tiki god doesn’t like Doctor Who either, so I wouldn’t worry about it.
17 years ago
Have you seen it Tiki God? Because it not playing in your city requires the question? And if you haven’t seen it how can you make a judgement? It was not a bad movie; however, like Jason said, it is depressing.
The internets giveth. And because I’m a happy, sunshine and rainbows kinda guy, depressing = shitty. I like my political statement movies to be straight foward, with explosions. See V For Vendetta, Clockwork Orange and/or Platoon.
Sucks? no. It has gotten very good reviews from just about everywhere. Good movie, just horribly depressing.
There are two possible subjects that the pronoun it may refer to. Your crappy city, or that bitchin movie.
#2: Both actually
tiki god doesn’t like Doctor Who either, so I wouldn’t worry about it.
Have you seen it Tiki God? Because it not playing in your city requires the question? And if you haven’t seen it how can you make a judgement? It was not a bad movie; however, like Jason said, it is depressing.
The internets giveth. And because I’m a happy, sunshine and rainbows kinda guy, depressing = shitty. I like my political statement movies to be straight foward, with explosions. See V For Vendetta, Clockwork Orange and/or Platoon.
dude, it got a Grammy for best cinematography!
imho ur taste of movies is shitty.
Dude this movie kicked so much ass. It was excellent.
I’m sorry but…
Best film of 2006 (and so far this year too!)