Helper
    Paul Felix Schott

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