
mccane.jpg (104 KB)

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    “Hey! Obama! This is me fucking your wife!”


    Dis is Da Big One!


    his little left right shimmy was the funniest moment of the debate,
    unless you count his reaction shots during some of ‘bama’s stuff- he looked like Eddie Griffin giving the “crazy eyes”


    Obama farted.

    Special Kail

    LOL wut?

    Special Kail

    is this a senior moment, or he is just doing his rick flair imitation? WHOOOOOO!


    How in the world did this picture come about?


    What an idiot. What part of “the whole world is watching you!” don’t you understand?
    -want to touch the hiney.


    Love this pic. His tongue jut would be his poker call. He always did it after a comment that really stretched the truth.

    Why’s the last name misspelled, though?


    anybody notice his wistle when he talks- Try to drink your beer everytime he does. and shimys too. I was having trouble keeping up.. Tiki didn’t.

    tiki god

    fuck man, I was playing the advanced version, which includes a full beer everytime he said “my friends”. Rules were amended to include “joe the plumber”


    Yeah I got pretty hammered too.


    yawn: Was wondering the same thing myself. I had to work while that thing was going on. Trucker, so I couldn’t exactly keep a TV to the side to watch it, either. :p

    bright green




    Geriatric temper tantrum.


    Tyger42: and yawn
    at the end of the debate, when they both were stepping away from the table, obama walked towards the side that he had sat on, and McCain began to follow, then switched back, to shake the mod’s hand, if i recall, then did a flip flop trying to decide which way to walk around the table. It was like watching two people do that awkward dodge thing in a hallway, except that in this example, the table displayed more sense and stayed still.


    I can’t believe I actually followed a link that you posted. I should have known better.

    *clears throat*

    Dear Diabeetus,

    Fuck you.



    Bizarre. I just can’t imagine how any would-be president could have this much of a combination of Scooby Doo tongue, Peter Griffin seizure mouth, Quasimodo hunchback, and pure “gimme-your-butt” hand gestures, in this high-profile setting. o.O


    “I wish the cancer upon you!”


    elzarcothepale: Crazy eyes, like this? 😀


    FlappyCunt: “anybody notice his wistle when he talks”

    Hahahaha! That’s really funny!

    The whistle is probably because he had to have false teeth put in after his real ones were knocked out with a rifle butt while he was being held captive in Vietnam. Isn’t that hilarious?!

    That being said, hilarious shoop there.


    The fact that Diabeetus is rooting for McCain would make me wanna vote for Obama.



    He is? Since when?

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