The Legacy of George W. Bush

The legacy of G W Bush.jpg (22 KB)


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    I find this pretty offensive, no matter what President it is, the Flag bothers me


    I agree. Bush was a tool, but a flag should be respected no matter what country.


    looks like a miniature model


    I WANT!


    In that case, there should be one of Lincoln too. Afterall, he did start the movement to violate civil liberties. Look it up..


    if any of you were wondering what to get me for my birthday… that’s it.


    As a nation the US doesn’t respect any others, so US citizens just look arrogant when they demand respect for their own nation’s symbols.

    That said, the urinal and flag are in the US anyhow.


    JamesTuskGeorge: Strong words from someone who groups the people of the US like that. Perhaps you should look in the mirrior yourself, and there staring back at you will be the person you describe.


    Drunkin: Read what I wrote, I didn’t group any people – I’m talking about the nation. If you don’t understand the concept of a nation acting as an unique entity then I suggest you ask a kindergarten teacher to explain it to you.


    JamesTuskGeorge: You must have not read what you wrote before you posted “so US citizens just look arrogant when they demand respect for their own nation’s symbols.” Jokes on you.


    JamesTuskGeorge: By the way, insulting people’s intelligence is a cop-out for people who don’t hold any ground to attack the issue being debated. It’s too easy, try harder next time.


    If I get it right, what he’s trying to say is the actions of the nation (re:government) present the citizens a situation where when try to stand for something they believe in, citizens of other countries may see it as arrogance, because of the attitude of the US government.

    This is the internet. Be nice.


    and if one were made of Obama… well that would be just racist…


    I just have to say, did MCS suddenly become flooded with Republican Christians?

    I mean seriously… I was called an Angry Atheist… Well, I am very angry that I had a state job a couple months ago, and because of the budget crisis that was caused DIRECTLY by the Republican president and Republican Superintendent of the past 8 years, I am angry.

    Atheist? not really. I dont believe that we are all inbred from Adam and Eve and I dont believe god wants us to kill all others because they believe in him in a slightly different way (“I aint votin for Obama! Hes a Muslim!”). However I do believe that there is some degree of a sentient creator to our race.

    That said. Bush was a douche, if for no other reason, for taking the role of PRESIDENT and ignorantly allowing everything that happened happen in his name when all he had to do was stop being stupid and ignorant for a half second and say “I am the President, I can tell the difference between wrong and right and NO!”

    So piss in his mouth, chuckle to yourself, and get the gratification you should out of it.


    Drunkin: I insult your intelligence because while you seem to have trouble understanding what I wrote, you’re quite happy to attack me for writing it.

    If I were to say that US citizens who get naked in public yet vote in favour of laws outlawing nudity were hypocrites I would not be “grouping” anyone. If I were to say that US citizens who cannot find the United States on a map of the world were ignorant of geography I would not be grouping anyone.

    To say that US citizens who demand respect from other nations when their nation shows no respect to others are arrogant is not grouping anyone.


    camusapprentice: Not that I am defending Bush, but how is a state budget cut “Directly” related to the Unites Sates of America? Did he cut your states allowance? Is there a private business that has taken over the contract, or did the State just decide they don’t need that service anymore at all?
    In either case take those Foxton Loafers take a steady aim and fire away, you show him how you feel.


    camusapprentice: If you don’t have the temperment to play with the people of MCS then GTFO. This site leans somewhat to the left but the population of MCS is as mixed as the world itself.



    JamesTuskGeorge: US Citizens as in the entire population of the United States. That is not simply grouping, it is a broad GENERALIZATION that is rather insulting. How many times have you written “Read what I wrote.” Perhaps you should have thought before you wrote, so that we wouldn’t be having this conversation. All nations are arrogant because that is called having power. Has jack shit to do with it’s citizens. Having respect for ones own national symbols is called being patriotic. Their is debate over using the symbols as art.


    i would never be able to piss with george bush looking at my penis… *shivvveeerrr*


    JamesTuskGeorge: No matter what a NATION’s Government body does you shouldn’t piss all on, burn it, spit on it, or deface it’s Flag period. It doesn’t matter what my President, Prime minister or Dictator has done in his tour spanning a 1/29th of my nation’s existence. The Flag is the only constant my nation has through ALL the good times and the bad,
    so yeah respect my flag as an individual and I’ll respect yours as an individual. (your’s as in anyone thinking about disrespecting the flag at large.)


    i like nipples do you ?


    Puulaahi: If I said all US citizens, then yes. However, I didn’t.

    All nudists are not hypocrites, only those who want laws outlawing nudity. All US citzens aren’t ignorant about geography, although those who can’t find the US on a map of the world probably are.

    Respect is earned, although you can get a close proximity through fear or flattery in expectation of favour. There are things that are worthy of respect in the US, and many citizens are included in this. However, the flag is a symbol of the nation, and while the nation has no respect for other nations, it cannot expect to be shown any itself.

    Those members of the nation that expect respect to be shown are arrogant, those that accept that their nation acts disrepectfully towards other nations and expect no respect to be shown to theirs will often be pleasantly surprised when they get it anyhow.

    (those who do not care either way do not care either way, and those that are unaware of the existance of other nations can be categorised as ignorant – but as they’re probably happy anyhow that’s ok).


    Dublin0: What your government does is what your nation does.

    This does not mean that all the citzens agree with what their country is doing, but nevertheless it is their country that is doing it. However, what the government does is not necessarily what the people do. The government can, and does act independently of the people’s wishes, and the people certainly act independently of the government’s wishes (and are put in jail for it).

    However, here is a subtle distinction to consider, the flag is not a symbol of the people, it is a symbol of the government (not those currently ruling at any given time, but the political organisation of the country).

    Consider this: if the USA had lost WWII the people would still be there (most of them), but the government would undoubtedly have been replaced (not just the individuals, but the entire system) and you would probably have had a new flag to go with that.

    If the civil war had resulted in the union breaking into different countries the people would still have been there (some of them), but there would have been new structures of political organisation in place and new flags to represent them.


    I want to make this clear…I think Bush was/is an ignorant, asshole! To name a few: He screwed the economy of this country and the world. He’s made American’s and American culture a hated thing. And he’s caused the unnecessary loss of so many military men and women from many countries, all to finish off what his daddy started. For all that, I’d love to piss in he’s mouth. Hell, instead of a urinal, I wish that thing was a toilet so I could take a long, healthy, hearty dump right in his mouth.

    I like the urinal idea, but I don’t like the idea of displaying the American flag or any other country’s flag behind it so that it can be pissed on too!


    can i be a troll for once ???


    camusapprentice: See, the problem becomes apparent with your first line, that’s all I needed.

    What makes you think that only Republican Christians would have a problem with this?

    I am not a republican, not a Christian, and I’m not even American yet I think this thing in the picture is offensive and idiotic.

    And I wouldn’t want anything to do with the kind of people who produce things like this. It disgusts me to no end.

    Outrage is good, criticism as well, but this is just a result of pretentious stupidity.


    There wasn’t a vote Yay/Nay to go to war with Iraq, nor Afghanistan that vote was put in by 3 bodies of my government, and bam here I am in a war I don’t personally sanction

    No shit we “would have” had a new flag and a new government yet we don’t so don’t speculate it’s the very same Nation since 1772 a few refinements in our Flag have developed along with civil liberties. There was no massive transitions, break-offs, or a dissolution like the Soviet Union in the early 90’s.
    Even when American soldiers invade we still are forbidden to treat their flags with disrespect it’s in our Geneva Convention.
    Stick to the facts stop speculating…


    Dublin0: Against the Geneva convention you say? Therefore you don’t do it you say? Do you _really_ want me to respond to this?

    The fact of what happens is very different from what you are or are not forbidden to do.


    dieAntagonista: But people feed on it, because they have nothing better to do with their lives.

    JamesTuskGeorge: So we should all go around bashing our government and disrespecting our entire existance, just so that when the world finds out the US taxpayer has been putting food ont heir table for the past 80 fucking years, and they finally thank us, we will be greatful for their thanks. No, not only no but fuck no. My tribe killed British for the French. My people fought in both world wars that were clearly a European problem that if left unchecked would effect the stability of trade and the sovereignty of the United States. Once upon a time, that flag was the symbol of the people. I still think it is. Perhaps where you are from you don’t feel that, and I am sorry for you. I actually pitty you. I don’t believe that the American children of tomorrow should have to go on and prove themselves to you over and over just to “earn” your respect. If they have to do that I hope they have the balls to do what the current generation in power is unwilling to do because of fear and greed.
    ColombianMonkey: sure dude, kknock yourself out.


    pshhh i’d loose too much e-friend for just being a troll noob, fuck that


    ColombianMonkey: I’ll still be your E-friend 🙂 besides, trolling is like binge drinking, no one judges you for doing it every now and then, its just when you do it every fucking day that people get annoyed.


    + my crappy bad day/mood would flipsyde this topic past modly bible so i will just shut up and stay in the corner ^_^


    JamesTuskGeorge: what-ever “the fact of what happens” is, I expected this reaction, there ARE severe consequences for breaking these rules and they are enforced.
    Here’s some speculation for you…
    If I am again forced against my will to invade another country, and that incurs occupation of your province or town which somehow leads to me take a piss in anger on your flag should you expect to deface any one’s flag in my presence without dire consequence, that’s just plain rude.

    I wouldn’t allow anyone of my fellow soldiers superior or subordinate to disgrace any one’s flag.



    If they’re true e-friends, you could discuss anything with them and still be e-friends. So no, don’t fuck it.

    Besides, troll noob? What? You know what’s the best thing about discussing things on the Internet? Exactly what most people think is the bad thing about it: People aren’t afraid to speak their mind.

    It’s fucking awesome.


    In the end this is nothing but art. Simply taking the piss out of the most hates man in the world. See what I did there. People aren’t supposed to miss the porcelain tub peeing anyhow. So the flag would be fine. Although I definitely agree the flag deserves to be raised high, but then again it’s there for mood. Definitely a piece of controversial art. But is that not the purpose of modern art? To challenge common thinking and express ones own.


    Drunkin: “we should all go around bashing our government and disrespecting our entire existance”

    I said none of that. Nice strawman but you fail at debating.

    What I have said is that if you demand that the symbols of your nation to be respected, while your nations does not respect other nations, then you are arrogant.

    I will address one point you make; we are responsible for our own actions. We don’t punish children for their fathers’ actions, and in the same way, they should not get praise for their fathers actions.


    dieAntagonista: because there behind Pc moniter i’m sure 40% wouldn’t have the balls to say it face to face. i understand where you coming from but i rather be portrayed as a troll hunter.


    Dublin0: There are no consequences. Rumsfeld will not be put in prison for taking people to foreign countries to torture them, neither will anyone else. Low ranking soldiers get minimum prison sentences for the worst atrocities.

    Private armies such as Blackwater don’t even face charges, they have complete immunity, protected by the United States from prosecution for their crimes.

    Even if you write these off as isolated incidents, and unrepresenative, yet your country uses weapons banned by the Geneva Convention – white phosphorus as a weapon in Fallujah for instance (this is even admitted by the US army). Nobody has faced prosecution.

    Whatecver you and your comrades think about the geneva Convention, the US as a nation is powerful enough to ignore the parts it dislikes, and so it does.



    Modern art? You mean, a urinal?

    I get what you mean, but I doubt anyone felt ‘challenged’ after they saw a urinal. There is absolutely nothing intriguing or inspiring about it.

    I think the best reaction, the creator could have gotten out of anyone, is to make some of the dumber people laugh.

    Nobody looks at a urinal and goes, oh shoot. I was wrong about supporting Bush all along!

    I wouldn’t even go as far as to say that it’s controversial. Stupidity has always gotten more attention than it deserved.

    And yeah there is no excuse for putting the flag there.

    Bush might represent a big mistake of a nation, but the flag represents the nation. I got zero tolerance for outrageously stupid shit like that.


    you guys argue so much i you dnt even remember why you are fighting…



    So? Balls or not, they’re still more honest than anyone on the street.

    And it’s easy. There aren’t as many consequences on the Internet. If you can’t see the beauty of it, then I honestly don’t know what you’re still doing here.


    Monkey, you know what bothers me more than people ‘arguing’ on the Internet, people who think they’re superior by pointing out that they’re arguing on the Internet.

    Nobody forces you to post in this thread.


    dieAntagonista: Yeah I guess it is overly simplistic. A simple stature with urinal fixtures throws on. It’s controversial enough to have this many posts though. There is definitely better art than this out there and I completely agree with you about the flag.


    ColombianMonkey: dieAntagonista: The difference in when I am debating politics in real life, it comes down to us both agreeing the other is a complete moron but with a unified sense that the one makes the other a stronger contrast. We then take down a pint of Guinness.

    JamesTuskGeorge: If you feel that strongly about America then please be my guest boycott all of our products with the exception our flag piss all over it, make boxers out of it and shit your pants, use it to strangle puppies, and any other grotesque use you can think of… then take pleasure in defacing the cherished icon of all 8 or 9 million people it represents even if they agree with you… it’ll rally a ton of support to your cause.

    One Love bra.


    Dublin0: I don’t feel that strongly, I don’t personally care whether people are arrogant or not and I certainly don’t care enough about the states to go out of my way to disrepect its symbols.

    There’s a great deal I like in the US and some things I respect, although I would welcome a fall from its dominant position because I think the world would be better off with no hegemon and also think the US itself would be much better off if given the chance to start over – much as German, Japan and Russia are better off for it.


    Dublin0: Oh, and boycott your products? What does the US produce? Not being funny, but I can’t recall seeing “made in the USA” on anything for years, even my Fruit of the Loom t-shirt was made in Honduras.


    JamesTuskGeorge: It’s officially Guinness time…


    somehow i feel like i’m on billy o reily show. eh fuck it cheers dublin




    ColombianMonkey: AWW hell yeah bro, and by the O’reily show do you mean the real one or the recent where defends himself for a comment about Helen Thomas…


    ColombianMonkey: Don’t mention Bill O Reilly and Guinness in the same sentence. That is like saying the very worst thing and the very best thing. It’s so very depressing. Unless you mean Bill O drowned in a tub of Guinness. Then that’s fine. As long as the tub of Guinness was disposed of and nobody drank it.


    Puulaahi: A waste of Guinness is no laughing matter


    Dublin0: I concur.


    What a bunch of wimps. I’d pee in W’s mouth and splatter the flag. I hate patriotism, especially when it’s combined w/ ridiculous amounts of nationalism. It’s making a point. We’re not as great as we think we are. Every single thing we thought we were, was destroyed by Bush and I truly despise him and the impression he gave to the world of us. We let it happen…twice. Twice! It doesn’t matter that I didn’t vote for, the majority did. That says something about what huge numbers of Americans think. Fuck them and piss on them. Somebody gimme a beer!

    Alec Dalek

    Drunkin: You are such an apologist! Give it up, dude.


    *Cracks open brewski, hands it to Nyokki*


    Nope still pissed. Not enough, get me another.


    *Rolls out a keg, a hose and a funnel…*
    nyokki: Go on, Knock yourself out… 🙂


    nyokki: All we gots here is piss wonchongo.


    AlecDalek: wtf are you talking about? The I’ll still be your e-frienf? If you read that was to CM, not JTG. Fuck that guy. No really, do it, and post pics on here so those with a sick sense of humor can roll on the floor laughing their asses off.


    AlecDalek: And one more thing, don’t hate because I stand up for what I believe. Maybe you had a chence to do so yourself, and the moment passed. Maybe now you hate yourself for missing that. Also, remember, Jesus loves you.


    Dublin0: LOL dude… I think the line is: “All I got is piss-warm Chango…” KNOW UR LINES – DESPERADO FTW!!!


    Phyreblade: Blessing and a curse… it’s in Men’s health as one of the top ten things Men over 20 shouldn’t do.


    Ok, one more keg and I’ll be good. Passed out, but good. I don’t want anyone taking advantage of my unconscious body. I’ve got cameras watching.


    nyokki: oookkkk… *rolls another keg in…” Well, don’t say I never gave ya nuthin’…


    Phyreblade: Not quite enough. The dog still looks like a cow.


    nyokki: Mebbe if you cut back on some o them meds? Not that u gat a problem or nuthin, I’m just sayin’…


    i rather show respect to people then to nations. i think people who are proud of their nationality are those who ave nothing else to be proud of.


    Phyreblade: Make up your minds, either you get cow-dog-rubber chicken or you get sober reflective behavior…can’t be both.

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