Joker – learn The Fucking Difference

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    Meh…not fair. Jack Nicholson looked gritter in the movie. =/


    um, yeah. back in the day, Jack’s Joker was teh shit.

    he may look all faggy next to Heath Ledger, but Jack made that Batman flick kick ass. hell, the Batmovie franchise would not be where it is now if not for Jack.

    Plus, Jack is still alive, and Heath is dead as fuck.


    jack did an amazing job
    stfu. two differnt directors two differnt looks
    they both hit the part 100%


    However made this is most likely a hypocrite. Before any trailers surfaced I bet he was on the “blam this fag” bandwagon.


    Huh. For the longest time I thought his name was ‘Nicholson’. I guess the ‘c’ is unnecessary 🙂


    Agreed…times have just changed when it comes to dark movies. For it’s day, Batman was super dark, and Jack was fabulous. His delivery was fantastic, and he was pushing the edge. The edge has simply moved, and it takes more to push it these days.

    “Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?”—Fucking brilliant


    Plus the one with Nicholson was done by Burton wasn’t it? There’s always a weird theatrical flair to his stuff.


    stfu before you see the movie. The new Joker may suck, you never know.


    Glad to see love for the Burton film. \m/

    The Penguin in Batman Returns was probably the darkest superhero movie villain ever. His death was so fucking tragic. =[


    “I wish I was making the crow but instead I’m making yet some goddamn batman movie, oh fuck, drugs”

    Jack had *style*. I haven’t seen Ledger’s version yet, it may be good in a different way, but don’t rip on Jack. Fucker was demented and cool. “Joi de vivre noire” or some french shit like that.


    Jack was an awesome Joker.

    However, I am so glad that they made Joker “look like shit” in this upcoming movie. I always thought it was kinda messed up in the movie, cartoon, and show that somehow, the colors on his face was so …. “perfect”.

    I like the fact that this one has scars, and the shaggy hair, and basically just scares the shit out of me.


    Jack, no matter what he’s in, is wonderful at being generally creepy and looking psychotic. He was great. Also, his entire soundtrack was like…Danny Elfman and Prince.

    But I do love the fact that they made Heath look all kinds of fucked up.

    tiki god


    maybe, but the whole “penguins with rockets on their backs” thing is ridiculous now.


    Learn how to fucking spell, and Jack played an excellent joker…..stop trying to suck heath’s dead cock.


    I’ll never understand people who love Burton’s Batman movies. They’re tragically awful.

    Bruce Wayne: “Ya wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts!”


    Their coats are slightly different colors.


    Jack Nicholson *was* the Batman movie only because there was so much of him and so little of actual Batman appearances. It was a cool movie for its time because it was one of the few superhero movies out there, but if you actually went to see Batman to, you know, *see Batman*, that flick was boring as fuck.


    What I love about Batman movies is that they so perfectly capture totally different, yet equally important facets of the mythology. Batman 89 really worked for the 80s. Watching that now, the lighting, the design, it is all so beautifully 80s. Nolan’s Batman is a nice fresh take, and who can forget how awesom 66 Batman was? Adam West and Burt Ward and Caesar Romero and Frank Gorshin and all the other brilliant actors, not to mention writers.

    Batman is more than just one era, more than just one actor. It’s important not to criticize too harshly, because it’s all the same rich mythology.


    Good call Camiam


    i didnt liked the: batman return and batam and robin movies they were more like for kids stuff or something wrong. its like they take all that dark side of batman that dark side that every superhero or heroe has and give them some nice colered stuff to make every one happy. tim burtons batamn movies yes they cool. they were the actuall darkside that am talking about. the last movie i havnt seen it probably i will see dark knight but not very sure.


    Camiam321, I’d be interested in what you think Batman Forever and Batman and Robin capture about the 90s. Was it the emergence of a pervasive media, or a reflection of the computer age? Or were they just commentaries on what an abortion Joel Schumacher is?


    Actually, I kinda agree with Camiams take on the progression of batman. Even the intermediate (and imho sketchy) Batman movies, with the truly excessive camp factor, were still being true to the idea of the original Adam West batman.

    Batman Begins is my favorite, second to the original Batman movie, simply because they were perhaps the least concerned with the camp factor, and stuck to the nitty gritty of who The Batman really was.

    But even in the truly horrible movies, the Batman has almost always followed the sombre core of his nature, almost regardless of how much the prevailing culture of the time influenced the way he was played.

    Now I think the Joker, on the other hand, is another matter altogether. Unlike any of the past Jokers, Heath Ledgers Joker is not even remotely the same as the Jokers of old.

    This one seems to be a much darker, much more twisted version that has actually left one of the Jokers primary characteristics behind. His fairly oblivious, childlike and almost endearing levity…


    what about batman the animated series?


    The more I look at theHeath Ledger Joker, the more convinced I am the inspiration came from looking at a few of the folks who hang out at bus stops but never actually get on the bus, you know the ones I’m talking about, the guys who approach your car while you’re waiting at the red light and you run the light rather than find out what they want.


    and the only real Batman is Adam West!


    inb4 shitstorm lol

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