As one who owns all issues, I can tell you it was pretty cool at the beginning and like most things Marvel turned into a heaping pile of garbage by the end (heaping pile of garbage comment is not a direct commentary from me but an indirect commentary from a friend, as the only other Marvel comics I own are Transformers G1 from the 80s).
vanvelding (#4765)
15 years ago
Started out good. Still good for a laugh at points.
Fuck you all, fuck you in your non zombie loving asses. Fuck marvel, fuck danny and terry’s buffalo chicken wings, fuck squirrels, fuck the suit dummies, fuck legal aid. Fuck Jim Lehey, fuck Randy, fuck Cory and Trevor. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck this court, fuck it all.
There, got that out of my system. 100 and forfty thousand interwubs points to whomever can identify the source of that rant. That being said…you can all still suck it, zombies rule, regardless of source or setting.
zombies are the way of the future. I can only hope to be in a minor leadership position of the Legions of the Dead. Go play You will love it. I will find your character and help you evolve. Later bebe!
@...SumoSnipe: I’m a zombie lolz. thing i hate about this is because the action points are way way to low. you play 2mins and wait 24 hours. bullshit..
Monkey, what do you mean you’re a zombie. There are two characters you can pick, right. Survivor or victim. Don’t tell me a survivor is a zombie – ?! What.
@...dieAntagonista: well first hours i died and turned into a zombie, kinda sucks. now i’m limping around doing nothing with low Action points. bah. get the guy with the dna think so you can bring me back to human again. i pwomise i won’t bite!. i had chose military first.
@...ColombianMonkey: you are safe from me…for now.Just spent 30ap swinging a fire axe at a zombie and only hit it twice. @...Belbo: Army of Darkness never took itself serious.Didn’t even follow it’s own rules. just sit right back and laugh, man.
To die, colombian, sumo.
My character’s name is dildo douchebaggins. I’m in the far southwest part of the city called Foulkes Village. We are holed up in the Brandon Way Police Dept. Come find me as a player or a zombie. I’ll revive those of you that are zombies and show you the ropes. There is a revive point called Fyfehyde Plaza to the North east of the PD where if you sit as a zombie people will revive you. Get the skills free running and weapon skills as a player. As a zed, (zombie), get whatever skills you want. Go to wiki and enter urban dead and there is a whole tutorial about the game.
Dildo Douchebaggins. Excellent. My name is Antagonista. Yeah I was gonna just play away, but I’m afraid of losing. I know you can’t die and all that, but still. So like you said, instead I read up on the UrbanWiki thing.
I hate losing. I’d rather never play anything again than lose. Rawr.
You know, Tiki has his own comic site. It’s worth a visit.
Marvel zombies is lame.
As one who owns all issues, I can tell you it was pretty cool at the beginning and like most things Marvel turned into a heaping pile of garbage by the end (heaping pile of garbage comment is not a direct commentary from me but an indirect commentary from a friend, as the only other Marvel comics I own are Transformers G1 from the 80s).
Started out good. Still good for a laugh at points.
Besides: Army of Darkness. 🙂
First paper comic i ever laughed to? awesome.
Zombie toilet paper… so there IS a fate worse than being eaten alive.
Marvel Zombies was good until it got to Marvel Zombies 3, then it turned to shit.
Fuck you all, fuck you in your non zombie loving asses. Fuck marvel, fuck danny and terry’s buffalo chicken wings, fuck squirrels, fuck the suit dummies, fuck legal aid. Fuck Jim Lehey, fuck Randy, fuck Cory and Trevor. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck this court, fuck it all.
There, got that out of my system. 100 and forfty thousand interwubs points to whomever can identify the source of that rant. That being said…you can all still suck it, zombies rule, regardless of source or setting.
@...garbledxmission: Yes please.
I never knew you liked zombies as much as I do. I like where this is going.
zombies are the way of the future. I can only hope to be in a minor leadership position of the Legions of the Dead. Go play You will love it. I will find your character and help you evolve. Later bebe!
@...garbledxmission: well aye that’s allot of fucking. good luck with that there.
i checked teh site is kinda cool. my username=ColombianMonkey
ok cant hit azombie to even get it to notice me….Monkey you and I will have to team up. I’m holed up in a Fire Station, I found an AXE!
@...SumoSnipe: somefucking zombie killed me WTFBBQ?! and some gay threw me on the street.
i WAS at Hudson Place Police Dept.
@...ColombianMonkey: Huggins ave firehouse….well damn.
@...SumoSnipe: I’m a zombie lolz. thing i hate about this is because the action points are way way to low. you play 2mins and wait 24 hours. bullshit..
Monkey, what do you mean you’re a zombie. There are two characters you can pick, right. Survivor or victim. Don’t tell me a survivor is a zombie – ?! What.
And what should I pick. I can’t decide.
Never mind. I’m a douchebag. I see it now. But I still can’t decide. What should I pick someone tell me what should I pick come on now please.
@...dieAntagonista: well first hours i died and turned into a zombie, kinda sucks. now i’m limping around doing nothing with low Action points. bah. get the guy with the dna think so you can bring me back to human again. i pwomise i won’t bite!. i had chose military first.
1st Problem: Talking Necronomicon.
2nd Problem: Zombie poop.
3rd Problem: Talking zombies.
@...ColombianMonkey: you are safe from me…for now.Just spent 30ap swinging a fire axe at a zombie and only hit it twice.
@...Belbo: Army of Darkness never took itself serious.Didn’t even follow it’s own rules. just sit right back and laugh, man.
I will not laugh at a poop joke!
@...Belbo: then a qweef joke? in relation with south park latest episode.
@...ColombianMonkey: Oh Gods…”NOOOOOO! We go in! We kill! We Kill!”
To die, colombian, sumo.
My character’s name is dildo douchebaggins. I’m in the far southwest part of the city called Foulkes Village. We are holed up in the Brandon Way Police Dept. Come find me as a player or a zombie. I’ll revive those of you that are zombies and show you the ropes. There is a revive point called Fyfehyde Plaza to the North east of the PD where if you sit as a zombie people will revive you. Get the skills free running and weapon skills as a player. As a zed, (zombie), get whatever skills you want. Go to wiki and enter urban dead and there is a whole tutorial about the game.
Dildo Douchebaggins. Excellent. My name is Antagonista. Yeah I was gonna just play away, but I’m afraid of losing. I know you can’t die and all that, but still. So like you said, instead I read up on the UrbanWiki thing.
I hate losing. I’d rather never play anything again than lose. Rawr.
@...garbledxmission: Hmm. not too far away. ” And My Axe!”
ok. was a tad optimistic there. 50ap will get you across the city my ass. still working towards you there DD