Sandwich Porn – Montreal Smoked Meat!


My wife ordered this and ended up taking most of it home with her. She just wanted a sandwich, but this could have fed Rush Limbaugh! (well post-drug bust anyway).

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    1) no one believes you’re old enough or attractive enough (physically or mentally) to have a wife, give it up already.

    2) Oh lawd, is dat sum Rush Limbaugh humor? from at least 100 years ago? when it still wasn’t even remotely funny?

    Sure, he’s a fat pathetic looser, like you, but where’s the humor in that?

    Now if you had said “My boyfriend tried to eat this whole sandwich but his raging hard on for it kept getting in his way, despite his immense gut. So we took it home where he was able to finish it after I sucked him flaccid,” That might have been funny. Or just really sad for all its accuracy, either way it would have been better than the comment you attached to this worthless pic.


    phj200, when are you going to ge the hint? No one here likes you. Time to move on. Cut your losses.

    beep beep

    How much did that cost? That could feed me and my hoosband for weeks, I tell thee! WEEKS.



    beep beep

    That’s no sandwich.
    It’s a MANWICH.


    “I’m staying. I find 14 year olds with big mouths very entertaining.”

    Oh man PJ…the haters are going to totally run with this comment…

    Maybe Tiki should take back over the site to put an end to this lame ass comment war.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Tiki should take back over the site, in the sense that people should be restricted from posting images that are lame. A sandwich?? WTF is up with that?
    If someone keeps getting low ratings on the images they post, then they shouldn’t be allowed to post. It’s that simple. Otherwise the S/N ratio is going in the crapper. It’s starting to already.


    Tiki isn’t the only person who approves pics. There are i think 3 or 4 other admins that can do so. They don’t post or comment on any posts though so they don’t really know whats going on as they don’t pay attention to the comments.


    when i read posts from pjh3000 it brngs to mind this pic….

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    That makes a lot of sense. Tiki queues up images months ahead of time to account for drinking binges; I was wondering how he made time to approve images within a few hours.
    Also how do multiple submissions of sandwich porn gets approved? The first time was funny, but now its like a six year old who keeps telling the same joke.

    tiki god

    1.) I like sandwiches.
    2.) It’s just me approving images.
    3.) Ratings are a bit fucked up cause of the wp-cache plugin. Sorry.
    4.) Images approved all happen while I’m at work and I have a couple extra minutes to throw down.
    5.) uh…that’s it?
    6.) Advertise on my site

    Spac Demon

    Imagine all of the porn that would be posted if you didn’t pre sreen all of the images…

    that may not be such a bad idea..


    Thank Cthulhu I don’t know who the Limabauugah person is…


    Internet flame war bandwagons always work out pretty well in the sense that the adults who form the faceless, largely anonymous internet possy inevitably come out looking more mature than the very very young person they persistently harass using, largely, the safety of numbers.

    Spac Demon

    very true, Caio.

    *golf clap*

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