5,000 Comment Spam Later

You have to be registered and logged in to comment.  Sorry, but I’m just getting too tired of all the spam getting past akismet

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    Maybe its time for mods?


    why dontcha put a verification image?


    I didn’t even know you could register.

    And here I was, wishing for the ability to. Huzzah!


    present and accounted for!


    Good boy. I didn’t even know there way a registering place, but alas. 50 bucks says that this will last for about 3 days, then the spammers start raping your wife and burning your crops.


    i don’t mind the whole register/login as long as the funny pics keep coming

    Marked Hoosier

    I caved in and registered. I am a follower…


    Registered a little while back. but lost my username AND password, so I had to do it again.


    Sorryyoulost, just as long as they’re not raping the crops and burning my wife, it’s all good..


    what you need to do is send the ppl to their houses, and get a urine sample to make sure they are real, and not robots, holycraparobot.


    Yeah good plan colin. Why do you bother posting?


    i dont know why. why do you bother posting you son of a bitch, stop worrying about me and get a sex change. yes your life long dream


    I post to give insight and another perspective into the images and comments posted on here.


    yea thats funny, because this isnt dr. phil dipshit it is a funny website.


    and besides, kero, why would you say this: “ZOMG SEND PPLZ 2 THAYR HOUS AND C IF TAY R A ROBOT111″, thats just asanign


    So because its a funny website and not “dr. phil dipshit” (I don’t think that’s his last name but it should be.) we have to degenrate every thread into pointless babeling about “SENDING PPLZ 2 THAYR HOUS AND C IF TAY R A ROBOT111″?

    And also your orginal plan was flawed. Why would you go to their house for a urine sample to see if they are a robot? If you are alreayd at their house why not just look at them to see if they are a robot. Or do you just like collecting as many cups of piss as you can?


    i call them as i see them, yes i will agree with you sir, dr. phil is a dipshit, finally we can agree on something, but i still have yet to decipher the message that is “ZOMG SEND PPLZ 2 THAYR HOUS AND C IF TAY R A ROBOT111″.


    It’s “Send people to their house to see if they are a robot!” In moron. Should have suit your literary skills just fine.


    oh, i dont speak dipshit. if you want to debate somthing, then give me ur aol sn or somthin im tired of getting on this fucking thing to defend my (word that ends in “ity”)


    Lol AOL kiddie. That explains everything. And did you mean “Dignity”? You need to have some before you can defend it.


    oh i do have dignity, a lot of it actually, most of it is in my pants, along with my manhood, and two tickets to paradise


    Well considering you didn’t even know what the word for dignity was I think I win. GG uninstall your browser please.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Holy shit. I don’t take sides without reason: colin, you’re a fucking loser.

    Kero nailed it. Anyone who writes ZOMG THNXBAI or ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US needs to close their browser, turn around in their chair, and start that daunting walk back into reality.

    Plus your dignity in your little example there should be your fucking manhood you retard. Add to that you use AIM. That makes you a gay retard. So the gay retard then goes on to call someone out for an AIM nerd off.

    I don’t know where you are geographically but there must be a hardware store nearby. Go buy some fucking rope already and go out like you came in: swinging from a cord and stinking like a pussy.


    I dunno, I think they’re both dumbasses.


    Best pointless thread ever.



    Oh, man, I was hoping they could ping-pong forever about whatever the fuck they’re talking about. kk colin/kero discussion here, but no one post in that other topic their fighting in K?


    im not fighting with him, and besides i didnt say ZOMG THNXBIA


    This thread deserves to go in the record books as best evs.


    I have to agree with Ando here, both are dumbasses. Kero is for making a big deal out of it in the first place. And colin is for being so offended, and a general dumbass. On a side note, dignity isn’t the only word that ends with “ity” that could fit there; like sanity. Because I’m already making a long post, cyborgs are robots too. Between giving away a free urine sample and having some stranger feeling me up looking for some kind of a plug, I’ll give em the piss.

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