Public Safety Emergency

Public Safety Emergency

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    ‘The male was to close’? AHHHHH POOR GRAMMAR!


    This is why women should not be allowed out of their husband’s/father’s home without an escort of a brother/husband/father.

    (sry dieA. but the report speaks for itself. I know that your all not idiots, but too many are. And unlike men, you don’t engage in risky behavior that is likely to remove you from the gene pool…)


    So, some dude was walking to his appartment and a chick got scared at the pitch black hour of 6:35PM. I hope he gets the death penalty for his heinous crime of walking home.


    I’m sorry girl. I didn’t have my glasses on and I couldn’t stop staring at your HORRIBLE dress. OH MY GOD! Did you rip that shit off your window? Sorry, I didn’t say that, but as I was staring at you I wanted to…


    But then again you really can’t blame women for being a bit paranoid about situations like that.. I mean yeah.. from our (men’s) point of view, we could consider it as over reacting to just some old dude walking.. I mean who knows he might been just a harmless old dude. But looking at the statics (rape and other offenses against women), it does speak for itself.. although I’m also not implying that all of us are like that 😀


    But then again you really can’t blame women for being a bit paranoid about situations like that.. I mean yeah.. from our (men’s) point of view, we could consider it as over reacting to just some old dude walking.. I mean who knows he might been just a harmless old dude. But looking at the statistics (rape and other offenses against women), it does speak for itself.. although I’m also not implying that all of us are like that 😀


    Yer but you can’t just call the police everytime someone walks past you


    This guy is smart. He scares women by posting stuff like this and then he gives you a phone number so he can pick them up for a safe ride. Yep a safe ride deep in the woods, why didn’t I think of this.



    Uh, was this directed at me? What are you sorry about.

    “I know that your all not idiots”


    If you don’t clarify your slightly… incoherent statement, I’m forced to assume the worst.

    See me in my office.

    tiki god

    By golly, looking at the statistics, it looks likes you’re a paranoid fuck. What are the chances that some dude’s going to rapes you on the side of the road? virtually none.


    Avias: Yes, you can blame them. It’s stupid and just flat-out insane. ‘course, people are over the top with their paranoia these days. And it’s not that the world is more dangerous, it’s that the media throws fear-mongering horror stories around every chance they get because it’s good for ratings. It’s gotten to where if I just smile at some lady’s kid on the street, she’s sizing me up and trying to mentally run through the sex offender list to see if I’m a pervert.


    We have the lowest rape rates since humans exist. The only reason why it seems there are so many, is because we have TV, newspapers and the Internet reporting it 24/7.


    I wish my school had a whole building just for the bearded, and the French. Those people should be kept separated for convince of finding/avoidance.


    I think were missing the bigger picture here …and that bigger picture is the google ads on the right, im sure there are some gems there we missed


    Dude probably wanted to strike up a conversation but chickened out.


    Walking with a dick is a hanging offense in these parts.


    MrElzebub: lol…I’ll be plaigarizing this, tyvm.




    What we need to do is grab a bunch of red jackets.

    We will assimilate together into the form of a giant stretchy man with multi-jointed limbs and start chasing women like this.

    At the point where we are about to touch we will stop and head in the other direction swaying omniously.

    They will fear us.

    Oh boy! Will they fear us!


    Epic fail.


    The man came too close and my mom got scared and said “You’re moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.”


    I was raped 3 times this morning, before breakfast. By 3 Victorias Secret models.

    Then I woke up. And that was the trauma part.


    : how many people have you walked by in your lifetime? how many of them have stopped and taken the time to rape you?


    Nemesis: I would take time to rape her…

    BTW- you were a good band..


    Moe: Avias is a guy.

    You’ll have to find yourself another candidate. You should call me when you found one and we could share.


    dieAntagonista: I was drinking in a public spa once, got alittle drunk.. a milf and her 20 yr old daughter got in… some time passed.. i ended up getting raped.. Yes -a man was raped.. i did not want to .. they took advantage of me.. good times.


    YES! IT WORKED I GET to TO the the office with dieA. Maybe she’ll paddle me


    Blame this on American sensationalism and fear circles that your government keeps you in to ensure blah blah blah blah conspiracy blah blah. she is probably one of those chicks who thinks everyone wants to rape her or fakes pregnancies to spite boyfriends.


    BE AFRAID! Other people live on the planet, and might walk past you, or even look your direction.


    YOU ARE ALL MISSING THE POINT. This post was clearly put there to point out a massive grammar error. I mean, this message could have been sent to hundreds of young adults… how embarrassing.


    This calls for…



    tiki god:
    first of all, fuck you! I’m a dude, dudes!

    wow! you just got a hundred internets for your expertise in grammar!


    LMFAO! People are too paranoid because of the media and that makes me sad. I went to film school, so I’m a huge supporter of media, but seriously people have to realize that just because someone is walking toward you doesn’t mean they will hurt you. If that happen all the time no one would leave their homes and we would all be paranoid neo maxi zoom dewbies, with no life.


    Oh no, a male made a female uncomfortable! Someone call the whaaambulance before he makes her feel awkward too!

    Oy, talk about a case of extreme paranoia.


    The guy probiably tid th dn psin

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