Living Hero


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    Who is this?


    The fellow from Heroes.

    Luke Magnifico

    Is this the guy who can, like, go through stuff? Or something?


    This show is yet another POS put out by the major networks. Same type of music, camera angles, basic storylines, etc….

    All my buddies love this show and I get so aggravated with them when they talk about it.


    I, too, get angry when people don’t have the exact same views as I do!


    Touche, Bakudai 🙂

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I watched Heroes once.


    If you find this show intelligent or think it’s well written then you’re officially certified a moron. Congratulations.


    Now hold on there AUS BUTT, I call shenanigans. How exactly did you come to that conclusion about the series, having watched only ONE episode?!?

    I’m not saying it’s genius or anything, it’s got some iffy writing and serious plot issues, but I watched it just to see the new characters and how their abilities played out. And I don’t see how anyone can dis an entire series on the basis of one episode.

    Unless, of course, they have mutant powers…

    I was a sci-fi watching moron long before ever started watching it, so I’m not even going to try and defend myself in that regard…


    I can judge a series on one episode, 20 minutes of this one in fact. I tried watching once due to peer pressure and had to change the channel.

    It SUCKS. The series stinks of rehashed plotlines from other shows. I felt like I was watching an episode of CSI,or Lost, or what have you.

    It’s almost like the netowrk who runs this show has a blank ad-lib worksheet and just fill in the blanks.

    Give me G4, NATGEO, TLC , HIST, or DISC any day over this bullshit.


    Of course it’s rehashed plotlines. It’s no better than Lost, etc. But I didn’t watch it for any deep meaningful plot, I just wanted to see what kind of abilites and/or unique applications of them they could come up with.

    In fact, if you watched it trying to get anything more out of it than that, your expectations were too high to begin with. In your case, it sounds like you had already made up your mind you didn’t like it before you ever looked at it.

    If that’s not a biased decision, I don’t know what is. After all, if you don’t like that kind of series to begin with, there isn’t any chance of you giving it an objective review of it anyway.

    Not that I haven’t ever made a decision in such a fashion, but I would be equally ready to admit that I hadn’t really watched much of the show and I could be wrong. Or that I don’t really like that kind of show, so you’d have to look elsewhere for an unbiased opinion.

    I’m just saying…


    I judged LOST by the first two episodes, and I was right.


    Yeah, but you could have still been wrong… I have encountered more than one series that started of with me hating it, and then later getting to like it. All I’m saying is you can’t honestly judge an *entire series* based one one episode.

    At best all you can say is you saw an episode and didn’t like it. But there are a lot of great series that had bad episodes, so that wouldn’t be saying much either…

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