you have ur website under your control, and if you want to put forums on here i say hell yea more power to ya, but the thing is, how many forums are you gonna put on here a day/week, cuz it would take some super hard internets knowledge to kno if u did it rite, im not critisizen or nothin, so dont get mad at me, i want some forums, but really my point is i want forums to bitch at ppl with (like that humorless bastard brandon n.)lols, the hard part about this would be to create a way for your site users to get to the forums easier than just going throu page throu page throu page (but im pretty sure that you culd figger dat out on ur owns)
17 years ago
No forums… no real need.
17 years ago
Colin, do you even realize what a forum is? The forum, I assume, on here would just be a link to the MCS Forums, but the main site would still exist, forums or no.
17 years ago
i see wat ur sayin but a forum would be just an okay add on, and everyone would use them sooner or later, and if they dont it dosnt matter
17 years ago
i kno taht, im just sayin, a forum wouldnt really matter
I say yes! I think MCS could use a forum.
Anyway, the whole site would remain the same, people could still come in and see their daily dose of “WTF” imagery, except that there would be a “MCS Forums” link on the side. Go for it!
No need really. it already kind of is a forum. but only you can make the topics.
lol, very true
I say no. This site is great because you don’t have to sift through endless forum posts to get what you come to see.
no forums.
well tikigod, look at it this way ok?
you have ur website under your control, and if you want to put forums on here i say hell yea more power to ya, but the thing is, how many forums are you gonna put on here a day/week, cuz it would take some super hard internets knowledge to kno if u did it rite, im not critisizen or nothin, so dont get mad at me, i want some forums, but really my point is i want forums to bitch at ppl with (like that humorless bastard brandon n.)lols, the hard part about this would be to create a way for your site users to get to the forums easier than just going throu page throu page throu page (but im pretty sure that you culd figger dat out on ur owns)
No forums… no real need.
Colin, do you even realize what a forum is? The forum, I assume, on here would just be a link to the MCS Forums, but the main site would still exist, forums or no.
i see wat ur sayin but a forum would be just an okay add on, and everyone would use them sooner or later, and if they dont it dosnt matter
i kno taht, im just sayin, a forum wouldnt really matter
No forum. The place that shall not be named is good enough for the legion of anonymous.
Maybe you should get a forum, then colin will post more and HOPEFULLY learn to type some day -_-‘.
… I only look at the pictures.
no forums….’comments’ are sufficient.
listen to me, i hope ur not here to criteisize my typeing rather than to talk about the subject at hand
good burn.
I say YES to a forum.
Oooh, another forum to get banned from? I’m in.
Sweet jeebuz no.
You know what forums do to the average IQ?
I say yes! I think MCS could use a forum.
Anyway, the whole site would remain the same, people could still come in and see their daily dose of “WTF” imagery, except that there would be a “MCS Forums” link on the side. Go for it!
And… what exacty would these forums be about? 😛
About bashing religion and star trek of course.
nah… I enjoy the simplicity of this place 😛
No, V3N0M is true
maybe a bigger list of ‘recent comments’…
No forum, the format is fine.
It’s like a forum now, only people stay on topic for te most past and tiki always has the OP.
No forum, the format is fine.
It’s like a forum now, only people stay on topic for the most part and tiki always has the OP.
I vote no on the forums but would ask that you add a preview function to the comments. It’s hard to proof read in this tiny box.
Maybe even bbcode for image support.
Some Guy
Just did that, now the preview shows up right below where you’re typing. Yay!
Slick, Thanks Tiki!
i did me a nice burn i thinks, ohh tiki you have done the un doneable, made me reads mah commment b4s it gets all the ways up theres
no >:[
Yeah I just noticed the preview thing last post. Nice work ^_^
And when the fuck are you asking this?