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    Ill be barack!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    That’s the hippie dorknob messiah. Now people r gonna cry.


    “Dorknob” [sic] messiah?

    And these types of posters are just tacky, I don’t care which side they’re attacking.


    Psh everyone considers Obama liberal. He’s still to the right compared to most of Europe. If anyone wants to pull the Obama = Osama gambit, there’s always the Fox News = Fuck Jews rebuttal…


    About the level I would expect from Diabeetus.


    Apparently this is how the other half thinks..


    I didn’t even have to look and see who posted this. I knew.




    Not too far off

    tiki god

    no no.

    “dork nob”


    Diafuckingbeetus is really spoiling this website.


    There currently is a lawsuit againt Obama. Google it. He may not even legally be able to be President in which case, none of this will matter. However, if you did your research, it should concern you that he has a VERY Marxist background. Hawaii, Ill., Calif. Check it out.


    Hey StormySeas-

    Try googling McCain and “not eligible to be president.” Notice how it all says the same thing.

    And if by Marxist, you mean he’s bought into the predominant viewpoint at the University of Chicago’s economics department (Milton Friedman, et al.), then yes, he is a Marxist… who believes in free trade…

    If this is all that people can come up with against Obama after over a year of this presidential race, then that’s just pathetic.


    Hahhahhahahhahhaha Yeah Milton Friedman went right on the tails of Lenin didn’t he?


    The mind of the paranoid delusional conservative…


    He’s not a Marxist. He is a socialist though. I don’t like these kind of unintelligent attacks, but diabeetus isn’t “spoiling” this website. If you look around on this site, the same thing is being done to McCain except no one bitches since this site has a primarily liberal audience.


    That “lawsuit” against Obama is nonsense…check; it’s been debunked. This is what happens when little minds try to think big thoughts.


    Eh, so three months ago.
    Shop him into a MUSLIN and I’ll lol.


    The lawsuit against Obama is not nonsense. Newspapers have published articles about it.


    The lawsuit is real, but you have to remember that the guy that filed it has also sued Bush and Cheney in a RICO suit claiming that they caused 9/11. Sounds like a real winner….


    As a voting republican, I would just like to say to you: Don’t rely on the newspaper as your sole source of facts. Anything written by anyone is merely that individual’s view of the truth. Do Your research and make up your own damn mind.


    Get over yourselves for heavens sake. Even if the guy who brought the suit has filed before, all I was saying is that there is a chance of the court finding that Obama is not legally entitled to run for President. I don’t rely on newspapers only. Stop assuming.

    tiki god

    the only people that are republicans now days are traitors to the american way of life.

    you will be among the first executed when lord obama is anointed to the high office.


    True story: About 4 hours ago, I saw a girl wearing a shirt with Obama and the infamous “Change” logo on it.

    Being the inquisitive sort that I am, I approached her, and the conversation went about like this….

    “So, what does change mean?”

    “Chaaaange?” *confused*

    “Yeah, ‘change’, like on your shirt.”

    “Um, I don’t know.”

    “I was just wondering what ‘change’ meant.”

    “Well, he’d be the first black president.”

    “So…. you’re going to vote for someone based entirely on their race?”

    “That’s not what I said!”

    “Yes it is. That’s exactly what you said.”

    “That’s not what I said!”

    “Yes it is, you just said you were basing your decision for president solely because he’s black. Those were your exact words.”

    “I can’t EVEN fucking talk to you people.”

    “So, who’s ‘you people’?”

    “I’m outta here.” *she gets up and leaves*



    You asked for a definition of change, and she gave an example of a change that an Obama presidency would result in. It was a stupid shallow example (skin color is only skin deep after all), but technically true. You didn’t ask her why she supports Obama. Then you starting putting words in her mouth saying that she’s making her decision based soley on race.

    “You people” = asshats.


    “What does change mean?”
    “A black president”
    “So, you’re voting based on race?”

    I mean, is that, or is that not the short version of that conversation?

    Considering I was directly referencing her Obama shirt, I figured the “why” was implied.

    But, if you think I gave her too much credit, that’s fine. I can accept that.


    It was unfair baiting of a weaker mind. Therefore WIN


    Actually, I wasn’t *planning* on baiting her.

    Now, that doesn’t mean I wasn’t EXPECTING her to be a racist, but I’ve been looking for an honest, in-person answer to what “change” means.

    It was still amusing. 😀


    Change means one step closer to socialism. This picture doesn’t make sense at all. Obama is closer to pushing communism than terrorism though the extremes of each are close. I have always observed liberals to have their hearts in the right place, they want life to be better for everyone. Personally, I only want whats best for myself.


    I dunno man, you said “Those were your exact words,” yet as you report it those weren’t her exact words. Even if she is as stupid as you make her out to be (and I have little doubt that someone that stupid does in fact exist), you’re not a very sympathetic character yourself.

    Do still want an honest answer to what “change” means in the context of this election?


    Finn, I’ve been up for two and a half days now.

    PARDON ME if I don’t remember every syllable everyone says to me.

    And yes, I said “Those were your exact words” at the time.

    Perhaps you missed the part where I’d said “and the conversation went about like this…”, meaning I don’t remember everything, other than a couple of amusing portions of it.

    Namely because I’ve used that exact same set of lines before. About 12 times. With the exact same results.

    And people wonder why I mention Kool-Aid when talking about some of his supporters….


    Oh, okay. Sorry bout that.

    Do you want some non-kool-aid answers? I can tell you why I’m supporting him.


    Sure, let’s hear it. This should be interesting.


    First off, I am truly worried about global warming. I’ve got a bachelors in biochemistry and one of the classes I took was a environmental chemistry course. It was the most disheartening class ever because it forced us to look the science and we couldn’t look away since the test was going to be on this. So when I look at politicians, the first thing I look at is how much they are working towards diversifying our energy sources. Obama has voted for alternative energy more than McCain has. The “Drill, baby drill” slogan chanted at the RNC didn’t help any. The science is solid, a solution must be found, and many Republicans still think its not man made. This has to change, and McCain wont do it.

    More than that, I think that an investment in alternative energy and infrastructure could really help the economy. This would create more jobs, jobs that couldn’t be sent overseas, jobs that require some skill and couldn’t be filled with just any migrant worker that skipped over the boarder. This also has to change, I’m not sure who will do this, but bridges in the US shouldn’t fail like 35W did. (I live in St. Paul, this is important to me.)

    I believe that the free market can do many things, I think that there does need to be some modest regulation to ensure long term stability. Obama has been for modest regulation, and hasn’t pandered to the big, corrupt, old labor unions the way many Democrats have. McCain has been against all regulation for all of his political career up until last week. The Republicans have been saying that cutting taxes for the rich will help us all since the Great Depression; in the last 7 years with Republicans in the White House, the Capitol and the majority on the Supreme Court we have seen what deregulation and cutting taxes for the rich have lead to. This must change; insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    There are more issues, but these are the things that, to me, are the most important right now. I believe that Obama has better answers to these problems.


    You say you weren’t baiting, but then say “Namely because I’ve used that exact same set of lines before. About 12 times. With the exact same results.”


    God, what a stupid fucking waste of photoshoppery. Only a retarded, goat-fucking dipshit would buy this garbage.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    4 years later…looks like this post was pretty accurate about him.

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