It’s completely nonsensical to assume an atheist is any of those things just because he’s an atheist. Same goes for assuming he loves humans and is completely rational.
It’s also completely nonsensical to assume a christian is a bible thumping, shove-it-down-your-throat douchebag just because he is a christian.
Atheists are just as bad as christians about forcing their religion on people.
Examples: the school system’s lack of tolerance over prayer, intelligent design, or anything jesus related. throwing a fit over 10 commandment monuments. suing people because they are ‘offended’ over a christmas parade at christmas time….
no other religion in the world is as discriminated against than christianity.
in b4 the blind idiots, rat finks, perverted commie blasphemers, immoral creeps, and scum of the earth.
SumoSnipe (#4452)
16 years ago
Don’t now why, but I see Star Wars vs Star Trek geeks in this pic…..
@...Corman: Telling someone to die, and then accusing him of sucking the life out of civilisation? I find that almost amusing. So if you think his argument is terrible, why don’t you come up with a better one instead.
A while back, there was a large Islamic push to ban the Angelus bells here. The bells are a big tradition, that has religious roots, but at this stage it’s just become part of the day. They claimed that it was offensive to their religion, having the worship bells of a false god ringing across the country.
They were slapped down, hard, and they’re still BAWWWing about it.
BUT there are alot of muslims who just don’t give a fuck.
I don’t even know if I have a point here, but if I were to guess, I would say: Self-righteous atheists / Christfags can suck it. You claim to believe in / preach tolerance and acceptance, but then you spend all your time shouting and being generally annoying and Raucous at each other. Why can’t you follow your peers’ example and just shut up.
I like the word Raucous, which is why it has a capital letter.
@...LukeV1-5: That’s ridiculous too. Especially since they’re praying to the same god. If there’s one thing I can’t stand about certain Muslims, it’s when they go to other countries and try to force their culture upon the people there. But of course you’re not allowed to point out how they wouldn’t tolerate any of that in their own countries.
@...natedog: @...dieAntagonista: i understand in what you said and i do agree but i look at it as there are some retarded atheist and there are atheist who don’t believe god but wont bitch at you about it. same applies to Christianity there some that try to shove shit down your throat or some who just believe and just live a prosperous life
Haven’t Christians been going to other countries and forcing their religion and culture down peoples throats for centuries? You can’t complain about a stereotype of one religion and then stereotype one yourself, that’s just plain asshatery.
@...natedog: You must be joking, but in case you’re not: Those are all church topics, and don’t belong in secular education, any more than we have the right to make changes to what you do at church!
Christians are the biggest hypocrites that have ever walked the earth. We don’t force you to teach evolution from the pulpit or anything else like that. There you’re free to believe whatever batshit crazy ideas you can come up with to make yourself feel superior to that kid that beat you up in grade school who mush obviously have been an atheist.
I didn’t say Christians have never done the same, did I? But the thing is the majority of them isn’t as extreme anymore. And most Christians will tolerate more than Muslims are are willing to tolerate in their own countries.
Christians don’t force everybody to wear modest clothes when you visit their countries, Muslims on the other hand?
And also, I didn’t say all Muslims, I said certain Muslims. I’m the last person to stereotype anybody because of their religion. I have in my family at least one person of every relevant religion. Only my friends are either Catholics or atheists but that’s because I simply don’t know anybody who believes anything else.
So yea, I’m aware that Muslims and Christians on TV, are for the most part not the real deal.
It’s the 10 Commandments that were taken down. And the Cross, and prayer in God to school. Not the Buddhist Tenants, or the Islamic pinnacles, or even the teachings of Charles Darwin. It was Christianity that was taken down.
You don’t see Native Americans at Red Lobster, quote Chris Rock.
Don’t bitch to ANYBODY about being Christian. It’s easy to paint yourself as a martyr when you’re currently on the way out from Top Dog. Being Christian (and white, if you are) entitles you to a WEALTH of privilege and respect in America that being Muslim or Buddhist does.
You’re not being persecuted against, you’re just being brought down to a level playing field. No more running the country for you, my friend, no other religion gets to.
All aboard the natedog hate train
Also, ill use Jesus Christ as a shorthand for Christianity in this. @...natedog: Intelligent Design is being fought against in science classrooms because it simply is an attempt to bring Jesus Christ to the Science classroom. Note – science, not theology, not ethics, but science.
If you say that Intelligent Design is not a direct attempt to bring Jesus Christ into the science classroom, you are lying completely out of your ass and you know it.
Frankly unless you can deal with biologists preaching evolution in a theology class, ID needs to GTFO out of the schooling system.
And to be honest there is no need for ID, if you have a theology class where people – if they so desire – can actually study the lesions of the bible as they please. Instead of instilling doubt and hate towards established science facts using backhanded dirty tactics.
“Atheists are just as bad as christians about forcing their religion on people.”
Yeah, I hate it when atheists go around knocking on doors or preaching on the street or handing out copies of Origin of the Species.
@...reboot: Yeah you’re right but that picture is a joke. Atheists are automatically intelligent? Not only that, but they’re the only intelligent people? Riight.
@...Namelis1: I agree. “Don’t pray in my school, and I won’t think in your church.”
A couple of points.
1. Only the atheist is labeled. The other is fill-in-your-religion here.
2. This cartoon is about religious hypocrisy of all kinds. There’s this very vocal idea among many (most, not all) religious groups that if even one person disagrees w/ them it’s The atheist is keepin’ me down. I’ve been hearing a lot of nonsense about the secularization of America (mainly schools and gov’t). It’s nonsense because there are more religious ideas incorporated into America now than there was 100 and 200 years ago. God is on our money and in our Pledge of Allegiance (prolly other examples as well), this was not always the case.
-Most atheists have nothing against students praying in school. The problem is with TEACHERS leading the students in prayer.
-The problem with teaching intelligent design as a science is the simple fact that it’s -NOT- a science. There is absolutely zero scientific process or evidence backing up its claims.
-The 10 commandments monument on government property is a flat-out violation of the Constitution. Period. If you think otherwise, you’re delusional.
I have no really problem with Christianity. Just the attempts to shove it down my throat vial legislation. For instance: Think strip bars are evil dens of sin? Don’t go to them. Easy as that. Don’t try to push through laws telling me *I* can’t go to them whether I think they’re sinful or not. Don’t pass laws telling the girls they have to wear pasties…then they have to keep their top on. Oh, and they can’t come closer than 3 feet from the customers. Example 2: Think sex toys are evil? Don’t use them. Don’t pass laws telling other people that they’re not allowed to use them in the privacy of their own home and that nobody’s allowed to sell them ( Thank you Alabama. My childhood home, I’m ashamed to admit ).
I think I am lost. Did someone say Christians were the most discriminated against religion in the world? I don’t remember hearing of too many christians being in concentration camps or having their country attacked by all their neighbors. Could be wrong though.
@...d3×73r: There is some pretty nasty shit that gets done against Christians in some countries. Of course, in the mid east, they’re all doing nasty shit to each other. But, other places as well. Then historically, there’s that whole thing about feeding them to lions.
However, I wouldn’t say they’re the most discriminated against. And I sure as fuck wouldn’t say that they’re not guilty of doing just as bad themselves.
Let me addon my post a couple up about the 10 Commandments monument: The judge moved it into the courthouse with no notice to anyone except to those directly involved. He was prepared to make a public spectacle of the fallout from it. The very next election, he was running for Governor of Alabama. His moving the monument in had less to do with religion and more with a political stunt trying to get support from the religious right in the state to vote him into a higher office.
Of course, he failed miserably, but that’s not the point. :p
“@...Namelis1: I agree. “Don’t pray in my school, and I won’t think in your church.—
I’m making a bumper sticker or something out of that. <3
greg_t (#4910)
16 years ago
“No other religion in the world is as discriminated against than christianity.” -natedog
Oh Reeeeaaaaalllllllly???
So kids, let’s get this party started…
The Crusades
The Spanish Inquisition
the Investiture Controversy
Line of Demarcation
The Lausanne Congress
The Partition of India
The Holy Roman Empire
I personally don’t think Christianity should be able to claim being Christian anymore. All of the hollidays are mixed with Pagan practices and the churches have gotten political. The followers sit in church once a week and listen to some guy tell them what the bible says.
Why should crap like ID and other religious shit be taught in school?
Why? Because it takes tax payer’s money, and I’m not paying for the little shits to grow up into religious shit heads. I don’t even have my own, nor will I ever, but I still have to pay. But I digress.
If you want your kid to learn about religion, you can send him ( and keep the girl at home, she’s too stupid because she has a vagina ) to one of those private Christian academies where most the Teachers are appointed by their false idol and lack even the most basic of degrees. The public schools should be free of religion. Atheism isn’t a religion to me, it’s a plane of thought. There is no scripture, no worship, no temples, just THOUGHT. Thank you.
its funny:
Saying you’re a Christian / Muslim / etc = A statement of belief that should be tolerated.
Saying you’re an atheist = A critique of everyone else’s system of belief that invites attack.
In Florida, they demanded someone replace their license plate that said “Atheist”, while at the same time considering religious-themed license plate backgrounds.
Do you have something to compensate? Do you want to tell me what happened back then in Sunday school ?
In before : Christfag, bawwww
Possibility of shitstorm over this one… meh, 3/10. Hard to argue against.
It’s completely nonsensical to assume an atheist is any of those things just because he’s an atheist. Same goes for assuming he loves humans and is completely rational.
It’s also completely nonsensical to assume a christian is a bible thumping, shove-it-down-your-throat douchebag just because he is a christian.
Atheists are just as bad as christians about forcing their religion on people.
Examples: the school system’s lack of tolerance over prayer, intelligent design, or anything jesus related. throwing a fit over 10 commandment monuments. suing people because they are ‘offended’ over a christmas parade at christmas time….
no other religion in the world is as discriminated against than christianity.
in b4 the blind idiots, rat finks, perverted commie blasphemers, immoral creeps, and scum of the earth.
Don’t now why, but I see Star Wars vs Star Trek geeks in this pic…..
I don’t know where to start – perhaps I’ll just start and end with: your argument is fucking TERRIBLE.
Go read a book (not the Bible), or die, or both. Stop sucking the life out of civilization.
@...natedog: Word. That’s why I always say, judge people individually if you yourself want to be judged individually.
@...Corman: Telling someone to die, and then accusing him of sucking the life out of civilisation? I find that almost amusing. So if you think his argument is terrible, why don’t you come up with a better one instead.
dieAntagonista, he actually makes my argument for me.
A while back, there was a large Islamic push to ban the Angelus bells here. The bells are a big tradition, that has religious roots, but at this stage it’s just become part of the day. They claimed that it was offensive to their religion, having the worship bells of a false god ringing across the country.
They were slapped down, hard, and they’re still BAWWWing about it.
BUT there are alot of muslims who just don’t give a fuck.
I don’t even know if I have a point here, but if I were to guess, I would say: Self-righteous atheists / Christfags can suck it. You claim to believe in / preach tolerance and acceptance, but then you spend all your time shouting and being generally annoying and Raucous at each other. Why can’t you follow your peers’ example and just shut up.
I like the word Raucous, which is why it has a capital letter.
@...natedog: How ridiculous.
@...LukeV1-5: That’s ridiculous too. Especially since they’re praying to the same god. If there’s one thing I can’t stand about certain Muslims, it’s when they go to other countries and try to force their culture upon the people there. But of course you’re not allowed to point out how they wouldn’t tolerate any of that in their own countries.
First time I hear the word Raucous. I like it.
@...natedog: @...dieAntagonista: i understand in what you said and i do agree but i look at it as there are some retarded atheist and there are atheist who don’t believe god but wont bitch at you about it. same applies to Christianity there some that try to shove shit down your throat or some who just believe and just live a prosperous life
Haven’t Christians been going to other countries and forcing their religion and culture down peoples throats for centuries? You can’t complain about a stereotype of one religion and then stereotype one yourself, that’s just plain asshatery.
i look at both side of the playing field
@...natedog: You must be joking, but in case you’re not: Those are all church topics, and don’t belong in secular education, any more than we have the right to make changes to what you do at church!
Christians are the biggest hypocrites that have ever walked the earth. We don’t force you to teach evolution from the pulpit or anything else like that. There you’re free to believe whatever batshit crazy ideas you can come up with to make yourself feel superior to that kid that beat you up in grade school who mush obviously have been an atheist.
Well, I was wrong. Thanks natedog for being the parody depicted in this comic. You have a place in ironic heaven just waiting for you.
I didn’t say Christians have never done the same, did I? But the thing is the majority of them isn’t as extreme anymore. And most Christians will tolerate more than Muslims are are willing to tolerate in their own countries.
Christians don’t force everybody to wear modest clothes when you visit their countries, Muslims on the other hand?
And also, I didn’t say all Muslims, I said certain Muslims. I’m the last person to stereotype anybody because of their religion. I have in my family at least one person of every relevant religion. Only my friends are either Catholics or atheists but that’s because I simply don’t know anybody who believes anything else.
So yea, I’m aware that Muslims and Christians on TV, are for the most part not the real deal.
-1 are
I’ve never heard of Muslim Missionary Expeditions, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Missionaries are the ones that get my blood boiling.
You know what’s funny?
It’s the 10 Commandments that were taken down. And the Cross, and prayer in God to school. Not the Buddhist Tenants, or the Islamic pinnacles, or even the teachings of Charles Darwin. It was Christianity that was taken down.
You don’t see Native Americans at Red Lobster, quote Chris Rock.
Don’t bitch to ANYBODY about being Christian. It’s easy to paint yourself as a martyr when you’re currently on the way out from Top Dog. Being Christian (and white, if you are) entitles you to a WEALTH of privilege and respect in America that being Muslim or Buddhist does.
You’re not being persecuted against, you’re just being brought down to a level playing field. No more running the country for you, my friend, no other religion gets to.
All aboard the natedog hate train
Also, ill use Jesus Christ as a shorthand for Christianity in this.
@...natedog: Intelligent Design is being fought against in science classrooms because it simply is an attempt to bring Jesus Christ to the Science classroom. Note – science, not theology, not ethics, but science.
If you say that Intelligent Design is not a direct attempt to bring Jesus Christ into the science classroom, you are lying completely out of your ass and you know it.
Frankly unless you can deal with biologists preaching evolution in a theology class, ID needs to GTFO out of the schooling system.
And to be honest there is no need for ID, if you have a theology class where people – if they so desire – can actually study the lesions of the bible as they please. Instead of instilling doubt and hate towards established science facts using backhanded dirty tactics.
OH NOES, Christians are being oppressed:
“Atheists are just as bad as christians about forcing their religion on people.”
Yeah, I hate it when atheists go around knocking on doors or preaching on the street or handing out copies of Origin of the Species.
Religion is a human concept/creation. Most of us learned that around 6 or 7.. also around the time we discovered santa wasn’t real.
@...reboot: Yeah you’re right but that picture is a joke. Atheists are automatically intelligent? Not only that, but they’re the only intelligent people? Riight.
@...Namelis1: I agree. “Don’t pray in my school, and I won’t think in your church.”
A couple of points.
1. Only the atheist is labeled. The other is fill-in-your-religion here.
2. This cartoon is about religious hypocrisy of all kinds. There’s this very vocal idea among many (most, not all) religious groups that if even one person disagrees w/ them it’s The atheist is keepin’ me down. I’ve been hearing a lot of nonsense about the secularization of America (mainly schools and gov’t). It’s nonsense because there are more religious ideas incorporated into America now than there was 100 and 200 years ago. God is on our money and in our Pledge of Allegiance (prolly other examples as well), this was not always the case.
@Cheebs: O RLY?
@nyokki: not labelled, but he’s holding Roman cross. Why it’s always a cross?
@...asymon: Point taken.
-Most atheists have nothing against students praying in school. The problem is with TEACHERS leading the students in prayer.
-The problem with teaching intelligent design as a science is the simple fact that it’s -NOT- a science. There is absolutely zero scientific process or evidence backing up its claims.
-The 10 commandments monument on government property is a flat-out violation of the Constitution. Period. If you think otherwise, you’re delusional.
I have no really problem with Christianity. Just the attempts to shove it down my throat vial legislation. For instance: Think strip bars are evil dens of sin? Don’t go to them. Easy as that. Don’t try to push through laws telling me *I* can’t go to them whether I think they’re sinful or not. Don’t pass laws telling the girls they have to wear pasties…then they have to keep their top on. Oh, and they can’t come closer than 3 feet from the customers. Example 2: Think sex toys are evil? Don’t use them. Don’t pass laws telling other people that they’re not allowed to use them in the privacy of their own home and that nobody’s allowed to sell them ( Thank you Alabama. My childhood home, I’m ashamed to admit ).
I think I am lost. Did someone say Christians were the most discriminated against religion in the world? I don’t remember hearing of too many christians being in concentration camps or having their country attacked by all their neighbors. Could be wrong though.
@...d3×73r: There is some pretty nasty shit that gets done against Christians in some countries. Of course, in the mid east, they’re all doing nasty shit to each other. But, other places as well. Then historically, there’s that whole thing about feeding them to lions.
However, I wouldn’t say they’re the most discriminated against. And I sure as fuck wouldn’t say that they’re not guilty of doing just as bad themselves.
Let me addon my post a couple up about the 10 Commandments monument: The judge moved it into the courthouse with no notice to anyone except to those directly involved. He was prepared to make a public spectacle of the fallout from it. The very next election, he was running for Governor of Alabama. His moving the monument in had less to do with religion and more with a political stunt trying to get support from the religious right in the state to vote him into a higher office.
Of course, he failed miserably, but that’s not the point. :p
“@...Namelis1: I agree. “Don’t pray in my school, and I won’t think in your church.—
I’m making a bumper sticker or something out of that. <3
“No other religion in the world is as discriminated against than christianity.” -natedog
Oh Reeeeaaaaalllllllly???
So kids, let’s get this party started…
The Crusades
The Spanish Inquisition
the Investiture Controversy
Line of Demarcation
The Lausanne Congress
The Partition of India
The Holy Roman Empire
Ad majorem Dei gloriam. Ad nauseum.
I personally don’t think Christianity should be able to claim being Christian anymore. All of the hollidays are mixed with Pagan practices and the churches have gotten political. The followers sit in church once a week and listen to some guy tell them what the bible says.
Modern Christianity is bs.
Why should crap like ID and other religious shit be taught in school?
Why? Because it takes tax payer’s money, and I’m not paying for the little shits to grow up into religious shit heads. I don’t even have my own, nor will I ever, but I still have to pay. But I digress.
If you want your kid to learn about religion, you can send him ( and keep the girl at home, she’s too stupid because she has a vagina ) to one of those private Christian academies where most the Teachers are appointed by their false idol and lack even the most basic of degrees. The public schools should be free of religion. Atheism isn’t a religion to me, it’s a plane of thought. There is no scripture, no worship, no temples, just THOUGHT. Thank you.
@...greg_t: Salem Witch Trials… ( And countless other similar atrocities that took place but were less well known )
nobody has even read what i wrote.. :S
its funny:
Saying you’re a Christian / Muslim / etc = A statement of belief that should be tolerated.
Saying you’re an atheist = A critique of everyone else’s system of belief that invites attack.
In Florida, they demanded someone replace their license plate that said “Atheist”, while at the same time considering religious-themed license plate backgrounds.
@...chris_hates_freedom: Word