Rachel Bilson – Pink Shorts

Rachel Bilson - Pink Shorts

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    I’m not complaining or anything, I mean this is hawt and so do want but damn.. you call those shorts?! it’s more like underwear already 😛


    ALLL MINEE!!!!!!


    The way she has her right hand on her stomach it makes her look pregnant.


    medic350: hmm maybe you’re just not a big fan of anatomy (medic? y/r)… but the lower abdomen where a baby would be looks nice and flat to me. Then again she could be hatching an alien baby in her stomach…

    She looks like a spinner to me!!!!


    I so would, but she’s like the Queen of Chavs. Regardless, with my muck on her face she’d improve.


    it’s my baby


    nobody here is going to believe this, but just last night, i fucked her! it was crazy…i was just walking down the street here in LA and saw her coming out of Pinkberry. Wondering to myself just how pink her berry might be, I approached her and asked if she wanted to meet up later for dinner.

    After a nice dinner, with minimal chat and semi-disgusting food, she practically raped me, and I didn’t object. The whole time I kept calling her Summer, and she didn’t like that. When I finished, she just got up and left.

    so yes, I fucked her.



    If you are going to do it right, you need to find the original.

    I’m sure no one will believe me, so I don’t know why even I’m posting this, but:

    I fucked her.

    It was almost exactly a year ago. I was visiting a friend who goes to law school at UCLA. We went out to a salsa club (which is one of the few non-nerdy I do well). After dancing a bit, she told me her name and there was a pause, like I should be impressed, and she said, “you know, from The OC?”. And was I was like, “Yeah, I’m from Seattle.” and she laughed. So ended up going back to my friend’s apartment, drank some wine, then he took his girlfriend home, and well…

    Anyway, I didn’t realize who she was until I got home and tried to look-up her number on-line.

    I think I’ve still got some picture on my old cell phone. I’ll check when I get home.


    that is some nice stonework they shot this at…


    @dieAntagonista: I was just trying to go for something fresh, i thought that is what the meme was becoming…





    Holy fucking shit. What in the world is going on.

    How, please tell me, how, is there another dieAntagonista?


    I thought you couldn’t do that. This is not cool. Is it because I was drunk yesterday and said some delicate things? Did I offend anyone? Come on.

    At least their grammar is fine.


    dieAntagonista: I know… I get my UID stolen all the time.



    Haha really? But it’s probably because they don’t know that there is already an Anonymous, don’t you think?

    Unless they have said anything that has to do with you.


    that’s what you get for being popular


    no one pay attention to the “fake” dieAntagonista that has been posting under my name.



    Haha what. Man, I’ve made more enemies on this site than my hometown has citizens.


    You didn’t capitalise the first letter. And you used those quotation marks completely wrong also. Come on, do a proper job.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    It’s like that Star Trek episode! How will we know which dieAntgonista to shoot?


    dieAntagonista: you’re mosdef doing it wrong… you’re not near enough of a condescending opinionated teenie-bopper to be the ‘real’ dieA…


    DisplacedTexan: That is the best compliment you could have given me. Danke schön.


    Nom Nom


    Which dieAntagonista has the Bizzaro goatee? I’d bet $$ that one’s the fake.


    dieAntagonista: I don’t think people talk about me…
    I just think people that use the internet think that they are Anonymous, when they really aren’t. I am.


    How do we know you’re not one and the same -.-?

    and I know i’m usually one of the OM NOMers but…there’s something unsettling about her facial features..


    Mootea: holy shit! you sexy copy of a bastard! <3


    dieAntagonista: You have been identity thefted by a guy who nails terrible actresses from terrible shows, Ina ll possibility he searches the internets for photos of her on forums jsut so he can tell everyone that he sexed her up.
    Provided that it is true.
    Dude. Pics or it didn’t happen.


    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Two dieA’s?

    Do you two ever…ya know. Get a litte…ya know. Rub your…ya know…against her…ya know.



    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson:
    I am not sure any of us know…
    You should elaborate… Graphically.
    Anonymous: Dude. Get the popcorn! This will be awesome!


    dude. dudette.
    whatever you are.
    I’m trying to put this as nicely as possible-
    Lurk Moar.
    the “i fucked her” thing is a meme from a few months ago on another Bilson pic. the poster isn’t claiming to have fucked her- it is a one line joke, like saying “Boom Goes The Dynamite”

    Second: Never. Ever. Under ANY circumstances ask magnus buutfoorson to elaborate. on ANYTHING. Especially not “graphically”

    Finally: Think about why you would be getting popcorn. There are two lines of reasoning from that thought:
    1: Popcorn needs no explanation- it simply is good food, awesome in it’s own right.
    2: Because you grab popcorn when you watch something aweso- *stop* right there.
    You are now trying to roleplay the act of watching something take place in a forum.
    Do you really want to be that guy?

    So I say again: Lurk moar. For everyone.




    elzarcothepale: Sigh. I hate the term lurk moar. This is the first time it has been used on me.
    Obviously I missed something here by not being on M[c]S until recently previous to posting I didn’t give a damn about the comments. To be quite honest I though dieA was creating an alter ego to argue with so I though I would have fun by abusing her madeup self. dieA-beta if you are human I am sorry.
    About the watching in the forum, what did that mean? Popcorn line was used as a way of saying this will get interesting.
    So I will say something. Stop being so eager to “trounce the n00b” and try some tact. Don’t use the lines “I will put this as nicely as possible” or “for everyone”. Lurk Moar is simply for the sayers benefit, anonimty over the internet lessens the chance that the person you are being outrightly rude to will punch you in the face.
    That sounded harsher than I meant it to. But I get tired of the lack of common courtesy in internet people.
    You see, I am polite. Mischevous, Yes. Bad speller too. 😀 I would have said
    Putridity: He’s just playing dude. Reference to prveious post.
    as apposed to an enlogated mature seeming version of:
    Putridity: Pfft. N00b!
    So basically. Don’t be a dick.
    even though you probably didn’t realise you were being one.


    elzarcothepale: we missed you man, Where you been? or was that $500 you were needing a few weeks back for bail?
    Putridity: Pale does have a good point though… never ask magnus for details…..


    SumoSnipe: Never argued that point. 😀
    elzarcothepale: I just read over my above statement. I overreacted to a sly jab. Sorry. Having a real shitty day at work.
    Still hate the term Lurk Moar though.


    I stand by my lurking demands.
    You were posting like a dumb guy.
    You need to gauge the atmosphere of the forums in which you post.
    If only in order to avoid behaving or speaking in a manner that- you know what? Your “derp de derp” popcorn comment was dumb. I treated it as if it were a beginner’s over-enthusiasm, but if you wanna “derp de derp” all over the fuckin’ place- go right ahead.

    Anonymity isn’t for me- I’d say the same thing to your face: “Really? Do you really want to be internet action popcorn guy?”
    I’ll be a dick if i want to- and I’ll white knight all over the place if i want to.

    putting it as nicely as possible may be a stretch:
    i can rephrase: “as nicely as i have patience for”

    It’s the fucking golden rule in forums.
    It’s probably the first item on countless FAQs.

    Bah ha- don’t be a dick. . .
    Just wait a few months, you moron.


    you would not believe how fast you can earn $500
    when you look this good.
    Incidentally, it was for my get-a-job wardrobe + rent.
    Now I loan other people money, and spend all day using the webs to hunt deadbeats down.


    Now this is more my kind of thing.
    Obviously I retract the apology to you.
    I was under the impression that I over reacted. It seems I did not.
    Lurk Moar. The simple idea is the ultimate act in cowardice. example:
    Your friend is about to introduce you to a bunch of thier friends you have never met before.
    Do you
    A: Ask to be brought up to date prior to meeting them on all the inside jokes and all the conversations they have had in the past, then sit quietly for an hour and hope to pick up on the atmosphere so you can say something that will be apporved by all the new friends?
    or B: Say hello. Join in the conversation and add your input whatever it may be?
    I choose B. Some people aren’t going to like your input no matter what.
    You have a point. I was posting like a dumb guy. But it wasn’t accidental. I wasn’t exactly trying to sound like I had a brain there.
    Sorry about being ignorant of the inside jokes that I am not a part of. But there is no way in hell I am going to read over thousands of conversations just in hope that my M[c]S peers won’t think I am a n00b.
    And don’t talk shit. If someone you met didn’t understand that an inside joke had just been quoted, you wouldn’t tell them they should pay more attention. If this is actually what you do then you more than likely wouldn’t have any friends.
    Noone likes assholes.
    I don’t wan’t to start a row or any such things. But Lurk Moar is stupid, cowardly and generally for people who have such little confidence that they don’t make any new friends.
    Also, if you had of said something like that to me in real life, I wouldn’t have punched you in the face.
    I would have laughed. Like I am now. You have made my day sooooo much better simply by accusing that may statement was “dumb guy” -ish. In your own “Dumb Forum-nerd” way.
    Dumbness comes in many forms pal. And Forum Nazism is one of them.
    And screw the “golden fucking rule” Forums are where people converse. If you don’t like my input, ignore me. Don’t go spouting Internet rules captain LEETasaurusrex.
    Screw the rules.
    I am mine.


    jane, you ignorant slut.
    i don’t care if you know inside jokes.
    i explained it to you so you wouldn’t keep addressing the issue.
    lurking doesn’t mean rereading everything- it means staying quiet until you know the lay of the land.
    Lurking is a form of politeness- used to prevent endless questions and faux pas from newcomers mucking up the works.
    You, derp, are a troll- behaving one way to get a reaction, but instead of trolling just to get the reaction, you are trying to get a rise, just so you can bust out your white knight uniform and defend your own honor.

    *Forum nazism?
    spouting rules? if someone is ranting like a dipshit during a movie, you tell them to shut the fuck up, right?

    *You simple little bastard- “leet” has nothing to do with anything we’ve said.

    *Bahaha “I am mine?”
    Oh, derpy. . . you are just so far out of your league. . .


    Ooooh internet fight! Where’s the damn popcorn?!


    you bastard- put your damn popcorn away.
    this isn’t a fight- this is me feeding my pet troll


    too bad I can’t call him out for something and then drag the fallout to the Moldy Bible


    elzarcothepale: hrmm… Jane? Err. Ok. Few consonants off but no big deal.
    I am not trolling. I said something. You attacked it. I am defending. Not as well as I would like to but we all have limits don’t we.
    I thought you would attack the I am mine part.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    I am getting tired of this. I am also getting nowhere. You seem to be hell bent on not being wrong at all. You vocabulary and sentance structure is also better than mine. There is no way I will win. So I will just stop arguing and come to the conclusion that self realisation is an impossible feat for a self righteous ass.
    You are probably right. Lurking may be the golden rule. But it isn’t polite or any of that load of crap. Under no circumstances is it impolite to not know what is going on.
    Your an idiot and a social incompetant if you think differently. But the internet is full of those. So I guess I should expect such things.
    Oh, by the way. Look up the definition of “trolling” I don’t think it means what you think it means. I said something. You called me out for being an idiot. I retaliated. then apologised because I thought I over reacted. This is not trolling.
    And no matter what you thing. Forums are not cinema’s and Lurk Moar is still and Dumb fucking sentiment and all who use it are lofty bastards.

    Isn’t this fun?



    Uh, people, you need to lurk moar. Next to everyone’s name, you can see their UID number. My number is 2287, while the other person’s number is 3223.

    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson:

    You know, I did think about what I would do, if there were another me.
    And no matter what the situation would be or under what circumstances I’d be, I’ve always come to the same conclusion.
    I would totally do myself. Long and hard.


    And yes I used that term to piss mister Putridity off. Did it work?


    dieAntagonista: Your name also has a link on it.

    And mildly. It did.:P


    because that’s what narcissism essentially is.
    Looking in yourself in the mirror and saying:
    “Oh yeah. I’d hit that.”

    I think it’s fairly obvious that I share the sentiment.
    In all seriousness though, i’d request the “other me” gods to do some gender inversion-
    I, uh. . .I’m gonna need some anatomical compatibility.



    True true and true. And yes it is indeed fairly obvious.

    I like your thinking.


    Wait just one goddamn minute! I didn’t have to go back and read every comment of every post?


    I have had it with these motherfucking comments on these motherfucking posts!


    Putridity: If you haven’t already, I would like to formally invite you to Moldy Bible for fun comments and random trolling. RSVP ASAP


    nyokki: sounds painful…


    Putridity: Which part?


    nyokki: The penetration part.

    I am onto ALL of you!

    and now time for the suspicious leering:

    *leers suspiciously*


    Putridity: Is that a ‘yes’?


    its a maybe. I am having trouble posting whilst at work. Another reason i surrendered this argument. incidentally. I has chopsticks holding up my hair. its awesomely comfy I recommend it to anyone with long hair.


    dieAntagonista: get down with your bad self! PICS PICS PICS! and your nor the doppleganger have been to the moldy bible….BOOO! get back over there! 9000 remember?
    Putridity: Come on, you will love it over at the moldy bible…..


    elzarcothepale: Not really. when you look like I do, people throw money at you fast to put clothes back on…..


    dieAntagonista: Holy shit! You haven’t been to Moldy Bible since Jan. 17th.


    err Jan. 7th

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