Aptera hybrid vehicle

800px-Aptera_Typ-1_Wallpaper.jpg (128 KB)

230 mpg!

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    something tells me it wouldnt handle too well in the snow we’ve been getting

    tiki god

    snow? it was 80 degrees here today, ugh


    80 degrees? it was 08 degrees here last night. And this morning. I think it hit 12 degrees at noon. much warmer…


    Why is this pic posted under fantasy and sci fi? Its real and being released in 2008.

    tiki god

    because it’s not real, and isn’t being released in 2008, except in some limited ‘concept’ release. Once they make/sell more then a thousand of them, then it’s real.


    Might get 230 mpg … but you would look like a dick driving it.



    Maybe but it beats the hell out of wasting half your pay check on gas.


    As long as it has lambo doors, who cares?

    Wait, I do. No one’s getting any with that thing. I mean, it’s more of a giant sign showing how gay you are. Actually, even an even bigger gay sign than driving a Prius or whatever. At least Prius’ don’t like a giant sperm cell on wheels.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Do they have real engineers design this crap? If you want a two person vehicle that maximizes gas mileage, then your best form-factor is a motorcycle. Added bonus that you can look cool on a motorcycle, a feat which is impossible in this thing.


    OK, so it is gay

    and it costs to damned much.

    $29,900 for the diesel-electrical series hybrid
    (only 26,900 for the all electric)

    And in most States you’ll have to wear a helmet with it


    Frontal crumple distance is 45 inches. Larger then most cars in its size/weight class


    3x dual hydraulic brakes, & rear regenerative brake

    Body is above most car’s bumpers, a colliding vehicle’s bumper will travel under the Aptera’s body (MEANING less damage to you, more damage to them. It also means that its crumple zone would actually hit the crumple zone of a truck or SUV. A good thing if you’re not trying to die.)

    ALL in all, it seems like a safe vehicle in comparison to anything else its size. Much better then a bike, neon, civic ect.

    It is made just outside of America, in California



    I forget California is not in America. Another thing…seriously? Come on. This is by far the gayest thing I have seen in a while. And the fact that this thing only tops out at 95mph makes all the more ridiculous. Oh and I love the line “0-60 in less than ten seconds” that makes me laugh. Here’s some advice for you electric car lovers, if you want an electric car go and get yourself the Tesla Roadster the only electric car in my eyes worth getting. 0-60 in under 4 secs, 135 mpg, and a pimp look? Definitely better.


    I love how it looks. (and I’m a woman!)

    But I also love the Pacer.

    I dig any vehicle that could get me to Orlando and back in 1.5 gallons of gas.


    I think its pretty. I think I would add bling and have it encrusted with millions of swarovski crystals. -anyone know when the Hello, Kitty version comes out?


    Yeah, I’ll run right out and get a Tesla Roadster instead of this. oh wait I forgot they retail at just shy of a $100K.


    Style and appearance are irrelevant. What matters here is functionality, and this car has loads of it.

    A big FU to everyone calling it “gay” and saying that CA isn’t part of the Union.

    Have fun paying$50+ every week on gas.


    BWA HAH HA HA HA AH HA AH HA HA HA… *cough*…

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