That’s the secret to every weight loss product. Every commercial for any “miracle” weight loss solution has fine print mentioning diet and exercise.
You’ll also see someone who (is acting like they) used it, and lost FIFTEEN WHOLE POUNDS, and then at the bottom, you see that the results are not typical.
The one commercial that pisses me off the most is Lipozene. You can tell the chick has absolutely no idea what she’s talking about, and they repeat the same garbage over and over, and the commercial’s on a lot.
Know the kicker about Lipozene? Fine print: participants lost on average 3.86 lbs of body fat over an 8 week study.
EIGHT WEEKS of taking this expensive-ass pill for not even 4 pounds? You can lose double that over 8 weeks for MINIMAL exercise effort.
Fucking lazy asses with fat wallets. Get off your ass and go for a walk, stop blaming the food companies, stop blaming “diet fads that don’t work,” stop blaming everyone else and GET ON A FUCKING TREADMILL. I’m so sick of fat people in this country who sit around and complain about being fat.
I allowed myself to become obese. I’m 6’2″ and topped out at 360. I became sick of it and my Dr. said if I didn’t change my life I would soon run into trouble. I’m proud to say that since the end of January I’ve dropped 30 pounds and I’m not going to quit until I’ve, actually I’m not gonna quit! The secret? Yep, diet and excercise. Ok, and I had some help from a couple of friends named adipex and zoloft. But I’m weaning off the adipex and I’m getting up an hour earlier every morning and hitting the pavement walking/jogging cause I’M SICK OF LOOKING LIKE THESE FAT FUCKS THAT ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! FUCK YOU MACDONALD’S AND EVERY OTHER FAST FOOD RESTAURANT. FUCK YOU LAZY AMERICA!!!!! My diet consists of apples with some peanut butter, granola bars, Progresso soup and salad for the most part. “DON’T WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT!!!”
That’s the secret to every weight loss product. Every commercial for any “miracle” weight loss solution has fine print mentioning diet and exercise.
You’ll also see someone who (is acting like they) used it, and lost FIFTEEN WHOLE POUNDS, and then at the bottom, you see that the results are not typical.
The one commercial that pisses me off the most is Lipozene. You can tell the chick has absolutely no idea what she’s talking about, and they repeat the same garbage over and over, and the commercial’s on a lot.
Know the kicker about Lipozene? Fine print: participants lost on average 3.86 lbs of body fat over an 8 week study.
EIGHT WEEKS of taking this expensive-ass pill for not even 4 pounds? You can lose double that over 8 weeks for MINIMAL exercise effort.
Fucking lazy asses with fat wallets. Get off your ass and go for a walk, stop blaming the food companies, stop blaming “diet fads that don’t work,” stop blaming everyone else and GET ON A FUCKING TREADMILL. I’m so sick of fat people in this country who sit around and complain about being fat.
Tell that to the fatty below
lol @... Jaypeezy
Becareful, SFactor!! Garbledxmisson told me it’s unamerican to criticize fat people
Fat people are the new niggers, or at least want to fill that spot more whinily.
I allowed myself to become obese. I’m 6’2″ and topped out at 360. I became sick of it and my Dr. said if I didn’t change my life I would soon run into trouble. I’m proud to say that since the end of January I’ve dropped 30 pounds and I’m not going to quit until I’ve, actually I’m not gonna quit! The secret? Yep, diet and excercise. Ok, and I had some help from a couple of friends named adipex and zoloft. But I’m weaning off the adipex and I’m getting up an hour earlier every morning and hitting the pavement walking/jogging cause I’M SICK OF LOOKING LIKE THESE FAT FUCKS THAT ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! FUCK YOU MACDONALD’S AND EVERY OTHER FAST FOOD RESTAURANT. FUCK YOU LAZY AMERICA!!!!! My diet consists of apples with some peanut butter, granola bars, Progresso soup and salad for the most part. “DON’T WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT!!!”
If cool’s not making that up and is serious – THANK YOU. Thank you for getting off your fat ass and actually doing something about it.
Ya’ know, I wouldn’t mind the fat people if I never had to see them, and if I never had to hear them complain about being fat.
That wasn’t my best subtle retarded troll, was it.
Good for you coolghoul, you sound really motivated =)
Keep it up man, your motivation should be a fucking inspiration to all americans that are lazy and fat.
Thanks, everyone!