The Demon In The Yard

800px-Mahogany_Jerusalem_cricket.jpg (179 KB)



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    Terror? From something so tiny and harmless? Surely you jest.


    That’s clearly one of those “trick” mini-quarters that makes a simple cricket appear as a biblical-plague-style locust.

    Billy Manic

    HOLY SHIT I GET THESE IN MY HOUSE ALL THE TIME. They terrify me. They make a weird thump when they walk too.


    I still am of the opinion that animals THAT size should at least have the decency to be mammals. Like that spider last night. As big as my fucking hand! Just raced across the room. I was lucky to get it because it was heading for my desk and god knows where it would have hidden.


    saute in honey and butter with some garlic and a bit of onion


    For eating or other purposes?


    I like your recipy, I’ll try it.

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    It is a bit squicky, yes, but not as bad as those god-awful cave crickets that jump straight the fuck up into the air. Those sumbitches are creepy as fuck.


    Scary as they are, they are great insect removal machines. I let a bunch loose in a house I was selling and they killed most of the other bugs. Gimme more of them, I say.


    I get crickets in the basement all the time and I just leave theme there. I’d rather deal w/ crickets than spiders any day.


    When we were kids, we used to dig these things up by accident all the time. There’s nothing worse than filling up a sand bucket for your sand castle and having some weird ass baby-looking bug come out and stare at you.



    PitYak Studios

    you’ve obviously never seen a weta


    I agree. Here’s a giant Weta

    and here are the normal ones here


    It looks a lot like the insect we in South Africa call a “parktown prawn”. They are SCARY. And they jump AT you, not away from you. And squirt icky stuff if you scare them. And climb on your bed in the middle of the night.

    Just… no.


    I think I accidentally stepped on one of these one night (couldn’t see it). I stepped on the sidewalk and felt something pushing back up… it was actually trying to hold me up off of it. It went crunch before I could react, but for that split second it was a really weird feeling.


    saw one a few days ago in hungary while digging.

    scared me shitless.

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