I got this from the internet a while back, and I can’t remember where it came from, nor can I find a logo/url on the image. Anyone know where it came from?
*laughs* It makes me want to take it to kinko’s, print it off, and hand it out in front of a church in a peacable manner, just so the churchgoers would intercede, and tell me I’m out of place, and get the cops to forcibly remove me for having an opinion.
Dan just like it’s cool not to be an idiot, right? lolz
17 years ago
We are all atheists. I just believe in one less god than you do. When you truly realize why you don’t believe in other gods you will understand why I do not believe in yours.
This quote is not mine but it speaks volumes.
ps. Great site Tiki God. I visit every day.
17 years ago
That leaflet is absolutely brilliant. It’s come at a grea time, too – I’ve been trying to voice those exact opinions in the last few weeks, but I never did it so aptly as Mr Curry has there. I think I’ll be quoting this one for a while…
Yeah Dan, all them “liberals” are just doing it cause its cool. /sarcasm
17 years ago
“So when did it become ‘cool’ to be anti-Religion? I know it became ‘cool’ to be liberal a few years ago. Fools.”
Couldn’t agree with you more Dan. I see so many people my age at college and even in high school now simply denying God to rebel against parents or “be unique.” It’s ok, it aggrevates me but it’s not I who’ll have to deal with the repercussions.
17 years ago
Oh My Science! I finally see the light! or is it non light??????
“So when did it become ‘cool’ to be anti-Religion? I know it became ‘cool’ to be liberal a few years ago. Fools.”
I am an atheist, I am also pretty conservative about most things and I tend to vote indipendant. I think if you took a real good look at atheists you might find that most of us are not liberals and are not atheists because it’s “cool,” when 90% of the world population would as soon spit on you as say hello you are not “cool” by any definition of the word.
17 years ago
I found this pamphlet amusing, being an Atheist myself. But why even bother with the argument here? You believe, and we don’t get over it, until you do it is just gonna be the same old argument, cause people never look beyond the theist and atheist.
Just because more people are beginning to believe, doesn’t mean their intentions for doing so are corrupt or misplaced, they just believe in something different than you, just like a Buddhist, or a Muslim.
17 years ago
InsanE: I don’t think atheism should be described as a belief… after all, isn’t blind faith what we all think is so stupid in the first place?
i’m a scientist so i only believe evidence and i’ve never seen any evidence for god. but then again, is there any evidence which disproves god (no matter how ludicrous it sounds)?
This is the main problem I have with modern atheism. If I disagree with someone I’ve never met and will never talk to and who will have no real direct effect on my life, do I really need to call them stupid? Is that what you need to feel good about yourself?
I say this as a life-long atheist by the by. A very indifferent atheist who never thinks about religion except when it’s brought up in threads like this.
Jason Curry
17 years ago
Hi there. I am the author of the above pamphlet – a friend sent me a link to this discussion. Great to see it’s getting people talking.
Motor need not worry about disproving god. It is a common play for the theist to cross their arms and say “Go on then, prove to me that God doesn’t exist”. This is of course impossible, as it would require perfect knowledge of all existence to categorically state that God does not exist anywhere in any form. Isn’t it lucky then that we don’t actually have to do this…
While it is true that ‘absence of evidence is not evidence of absence’, to determine truth and knowledge by this maxim would ultimately lead to intellectual bankruptcy. It would demand that we automatically believe in any proposition, no matter how ludicrous, until it can be disproved. Magic fairies, hobbits, gremlins, The Loch Ness Monster, Santa Claus,…God…
No, it is obvious that a person who asserts the existence of something must assume the burden of proof. If they fail, then a rational person will, at the very least suspend judgement, and where a claim appears wholly unfounded, is justified in responding with explicit disbelief (conditional on further evidence coming to light).
As for the claim that atheists are just being rebelleous for coolness-sake, this is a pretty flippant and sweepingly dismissive remark. While I am sure that there are a small minority of superficial atheists motivated by coolness (?) even a cursory look over the above pamphlet or other serious atheist writings should reveal that, even if you think you do have answers for the issues raised (and after years of research I seriously doubt that you do), it can not be denied that the questions and problems that most atheists have are meaningful and sincerely expressed. I am not out to bait theists for kicks. I – as a husband, a father, a citizen – have genuine and serious concerns about religion – the logic, the morality, the influence.
Please feel free to use the pamphlet at will – carpet-drop it from planes if you can! You are welcome to add personal branding, however all that I ask is that the content is not altered as I want to ensure the intended message remains intact and that I retain copywrite as much of this will appear in a book I am currently writing called Your In-credible God.
@...Xcanadian: I think that quote was penned by Stephen Robert(s).
vanvelding (#4765)
16 years ago
Eh. As comprehensive and well-written as it is, there are a number of broad generalizations that don’t really address the ‘meat’ of the issue. As an atheist, I’m happy that one of the things we usually bring to the table is the truth instead of misconstrued stories and half-truths.
A lot of general faults are attributed to just a few denominations of Christianity (speaking in tongues) or just one big one (the Catholic Church, which, while large, isn’t the whole of Christianity).
The remarks about selling ones clothes to buy a sword were made when Jesus was getting ready to head out. His presence had defended his disciples up to that point, but it was his way of saying that they needed to defend themselves.
I’ve got my own issues with the Epicurus quote.
All-in-all, a good pamphlet that has a good structure, but reaches a bit too far at some points. Lookin’ forward to that book.
13 years ago
Lot of quotes in the leaflet from someone who didn’t pay attention to common sense when he was being taught religion. Even the Catholic church has officially stopped teaching about hell.
*laughs* It makes me want to take it to kinko’s, print it off, and hand it out in front of a church in a peacable manner, just so the churchgoers would intercede, and tell me I’m out of place, and get the cops to forcibly remove me for having an opinion.
Also, toward the center under the purple box just left of the image on the right, it says “Copywrite Jason Curry 2005”
Which leads you to: www.humanist.org.nz/letters.html
A search on some key sentences yielded an HTML document with the same text:
It’s attributed to Jason Curry, of the Humanist Society of New Zealand.
So when did it become ‘cool’ to be anti-Religion? I know it became ‘cool’ to be liberal a few years ago. Fools.
WoW that is ridiculously awesome! I’m going find ways of spreading this around.
Dan just like it’s cool not to be an idiot, right? lolz
We are all atheists. I just believe in one less god than you do. When you truly realize why you don’t believe in other gods you will understand why I do not believe in yours.
This quote is not mine but it speaks volumes.
ps. Great site Tiki God. I visit every day.
That leaflet is absolutely brilliant. It’s come at a grea time, too – I’ve been trying to voice those exact opinions in the last few weeks, but I never did it so aptly as Mr Curry has there. I think I’ll be quoting this one for a while…
This pamphlet in a PDF format can also be found here:
Yeah Dan, all them “liberals” are just doing it cause its cool. /sarcasm
“So when did it become ‘cool’ to be anti-Religion? I know it became ‘cool’ to be liberal a few years ago. Fools.”
Couldn’t agree with you more Dan. I see so many people my age at college and even in high school now simply denying God to rebel against parents or “be unique.” It’s ok, it aggrevates me but it’s not I who’ll have to deal with the repercussions.
Oh My Science! I finally see the light! or is it non light??????
“So when did it become ‘cool’ to be anti-Religion? I know it became ‘cool’ to be liberal a few years ago. Fools.”
I am an atheist, I am also pretty conservative about most things and I tend to vote indipendant. I think if you took a real good look at atheists you might find that most of us are not liberals and are not atheists because it’s “cool,” when 90% of the world population would as soon spit on you as say hello you are not “cool” by any definition of the word.
I found this pamphlet amusing, being an Atheist myself. But why even bother with the argument here? You believe, and we don’t get over it, until you do it is just gonna be the same old argument, cause people never look beyond the theist and atheist.
Just because more people are beginning to believe, doesn’t mean their intentions for doing so are corrupt or misplaced, they just believe in something different than you, just like a Buddhist, or a Muslim.
InsanE: I don’t think atheism should be described as a belief… after all, isn’t blind faith what we all think is so stupid in the first place?
i’m a scientist so i only believe evidence and i’ve never seen any evidence for god. but then again, is there any evidence which disproves god (no matter how ludicrous it sounds)?
This is the main problem I have with modern atheism. If I disagree with someone I’ve never met and will never talk to and who will have no real direct effect on my life, do I really need to call them stupid? Is that what you need to feel good about yourself?
I say this as a life-long atheist by the by. A very indifferent atheist who never thinks about religion except when it’s brought up in threads like this.
Hi there. I am the author of the above pamphlet – a friend sent me a link to this discussion. Great to see it’s getting people talking.
Motor need not worry about disproving god. It is a common play for the theist to cross their arms and say “Go on then, prove to me that God doesn’t exist”. This is of course impossible, as it would require perfect knowledge of all existence to categorically state that God does not exist anywhere in any form. Isn’t it lucky then that we don’t actually have to do this…
While it is true that ‘absence of evidence is not evidence of absence’, to determine truth and knowledge by this maxim would ultimately lead to intellectual bankruptcy. It would demand that we automatically believe in any proposition, no matter how ludicrous, until it can be disproved. Magic fairies, hobbits, gremlins, The Loch Ness Monster, Santa Claus,…God…
No, it is obvious that a person who asserts the existence of something must assume the burden of proof. If they fail, then a rational person will, at the very least suspend judgement, and where a claim appears wholly unfounded, is justified in responding with explicit disbelief (conditional on further evidence coming to light).
As for the claim that atheists are just being rebelleous for coolness-sake, this is a pretty flippant and sweepingly dismissive remark. While I am sure that there are a small minority of superficial atheists motivated by coolness (?) even a cursory look over the above pamphlet or other serious atheist writings should reveal that, even if you think you do have answers for the issues raised (and after years of research I seriously doubt that you do), it can not be denied that the questions and problems that most atheists have are meaningful and sincerely expressed. I am not out to bait theists for kicks. I – as a husband, a father, a citizen – have genuine and serious concerns about religion – the logic, the morality, the influence.
Please feel free to use the pamphlet at will – carpet-drop it from planes if you can! You are welcome to add personal branding, however all that I ask is that the content is not altered as I want to ensure the intended message remains intact and that I retain copywrite as much of this will appear in a book I am currently writing called Your In-credible God.
Kind regards, Jason Curry
well said, mr. curry.
@...Xcanadian: I think that quote was penned by Stephen Robert(s).
Eh. As comprehensive and well-written as it is, there are a number of broad generalizations that don’t really address the ‘meat’ of the issue. As an atheist, I’m happy that one of the things we usually bring to the table is the truth instead of misconstrued stories and half-truths.
A lot of general faults are attributed to just a few denominations of Christianity (speaking in tongues) or just one big one (the Catholic Church, which, while large, isn’t the whole of Christianity).
The remarks about selling ones clothes to buy a sword were made when Jesus was getting ready to head out. His presence had defended his disciples up to that point, but it was his way of saying that they needed to defend themselves.
I’ve got my own issues with the Epicurus quote.
All-in-all, a good pamphlet that has a good structure, but reaches a bit too far at some points. Lookin’ forward to that book.
Lot of quotes in the leaflet from someone who didn’t pay attention to common sense when he was being taught religion. Even the Catholic church has officially stopped teaching about hell.