another reshuffle

I’m trying to fine tune this blog.

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what would you do different?

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    This site fails! Delete it now!!!!!!!

    j/k. I actually like the grey and white format you have here, as well as the double sided ads. I would move the categories and month option up though, make navigating easier. Other than that, everything is nice as is! And no, I’m not a republican.


    its kinda of empty, maybe bulk up the white space?


    I would go with the default steam theme if they have one

    Joeseph Goebbels

    The quality of my[confined]space has dropped so much since I’ve first been here.

    I was here 3 themes (or more, lost count) ago, back when we had the latest comments box. It’s gone down hill since then. Stop changing the look, take your fat fingers off the keyboard and leave the place alone. Christ, you’re like George Lucas.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You sir deserve a trophy.


    ya know, I’d say I’m overall pretty satisfied with the mcs experience.

    two things that we used to have that i’d like to see again:
    1. rating comments
    2. the view comments button on previous pages!!!!!! this is a biggie for those of us who dont refresh mcs every 2 seconds, its nice to view the comments without loading another page.

    also, the site has seemed really sluggish to me recently..anyone else with this problem?


    The only thing I don’t like about the site is the rude people who infest it.

    Sure I’m rude, SOMETIMES, but to be flat out rude all the time is just evil.


    This one is better than the last one.
    Get rid of the white, tiny lettering on the black background for the pic titles.
    Tags at the top of the post, rather than the bottom of the pic. I’m always missing it.
    That’s it for now. 🙂


    OMG! I thought we were getting rid of fucking gay ads on the NSFW side. If i have to see ‘squirt’ something and a bunch of cocks i am going to puke.

    reply comments were a nice thought, but don’t jive well w/ the show comments on a main page (have to do too much thinking when I’m stoned to determine what may have been a reply and what not)

    other than tiki, i say ftw, just keep changing things however you want. the worst you’ll do is crash the site, not lose everything. hell, maybe run a poll on themes to see who what likes what if everyone keeps bitching.


    Kick casemods out.


    Make the content column distinct from the side bars

    Sourcing the pictures may make the C & D letters go away.

    Get rid of those retarded avatars.


    Yeah the avatars are the only thing I can think of actually.

    Perhaps make them easily uploaded to MCS or pick from some cool ones and not those gay ass little alien things


    yeah- no shit. i do not like being a weird green blob. i leave fewer comments because of that.


    the green blob………………….


    blob blob blob…




    see? look at how stupid that is. STUPID.




    Imagine what people that don’t know these are standard if you don’t change it must think…


    Just a little heads up, you may want to get some kleenex, I think you’re oozing green slime all over the nice white page…


    I like this… Clean is good… (and fast)


    holy shit fuck titties… your back 😀 wassup!


    Nothin’ but the sky… 😀


    where you was man… a lot of shit happened but casemods is still a gigantic faggot 🙁 you back for real or just browsing pass by?


    I’ve been traversing other dimensions. Like Gandalf. 🙂

    Yeah, I’m back… sorta… perhaps won’t be able to spend the kind of time I’d like to here, but I’ll certainly be hanging around more.

    And yes, I see Casemods is still his same old self. Were you expecting him to change? 😀


    he’s doing meth now lulz


    Tried it twice if anybody cares but go ahead call me a meth addict.

    I barely drink a beer every now and then and I have a job.

    $300 check thursday.


    $992.6 every month for doing no job at all 😉


    Welfare? Social security?

    How does that make you feel? Knowing you are worthless?


    welfare doesn’t get you that much or even Social Security, at least where i live.
    I’ve had jobs and good connections. but wait I’m already working for a normal company and i don’t even have my masters on ITC. holy shit cakes.

    by the way i don’t smoke 😉 and i don’t need to feel better than you because i know i am already.


    wait wait… the same guy with foodstamps want to talk about successful living? lulz


    oh… an mistake i might have caused. the job now is additional feature. but i still monthly the money.


    You cannot to expect to create a persona and change it into another and expect us to adjust.

    $992.6 every month for doing no job at all 😉


    LOL And how, exactly do you pull that off? Inquiring minds want to know… 🙂


    Being a low life on welfare or SSI.

    Look at him smoking thinking he’s cool.

    Typical low life.


    Congrats on the job… 🙂


    Thanks! 😀


    The new look is nice, not much of a difference from the last one.
    The forums though, is whacked for me. Everything is shifted to the far right and I have to scroll right to see it. The top links are half-cut and other stuff out of order.



    SWEET! NYOKKI IS MY HERO! and, she submits the coolest stuff. THANKS!


    More boobs!!

    Luke Magnifico

    View Comments on all pages, not just the first.

    Destroy casemods.

    Stop getting drunk by the servers.


    I have no idea what limitations you’re working w/, so this is a bit of a wish-list.

    View Comments on all pages, not just the first.
    Seeing replies on view comments.
    Make titles easier to see and read; they’re so small and dar…wait, wut?
    Up/down on comments was pretty cool.




    Uhmmm moar hot naked asian girls??

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