Summer time blues

Just finished up adding a new site statistics page that lists:
Top 25 Posts by Rating In Last Week
25 Most Rated In Last Week
Top Rated For All Time
Most Rated For All Time
Top Commenters For All Time
Top Commented Posts For All Time
Mind you!  This page is cached and is updated once every 6 hours.  Anything else you think should be listed on that page?  Is 25 posts too many?

Site traffic on a whole is down, but that’s to be expected during the summer hours, when everyone is out of school and at the beach or at their summer jobs.  You’ll notice that my comments are going to be somewhat sparce on the site, as unlike most people, the summer months are my busy months out there in the real world, so I’m juggling professional life with MCS time.  I do like MCS time better though 😉

The “Tag This” feature was being raped by some unscrupulous asses that were abusing it, so I increased the limit to something obscene like “2 others have to agree with you” in order for the tag to go live.  That is, unless you’re a mod (all two of us, yay), then your tags go straight through.

So MCS, what are you doing for the summer?

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    1st post. woo.

    I’m mostly doing construction work with my dad. Pays for college. Other’n that, just watchin movies and hangin’ with friends mostly.

    What you guys up to?


    I’m on summer break and in August I start my sabbatical. Woohoo!


    It looks like the top 25 rated and Most rated have no overlap. It may not mean anything but I’m betting there’s a correlation to be made. f(x)-g(x)where f(x)=Top Rated and g(x)=Most Rated or some shit. I’m on vacation, why the hell am I trying to think!?


    Damnit no arrows…duh! Make it f(x) IFF -g(x).


    smoking weed


    I got an internship at major networking company that looks to become a permanent job and I just started learning this shit in the Spring this year. Fucking a.


    working. that’s what adults with bills do during the summer. and the winter. and the spring and fall as well.

    i miss college.


    Awwright, I’m the 25th top commenter. I win.

    I’m going to the beach for a week on Saturday, and after that I have to stop screwing around at school and start working on my radiography tech degree. Mmm, x-rays.


    I’m too old to be aware of summer as a period of time any different from the rest of the year. :p

    Having said that, I have already taken a trip and have been doing a lot of bike riding, walking and socializing (the last is a bit unusual for me).


    It’s winter here in Australia.

    MCS is my browser start-up page.


    There is a better algorithm for calculating “top rated images”. Right now the list is cluttered by crappy images that have “5 out of 5 votes”. I think something like “4.9 out of 50” should be higher rated than “5 out of 5”.

    I have a link to calculating this but it is on my laptop at work and I’m on holiday. I’ll be back in about two and a half weeks.


    Sorry, I misinterpreted the list. That “5 out of 5” is just redundant. We already know 5 is the maximum. Replace it with something like “5 with 17 votes”.

    The point I was trying to make was that the number 1 all time top rated image has 17 votes averaging 5, while the “epic boobs” image has 227 votes averaging 4.49. The epic boobs gets more 5 votes than any of the images on the top rated list but doesn’t even get close to the list. That isn’t right.


    working like normal… trying to do outside stuff as much as possible… like hiking, going to the ocean, parks… hopefully camping sometime this summer…
    just got back from a road trip to visit my family. it was fun except i remembered why i hated my mom growing up. oh and the car broke down and i was stuck in the middle of southern utah for a week.


    Oh yeah, cut the list down to “top 10” and add “lowest rated” for this week and all time.


    I’m still animating cars, planes, and motorcycles. Also like tiki, the summer is my busiest season. Clients have a lot more shows in the summer, and need promo work done.

    Check us out at

    Just had our company’s annual “float-down”, which is when we make a flotilla out of floating chairs, inner tubes, and the occasional kayak. We attach sacks full of beer (I bought a mini-keg for my float)… and we float down the St. Claire river in Michigan, getting plastered.

    Summer is nice. Good to see some of you MCS folks having a good summer.


    i totally comment on MCS waaaaay too much.

    beep beep

    I’m finishing my degree this summer, trying to find a job, and moving. Buutttt…it looks like I’ll have a job straight out of college, which is awesome considering I have The Most Useless Degree In The World.


    Full time job, part time job, full time student (well class load-wise anyway), all while trying to be husband & father at same time.

    Thanks for MCS Tiki, it’s probably the only reason I don’t go completelty insane and start sacrificing to cthulhu


    Work, beer, work, beer, work, beer, motorcycle, beer, work, beer, work, beer, work, beer, motorcycle, beer, Rugby trip to the States, beer, work, beer, work, beer, work.


    “Top Rated” can be done simply or not simply.

    Simple: choose an average (say 2), subtract it from all ratings, and then just ADD every single rating. That way if one post gets 5 “4”s, 5*(4-2)=10. If another post gets two “5”s, 2*(5-2)=6. The one with 5 fours is higher. If you choose 3.5 as the average, the two “5”s are higher. And this means “1”s and “2”s end up being negative…

    I won’t go into not simply. Please just use the simple additive thing. BE SMARTER THAN AMAZON.


    If I can quit working so damned much, I’ll be spending as much time as possible in Rocky Mountain National Park (home of the Only Llamas pic), hiking hiking hiking. Got our real first hike of the season in a couple of weekends ago, a loop from the Glacier Gorge trailhead to Lake Haiyaha and then returning via the trail that runs between Dream and Nymph lakes to Bear Lake. We found out when we wrapped up that the second leg of the hike was supposed to be impassable, according to park rangers.


    I’m in Australia too, so its winter, I’m in the last week of my school holidays (I work near full time and study part time) and I have the flu. So no work, no school and no social life. And I feel like crap. 🙁


    Hey thanks! Really great article, really enjoyed it!

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