NSFW – Dear all you fuckers

Please, stop saying ‘How is this possible? I saw this image 3 days before it was posted!’ Let me take an excerpt from the FAQ.

13.) Sweet Raptor Jesus, I found a post FROM THE FUTURE.

Dear God. Be careful of your time traveling abilities, and use them for awesome, and not for evil. Or did you just click on one of the random posts, and came to a future dated post? Only logged in MCS members can access those pages. You see, I like to drink. A lot. You help pay for that (see #10 above) Unfortunately, that means that I’ll go for days on end without accessing the site, due to alcohol poisoning or being passed out in jail. To make sure that the site doesn’t go ‘dry’ (get it? heh) I set some posts up to be automagically posted on the site. Fortunately for logged in MCS members, you can get random access to them via the ‘random posts’ section in the sidebar. Have fun with that knowledge.

Also, NSFW tits.

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    my favorite part is the boobies.


    there is nothing wrong with this picture.




    i met this old fisherman (like 70 years old, so he shocked prejudgemental (meh w/e) me) that told me a story about this really hot woman, and he described her like this :
    “She was so fine, i could have eaten from her ass with a teaspoon”

    This girl made me think of that line 🙂


    I don’t think there’s a girl hot enough to make me want to eat ass.

    Alec Dalek

    Kaze, you’re going to make some girl feel really mediocre some day.

    As long as she’s had a shower, it’s perfectly hygienic. Or you can use a bit of cellophane. If ya put you’re tongue in there, she’ll let you put other personal items in there as well. It’s all about give and take.


    haha that old guy wasnt talking about the fine(?) art of rimming tho.


    I’m sure your man really appreciates your rimjobbing ability there PJ, but we don’t want to here about it

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    pjh3000 is so God damned unfunny I think I’d need brain damage to understand where he’s coming from.

    i mean



    Go stick your tongue in some girl’s ass you fucking doorknob. Make sure she’s had a shower though because that way you won’t get dysentery when you stick your tongue up it. Oh wait…unless she’s had a colonic you very well could get sick from it. Because most people don’t stand on their heads and spread their asses open in the shower.

    If course you could use plastic wrap. Which also prevents herpes. In dumbshitville.

    How are you even alive?

    How has Darwanism not resulted in you being snuffed out like the fucking dodo?

    How has your genealogical line persisted?

    Alec Dalek

    Jeros: “I’m sure your man really appreciates your rimjobbing ability”

    Oh, I see what you did there. You took what I said and turned it around to imply that I am gay (or a woman). That’s very clever! I’m sure no one on the internets has ever tried that one (well, no one with brains). Well played old chap, well played.

    Alec Dalek

    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson

    Thanks for taking more time out of your obviously busy schedule to write another full page rant about me. You really seem to take an interest in me, but I’m sorry, I’m just not available. My wife took me off the market a few years ago. I’m probably not your type anyway so it’s best that you just move on. We’ll always have myconfinedspace.com though.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Apparently I’m too funny and/or harsh for this site.

    I’ve had my virtual wrist slapped with “warnings” for picking on the slow kid.

    Enjoy your site pj. I’m not going to post on this bullshit anymore.

    My fault for actually having a sense of humour.

    Congratulations on finding your home on the web. I’m sure it’ll be gone soon enough now anyway.


    “Apparently I’m too funny and/or harsh for this site.”

    Well, I for one thing you are just funny enough. Kind of like a free funny jerk as a free addition to funny pics.

    “I’ve had my virtual wrist slapped with “warnings” for picking on the slow kid.”

    Virtual wrist? Holy Raptor jezuz, you are taking internet far to seriously, I suggest you seek a good shrink.

    “My fault for actually having a sense of humour.”

    A sense of W H A T ? Is this humoUr of yours some kind of sixth sense? One that enables you to “see dead people(TM)”? 🙂

    “Congratulations on finding your home on the web. I’m sure it’ll be gone soon enough now anyway.”

    00000oooOOOOOoo… scary 8-(0)!


    “How has Darwanism not resulted in you being snuffed out like the fucking dodo?”

    Ah, ofcourse, I was forgetting the part of Origin of the Species where Darwin explains that a type of animal being hunted to death constitutes evolutionary change.


    “How has Darwanism not resulted in you being snuffed out like the fucking dodo?”

    Ah, ofcourse, I was forgetting the part of Origin of the Species where Darwin explains that a type of animal being hunted to death constitutes evolutionary change.



    Oh man I fucking love you guys


    Raptor Jesus sucks ass you fucking tit wads!



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