Tyrannosaurus in an f-15

tyran14.jpg (109 KB)

See, reptilecobra13 it IS an f-15

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    No one gets the boy-mind like Watterson. Five stars.



    teezy weezy

    15? err 14 maybe, wings way too far forward and the F15 wasn’t in service in Rex’s day.


    It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy…


    Yeah based on this angle I personally can’t tell if it is a 14 or a 15. If i had to give my profesional opinion (I used to fix and maintain F-15s) I would venture a guess of F-15 based on the intakes shape of the wings.


    Bill Watterson is a genius.

    This and the Far Side were the only reason to read the comic pages as a kid. Everything still there is Leno funny. Thank Jebus for the interwebs.


    I used to have a Fat Freddy’s Cat book… like Garfield but actually funny… along with C&H and The Far Side. Anyone seen it?

    Luke Magnifico

    joodles: Aw yeah, I’ve got a stack of Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.


    I have every single one of his books. They are my childhood.

    And in the comic strip, it does show Calvin playing with some toy planes that certainly looked like F-14’s. Plus, it has the swept back wings. F-15 be fixed dawg. Just thought I’d put in meh two cents.


    Definitely a ’14…Tail’s far apart and has a ring in the front canopy…just a clarification


    I don’t think its either. There are distinct characteristics on it that are exactly F14 (like the part between the rear of the jets), but the wings are wrong for the 14. The 14 has the varying sweep wings.


    Is it odd I used this image in a powerpoint for a Data Management course?


    Regardless of the image, the text in the comic states “Tyrannosaurs in F-14s.” iconicionic.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/tyrannosaurus_in_f-14s.jpg


    peatpunk: let’s go exploring!


    erm, how do you guys know Watterson was trying to accurately depict a specific aircraft, and not just draw something that was obviously a fighter jet? Just curious.


    twosticks: I had the same feeling. Some of it looks like a 14, other parts look like a 15. Most artist back then drew things based on one or two random photos, memory, and a side of “that looks cool”

    The horrible caveman days before Google Image Search 😛


    it’s an f22 dumbarses



    To be honest, there is nothing, which reminds me of an F-15. Intakes are definitely F-14 and the visible part of the wings is extremely similar to the fixed, front part of the F-14 wing.

    Just compare:



    Calvin himself exclaims: Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!


    Blackwater: Ok, makes sense to me that a T-rex would be piloting a Raptor…


    Absolutely awesome. Win.
    A T-Rex flying an F-15 is full of awesome. A wing of Raptors Flying F-22s would be even cooler though…

    teezy weezy

    I love lamp

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