Warning, Dr. Mario is not a real doctor. Do not take your clothes off for him. He is a plumber.
17 years ago
am i the only one on earth who hates this show? yea, i get it. he’s dark and mysterious and speaks his mind. who gives a fuck. focusing on one crip takes away from the overall balance of the show.
17 years ago
Yes. You are the only one who hates that show. Now go back to digging your deep deep holes in your back yard.
Warning, Dr. Mario is not a real doctor. Do not take your clothes off for him. He is a plumber.
am i the only one on earth who hates this show? yea, i get it. he’s dark and mysterious and speaks his mind. who gives a fuck. focusing on one crip takes away from the overall balance of the show.
Yes. You are the only one who hates that show. Now go back to digging your deep deep holes in your back yard.
I hate all drama tv shows. ESPECIALLY This one.