iMAC – I dare you to find a better use for it

iMAC - I dare you to find a better use for it

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    Should be “iDare[…].”


    Why so much mac hate? I’m currently working on becoming a composer and working in media in general and my Mac is essential.

    The fact that you can pay 1000 dollars less for a comparable (and more upgradable) system?


    Sticky: except its not comparable.


    I ain’t dissing PC’s don’t get me wrong. I know the advantages of a PC, and I’m not claiming that Mac is godlike. All I’m saying is that there is no need to hate, from either side.


    Actually, it makes a much better fish tank than a cat bed. 🙂

    Fair enough, and I like your objectivity.


    Its less that people hate Macs, and more that they hate the brainwashed mac users.

    If you go into a Mac experience knowing your going to be paying a heavy premium for an apple logo, go right ahead.

    My main system is triple boot between XP, Linux (Debian), and osx86.


    it seems as though many people feel that PC fanboyism is somehow not subject to the same judgment that we like to regularly cast on Mac fanboyism.

    Mac has become, for better or worse, culturally en vogue over the past decade, starting with the release of the first iMac. maybe deep down that pisses off a lot of nerds.

    i don’t own a mac, but i also don’t feel threatened by them. i don’t feel compelled to vocalize well rehearsed anti-mac diatribes that are more revealing of my own deep-seated paranoia’s.

    its fine to dislike mac. but i think all the fuss is suspect.


    Most of the Mac vs PC arguments just make me think of:

    Internet Argument!

    If you buy a computer, Mac or PC because it does what you want, then fine. Both have advantages and disadvantages.


    If somebody has the money, and wants to use that OS, that’s alright with me… the thing that really sucks about Macs is how heavy they are, and how much hauling around large numbers of them just plain sucks.


    Are they still heavy? I thought they stopped using paving stones.

    fracked again

    I really don’t care about mac vs pc. Now that Mac uses PC chips and runs windows, does it really matter?

    What I hate are those dumb as fuck commercials.


    I have a better use for it… A LITTER BOX!


    Considering that model came out in the late 90s, then yeah, it would make a good kitty bed. As would an Apple IIe. Or a Gateway c. 1997, or a Dell running Windows ’95. Derp.

    teezy weezy

    And its STILL more use than a PC.


    fracked again:
    I LOLed the first few times, and then they got really fucking tiring.

    And what is this MAC runs Windows stuff? I don’t get it.


    mac runs windows stuff with something called boot camp. you can have a windows OS if there is a PC application that you really want to run. so once you have installed the other OS, when you start up your mac, you can choose which OS to use.


    They’re essentially the same hardware with different operating systems… but on macs they get their components modified just enough that nobody else can service or upgrade them, and for that you pay a lot of money. If Apple didn’t pull this crap and just sold their OS the same as Microsoft does with Windows, there would be much less hate.

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