I’d hit it so hard, it would take the future king of England to pull me out


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    +5’d for teh clever.

    Though it needs more thought, better contrasting type and some refinement. See me after class.


    Yeah, that is definitely a clever one. I’m adding it to my repertoire of shit I never say because the opportunity never arises.


    not to nitpick but shouldn’t it be

    “the once and future king of England to pull me out”


    Not based on the picture – this is Arthur as a boy before he became King the first time… (and from what I recall, the ‘Once and Future King’ won’t have to yank any swords out of stones upon his return…)


    That’s a boy??


    The once and future king is King Arthur, learn your literature.

    Mega points for originality.


    Whoa… wait a sec… what’s he pulling the sword out of… Is that a fleshlight…?

    I call shenanigans…


    Hey Paul, you must be drunk because that doesn’t look like a boy. Thus, if it’s a little girl holding a sword (that doesn’t look like it’s stuck in any stone really, it’s hard to tell) it very well could be Ms. Joan of Arc.

    So, if I need to learn my literature, you should learn what a male of our species normally looks like. That heshe might look like someone in your circle of friends but not like any boy I know.


    Hey Farva, what’s that restaurant you like to go to with all the goofy shit on the walls?


    1) I was responding to ChaosMFX, who is implying the Once and Future king is Jesus.

    2) I see no hips or breasts. Women were commonly not allowed military duty in medieval times. Young men were often depicted as having soft features of the period.

    3) Sword being pulled from a stone is obviously King Arthur, most popularly recounted in the famous novel THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING. Even the creator of this refers to the King Arthur reference.

    4) Joan of Arc actually preferred the standard to her sword, using it mostly for close quarter combat.

    5) Don’t take it out on us just because you’re attracted to the young King Arthur. I recommend seeing a counselor about your burgeoning sexuality, and learn to express it in a healthier manner.


    AHHH sorry bout that…. I thought you were talking to me. This is why the @SoAndSo is so important.

    Nah, my sexuality burgeoned long ago and is in full force hetero but you can be as gay as you want, it doesn’t matter to me. (not you you, but you as in people in general)


    This is, in fact Arthur as a boy and you can recognize it by several things in the picture: Joan of Arc would not have Celtic crosses outside her churches… There is a Lion (the traditional symbol of royalty in England where the Fleur de Lis is most often used to depict French Royalty…

    Also, as a ‘medieval geek’ (SCA for those that know about it) these appear to be traditional garb for the time period that Arthur is supposed to have lived (and yes, that’s what BOYS wore then, women would have full length skirts or dresses, not tunic and hose).

    @Paul – wow, were you way off… others have already pointed out that the Once and Future King is Arthur so I won’t belabor that point… But where did you get Jesus out of what I said??? All the stories end with Arthur sailing off to Avalon (or ‘the mystic isle of xxxxx’ or whatever depending on the version you read) and Excalibur has already been returned to the Lady of the Lake so there will be no need for him to ‘pull it from the stone’ again when he returns…


    OOPS, 1st paragraph should have ended:

    French Royalty…) on the shield of the knight behind him which probably means that is Uther or some other royal relative (since Arthur is not King yet it would not be HIS shield)…

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    I just want to point out that SCA is hardcore geek cred.


    My bad. I’m just so used to arguing with Jesus freaks that when royal terms and “his return” are thrown around that’s immediately where my mind goes.



    Makes sense.


    egnilk66 your ability to reduce the intelligence level of this conversation to near knuckle dragging levels astounds me.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    That was a lot of menstrual blood over one stupid joke about that picture making the guy look girly.

    The air quality must suck where ever you bickering old women are because your brains are obviously starved for oxygen.

    But at least you know your history. You know what they say: if you wanna be rich and successful get a degree in history or philosophy.

    King Arthur was the king of England.
    France’s thinger Mcfucky is the Fleur De Lis
    I like to get fuckup drunk with your mom.
    And make her drink my pee.

    *dee dee diddly dee I’m on strike you like boys*


    Makes sense. Didn’t mean to offend your intellect.


    Thoracic infarction

    I must isn’t be so smert as you. I wush I kudda done learnin in skule.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca




    MY GOD



    It’s those head-kicks that protect me Mr. Anus Butt. Member?? You memmmer….


    Childish argument: great way to go about disproving my point. *Slow hand clap*

    Also, I never said you weren’t intelligent, merely that you had a hideous knack of reducing the level of discussion on here.




    No, I’m telling you….it’s because I’m just not that smart.


    Why is he pulling Excalibur out of a drain pipe? D:

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Intelligence, self congratulatory (masked as self deprecating) remarks, and content aside…you’re annoying and not funny.

    Darko’s one comment there with tow words total was funnier than everything you’ve written on here and more entertaining than everything you’ve written on here combined. Especially the stupid sarcasm which you continue to think is like being witty.
    It’s not.


    See…here you go again….talking shit for nothing.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    oops egnilk (in case that wasn’t staggeringly obvious)

    I’d like lady of the orb to show me her orbs and let me put my sword in her drain pipe.


    Besides….this post would have had four whole comments had I not called this little bitch a girl.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    for nothing?










    The Matrix: Rebooted

    If you really don’t think that you’re smart then in the words on Mr. Lincoln, better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and have it be certain.








    Oh reboot you’re so wise. Perhaps I don’t give a fuck what is thought or known.


    Damn Magus, take it easy. If you hate him so much just put him on route:ignore and leave it be.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You intent and concerns also aside, you’re annoying.

    Maybe you don’t care? I think you do and you just don’t believe it.

    You’re annoying and you’re not funny. You’re like spam without a purpose.


    Sorry Magnus, but apparently I magically make your erection disappear.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I refuse to stick my head in the sand and let him ruin the site.

    I think that’s a pretty good answer.


    Actually Reboot, the quote by Lincoln was: “I am rather inclined to silence, and whether that be wise or not, it is at least more unusual nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot.”
    If you are going to quote directly, try to be a little more accurate.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    oh ya that’s right.


    Do you have any hot friends?



    Your missives are far more ruinous than my apparent lack of being interesting.


    K, it’s freeway time.



    Reacting to him just encourages more of the behavior you are so angry about.

    I understand where you are coming from, but nonetheless, you’re just playing his game as long as you keep confronting him.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    No. That’s your problem (aside from misusing the word missives). You won’t accept blame or criticism. You have to. You really are not funny.


    No reacting will be the only thing that stops him. A barrage from every user will hammer it home. Ignoring him just makes him act even worse. No one is playing his game. He’s not smart enough to come up with a game. He’s just a screaming retard who needs to be smacked around.


    Well, to each his own I suppose.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    , It wasn’t meant as a direct quote, that’s why I didn’t use quotation marks. Lincoln said a lot of things; just because you have one related quote, doesn’t invalidate the source for my quote. Further the source for any quote is irrelevant to its wisdom.
    So if you’re going to act intelligent, try to be a little more than a pedantic twat.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    lol pedantic twat.


    Your complete lack of original thought or introspection is stunning and only eclipsed by how small your wang must be.
    Your own words: “then in the words of Mr. Lincoln”
    If you were paraphrasing him, you should have stated it. Instead you used the phrase “in the words of ….” which implies a direct quote, with or without quotation marks, asshat.
    Also, that particular quote you were using has been attributed to several people, Lincoln included, with no direct proof that any one of them said it first. Which, while it doesn’t invalidate your source, certainly puts it in doubt.
    Further, while the source does not invalidate the wisdom of the quote, the fact that you apparently didn’t know any of that does make your use of said quote quite ironic. You’ve certainly proved your foolishness to everyone here.
    Oh, and calling someone a pedantic twat in a post that reeks of pedantic twatism is the biggest pot in the world making a satellite call to the kettle.
    But what should I expect from a diletantesque douchbag such as yourself?

    tiki god

    So I say to myself, golly self, (HAHA, see what I did there!?), ok, so I say, hey self. Maybe you should just ban all the trolls ON MCS, cause goddammit they’re annoying as piss in the wind.

    And then I realized trolls are the only ones that post comments. It’d be pretty quiet around these parts without the trolls. By golly, I’d say it’d be TOO quiet! My only hope is that you’re spastic commenting also involves spastic clicking through to the sponsor’s websites.

    Troll On Trolls.
    Troll On.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Who the hell was that asshole?


    You’d think he ran the place or something…..


    I was wondering the same thing…

    I see whut u did thar…



    Trollin trollin trollin…keep them trollies goin, when your colin’s swollen….RAWHIDE!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Colin is swollen?

    ffs…he’s 13 you deviant bastards…


    The funny thing is i work with a guy named Colin.
    He’s pretty swole himself, eats too much red meat and fried food.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    That’s like way less funny…


    i meant funny ironic, not funny haha. He’s a funny guy, tho i expect him to have a coronary any day now.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    That would be funny.


    I totally accept and take responsibility for not being funny to you…but it doesn’t really matter. I guess instead of missive I should have used diatribe or rant.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    There is no subjectivity to this. You are not a funny person.

    It does matter. This is a humour site that thrives and survives thanks to making people laugh. You not being funny kills it.

    You spam this site with shit and no one wants you here.

    Get it?

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