Battlestar Galactica Meets Star Trek

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Cause a Starfleet shuttle ain’t got nuthin’ on a Colonial Viper…

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    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Colonial Vipers seem to just have has slug throwers as weapons. Star Fleet deflector shields are more than capable of protecting against kinetic weapons.

    Both Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica underutilize the weapon capabilities of their non-weapon technologies(e.g. teleporters, jump drives, warp drives, etc.)


    Yes, I was always disapointed that no one else ever used the Picard Manuver.


    The Picard Maneuver was a good one.

    The Bonehead Maneuver in Babylon 5 is what Reboot would like to see using jump, warp or wormholes.

    Anyways I just love these three series. (TNG, BSG, B5) I would hope this is real! Any combination would just be spectacular.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Bonehead maneuver is good example: if you have an every source powerful enough to bend space, why not use that as a weapon?
    Why would you ever use a nuclear missle, if you can just put the warhead aboard a ship and “jump” in the middle of your enemy’s ship?
    TV SciFi writers have zero imagination.


    “because jumping in, and out of a low orbit over a planetary mass”

    Then there’s that nasty gravity well issue too…..

    tiki god

    And of course, there’s the Star Wars method of stopping all that shit from happening, with their interdiction cruisers and what not. For every manuever or physics based attack a scifi writer can come up with, another writer can come up with an answer to it 🙂

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Interdiction cruiser is the exception that makes the rule. It was thought up by a novelist and a pretty good one at that. Novelists actually show some creativity. TV writers, not so much.

    @phyrblade, read some books by Iain M Banks,Charles Stross or Vernor Vinge. They all write kick-ass stories that will blow your mind with the use of technology. Star Trek and Star Wars writers are just hacks, there’s no excuse for them. [/rant]


    Not to scale, nuff said.

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