

True story : I quit smoking by wanting to, and then doing it.  Without patches, pills, dolls, or invisible men helping me.

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    True Story: Some people are more addicted than others depending upon their bodies, how much they smoke, and how long they’ve been smoking. Sometimes just your orgasmic conclusion of great self-confidence has been inconclusive.

    despite rumors

    Way to go, Tiki! I’m proud of you!


    5’d for Tiki quitting, not for those stinky shit sticks.



    Me too. My aunt died from something directly related to smoking. I quit that day. it’s bad shit.


    I did the same. Can’t seem to give up the spliff though…


    Hey Ando,

    The spliff won’t hurt you as badly as smoking.

    I know, I know, “studies” have shown that weed has more cacinogens that tobacco, but it has been used medicinally for over 5000 years.

    It is the best known natural bronchial diolator.

    Sadly, I am struggling with my smoking habit. I have 2 little girls and want to quit for them. Kudos for those of you who have quit, it is really hard to do.


    Bravo, Tiki!


    I did this, too. The money you save by quitting smoking can help pay for all the medical bills that you might run into if you hadn’t Quitting is for winners!


    And you’re that much sexier for quitting.


    mmm they look like camels


    Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it a hundred times. 😛


    Presently trying to quit the nic stix. Already quit the liquor about 3 years ago (no holy reason, just decided to quit), and I realize that nicotine is a whole lot harder for me. Also the cig money is holding back my spliffies. Oh well, we chose your vice.


    edit: we chose OUR viceS.


    After I quit smoking cigarettes, I kept smoking tobacco out of one of my pipes. I had to clean that think 10x more often then I did when it was purely for more… recreational purposes, with pretty much the same amount of smoking going on.

    (I was VERY recreational in college).

    Also, tobacco resin is a lot stickier and nastier. If anything, keep the F away from tobacco. After the fifth time cleaning that thing, I quit for good.

    Except when I’m drunk. Which is often. 🙁


    ah the pipe, i love it. great aroma i still got my first corn cob pipe… still a great smoke. tobacco is nasty I have these paper filters in the pipe and after every 2-3 smokes its tar brown and wicked nasty smelling, i mostly smoke it when im drunk at a party.

    And I have started smoking less cigs because of this video i did it myself and it will scare you to quit….or slow down


    I quit smoking close to 5 years ago. Threw the pack in the trash and walked away. I had one at a holiday party a few months later. I was pretty toasted and thought a cigarette would help clear my head like it used to. I nearly tossed my Christmas cookies. That’s when I knew I was done with cigarettes for good.


    i remember the first time i smoked, it was like 3 months ago. newport menthols taste like shit
    and this one : have you felt the urge to fuck your little girls in the ass with a chainsaw like you do me?


    : Let’s not continue on your little temper tantrum, son. If I remember correctly, you’re 13 years old, so please don’t start picking fights.


    Tiki FTW, now you have more money to spend getting all liquored up.


    *runs outside for a smoke*

    ya know, every anti-smoking ad just makes me want one. sad, really.

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