I eat dead animals

I eat dead animals

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    If we weren’t supposed to eat animals, they shouldn’t have been made to taste like meat.

    Jesus Christ

    I approve this message.


    me too

    Luke sei Vadder

    I would even eat animals alive but im too lazy to chase them.


    i eat semi-conscious vegetables


    The key is to break the animals legs first, then you can feast without worry they will escape. I recommend hollow-point bullet’s to the knee’s, failing that a large concrete slab dropped from height.


    I’ll have a Porterhouse but the T-Bone will do =-)
    Now where’s the rest of it ?!!




    Yes, but I’ve eaten LIVE animals.


    I like a good delmonico steak, w/ the fat still on it.


    Prime Rib


    While steak remains the undisputed heavyweight champion of food, roasted baby lamb is a most delicious meal… the meat is so tender, it almost melts in your mouth. Mmmmm… baby lambs.


    Why has noone mentioned the awesomeness of scotch fillet?

    *sigh* Damn vegetarian forum hippies!


    I eat raw fish!


    I do indeed eat dead animals. And if lovin’ mah meat is rong, then I don’t wanna be rite… Wait… That kinda came out weird didn’t it…

    nyokki: Indeed a good steak is king. Though I’m not too keen on the fat though, I usually have cut it all off…

    Silverwolf: Please feel free to kick me in the nads for being a smartass but aren’t lambs already babies? thus making the term “baby” lamb kind of redundant? 🙂

    etiii: I love raw fish. Usually with rice and seaweed. Ah and with wasabe. And soy sauce, of course…


    Phyreblade: I don’t eat steak/beef often and when I do WANT it, I really WANT the fat also.


    nyokki: LOL I’m the same way about cheezburgrs… I do *not* want a *diet* coke with my triple decker with extra bacon… 😀


    Phyreblade: Haha! I’m one of those people that will order a diet coke w/ my huge meal. I make it a point to ‘not’ drink my carbs. I get about 130 carbs per day and I’m not wasting it on my drinks (99% of the time).


    nyokki: LOL… I see… Me, the way I figure it, compared to the cheese, bacon, buns, fries, etc, it seems to me like the extra carbs in the soda isn’t exactly gonna make a whole lot of difference to how much I’ve shaved off my life on that particular day, so why not just go all out… 🙂

    I mean it isn’t the once in a blue moon that you binge that is the problem, it’s the long term eating habits… So long as it’s the exception rather than the rule, I figure, no harm no fowl… just beef… and bacon… lots of bacon… mmmm… bacon… 😀


    Phyreblade: Ah, bacon is no problem. It has no carbs so I can (and do) indulge my affair w/ pork products. I almost never order fries; actually I rarely eat in places where fries are offered. I’m so used to the taste of diet coke, that the regular tastes like cola syrup. I had a GTT a few months ago and they made me drink a pint of cola syrup. It took everything I had not to puke it back up. That was a miserable few hours.


    Phyreblade: you forgot the sake. never eat raw food without sake.
    nyokki: GTT?


    Yet another reason why Bacon is the meat of the Gods!! But they made you drink raw cola syrup for your GTT? Yikes! I feel your pain. That’s some serious stuff. I think I’ve polished antique metals with it… LOL

    GTT = Glucose Tolerance Test


    Wow. Medical professionals get PAID to torture people? man I am in the wrong job.


    Phyreblade: MMMMM yes bacon. Every sunday I buy a 3 pound box of ends and pieces, then spend about 2 hours sorting out and cooking the meat puzzle. My bacon ritual. I get cranky when I don’t do my ritual.


    SumoSnipe: Well that’s a fine ritual indeed…


    Phyreblade: I’ll put your mind at ease. I do not do that naked. At least, not anymore. I learned after the first time: Rescect the bacon, for from the frying pan, It will spit at thee.




    SumoSnipe: Oh thank goodness…

    Wait, wat? You actually did this naked once?


    Arrrgh… I need to go sit in my brainwashing chair nao…


    Phyreblade: Did I…? Or am I just messing with yer brain?
    “It’s something you’ll get used to, a mental mindfuck can be nice.”


    SumoSnipe: There is a special place in hell…


    Phyreblade: And there will be plenty of good company!

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