MCS Admin – Tiki God

First, a professionally taken one in which I look pretty damn awesome:

Then one that I took with a now dead camera phone:

Thank you all for post images. Normally theme days only get 48 posts (double the normal!) but I figured I’d let as many as possible through to give all the lurkers some time in the sun. Those of you with that big fat (0) by your post count need to get off your butts and post something!  Thank you all!  I now return you to your regularly scheduled MCS insanity.

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    EpicFail are revealed ;]


    That is absolutely nothing what I imagined you looked like, Tiki.

    Still, I like it.


    You’re not nearly as crazy-looking as I expected.


    i expected you to be hugging a bottle of Jack




    Yeah, nothing like I imagined. Now we need a pic of Tiki drunk.


    I also am surprised, I imagined a wooden carving with a wide demonic mouth and a lolling tung and flaming eyes.

    Guess you cant judge a man by his Username

    speaking of, sorry my pic didn’t make it in time, it took me this long to remember my own username. I finally just had to do a search for one of my old posts. I never gave up on the site though, I see all the pics every day.


    Yeah, not at all what I imagined. But omghawt r u 4 sexes chat?


    I thought tiki would look like maddox <_<. Maybe he looks like maddox when hes drunk.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Pic 1 looks like a Mormon missionary. You even have a name tag.


    Dammit Reboot, you beat me too it.


    Snazzy outfit…not what I imagined the all powerful admin of MCS would look like but still I dig. @Epic fail damn you I was about to post the exact same when I saw your comment.


    I was half expecting a bone through your nose and spear…


    id imagine you looking like alot of Dreth, some tony, and MAGnus put together
    you know?
    hell i was wrong
    i didnt imagine anyone look like they do……….. MCS U GUYS ROCK!!!!


    Epic theme day, tiki, well done.


    gratz to Tiki

    ror – Elder Tiki God


    Epic Theme Day Indeed! 😀 Very cool…


    Awesome seeing the freaks behind the posts. Unfortunatly due to booze a booze fueled night and being afk from my own I’ve completely missed it. I’ll post a dud one when I get home and if Tiki’s drunk he might forget the date and put it up.

    Either way, good job those who submited, great theme day!


    Oh and Tiki you look nothing like I imagined. Far too sober.


    yay! it’s tiki!
    we definitely need a pic of you drunk lol

    bright green

    Its over? Damn mine didn’t make it then.

    Anyways good pic of Tiki.


    Hahha, awesome. =)

    It was great seeing all the faces behind the names. Or, at least the faces of people brave enough to face the wraith of MCS.


    I enjoed this – Glad to meet you and yes, you do actually look a bit like I thought you would! Are you working a hotel? Can we get discounts?


    Agreed, this was the best MCS theme day in my opinion.


    tiki, i totally pictured you with a harley davidson do-rag and a porno ‘stache with a 1/2 empty bottle of JackD on a cluttered desk with 4 different monitors.

    you look way to respectable in that top pic.

    thanks for the groovy theme day!

    also, we have a lot of wimmenz on MCS, some quite om-nommable.


    You see hes grown out his hair so you cant see his Spider Jerusalem tatoo


    you are much uglier than i imagined.


    hahaha really??

    i expected you’d be the goddamn batman.


    Somehow i pictured Tiki to be a lot..shaggier xD
    good job mate

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